
Monday, December 23, 2013

Give it your best POP!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is my last post of 2013!! It's also the final post for my extended POP TRAVEL BLOG TOUR!

I bring you tidings of great joy!
First, I want to thank all my little elves for making my book tour such an awesome experience. I can't express how much I appreciate their help.

7/7NickiEssence of PT in songs
7/8CharityPT quotes & hooks
7/14M. J.Release Info
7/15Jeff HRelease Info
7/15L. Diane WPromo/publishing
7/17Ellie GInterview
7/22M PaxSpacedock interview
8/5AlexSci Fi surprise!
8/12Father DragonLazy Dragon & Dwarf Minions
8/19ChandaraFuture of Cities
8/26ChristineLazy Housewife - gadgets
9/1-7CQ Week!Reviews, Guest Posts & Interviews
9/2VikkiFuture technology
9/23HeatherInterview w/Stormy
10/7RhondaTravel and/or jokes
10/21Julie FBooks by the Banks
10/28Elizabeth SLazy Housewife - stay healthy
10/30Angela & GwenFrom the Great Beyond Blog Hop
11/4MarkPT comic
11/26MichellePT deleted scenes
12/11DanaLazy Housewife - Xmas!
12/16BrindaBook trailer advice & BBF preview?!!

And through my busy Fall, I kept up with my schedule, except for the very last one - I'm a week late. Oh, well! My guest post about book trailers goes up at Brinda's today - with a sneak peek at my sample Broken Branch Falls book trailer! I hope you will go see her - and celebrate her release, WATCHER OF WORLDS, too!

I also wanted to let you all know my plans for 2014.
First, I can't believe I've kept the same header for a whole year! So that will change. Now, as I grow as an author, the purpose of my blog must change as well. I would like to make my blog more of a platform for showcasing you all and your upcoming awesomeness!

I am opening my blog to COVER REVEALS, BOOK RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENTS, GUEST POSTS, etc. My plan is to post one or two of these events, about once a week. So if you or someone you know is interested, email me: T A R A T Y L E R T A L K S @ G M A I L . C O M ! I'll be making a new button for it and everything. 2014 is the year I give back. Thanks, y'all!

By the way, Brinda's giveaway reminded me I didn't do one this month, so here it is.
Happy & Safe Holidays!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Don't stop til you reach the POP!

I think I forgot how to relax. We've had two snow days and I'm about to go on a trip to a tropical island but I'm afraid I'm too stressed out to enjoy it. It would be easier to stay home and get a ton of work and xmas responsibilities done. Plus, I've already mentioned how much I detest flying.

Okay, that's enough complaining. I probably need a vacation if I'm so stressed, right? I will try to have a good time. Ha!

And, I am totally late announcing my sweetheart of a friend, Dana, who is hosting me on my 2nd to last stop on my POP TRAVEL BLOG TOUR! Can't believe how fast it's gone by! My guest post is full of Christmas goodies and tips. I hope you have time to visit her. And she has some great inspirational posts each week. I totally recommend you check her out!

What does the camel say? "Guess what day it is!"

At least these guys know how to use a good snow day!

Stay safe & happy!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pop of the Charts

What happened to 2013? December already??

Well, I feel like I'm behind on everything! But I've also gotten a ton done, so what didn't get done will just have to wait, right? For the Insecure Writers Support Group this month, I suggest reflecting on what you have accomplished this year, rather than what you didn't. It's like Vikki's "Celebrate the small things" on a grander scale. To that end, here are some things I'm proud to have accomplished this year.

#1, of course, is getting POP TRAVEL published. And I've had two successful book signings and one less successful one (can't win all the time!). And I achieved my goal of getting on the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble! The last big bookstore! Who would've thought that only a few years ago?

#2, reading some of my friends' books - I'm so excited for them, too!

#3, working full time - though the long-term subbing is kicking my butt, it's good to get back to work! (with kids approaching college, I've got big bills ahead!)

#4, writing a bunch! I've gotten pretty far on my sequels.

How's the year gone for you? What's your proudest achievement of 2013?

Since I'm dwindling to posting just once a week, I'm going to go ahead and announce a couple of other items...

My comedic friend and editor, Andrew Buckley, has another book coming out this week. STILTSKIN. I'm in the midst of his first book, DEATH, THE DEVIL, AND THE GOLDFISH, and I can tell you he is pretty hilarious. And very inventive in his marketing methods. It also helps that he knows what he's doing with media! Here are some of his audio creations to help promote the upcoming STILTSKIN... (will add more daily)

I recommend you take a listen for some hearty laughs!

Finally, I kick off the last month of my Pop Travel Blog Tour with Sydney Aaliyah on Friday, Dec 6. I only have 2 more posts after that, and boy, are my arms tired! (you know, from all the popping, but the reference is about flying, nevermind) I'll be talking about research - it's importance and how fun it is! One of my favorite things about writing is the research. I hope you will join me over there.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy December!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I can't believe we are already approaching December! My, isn't Thanksgiving late this year? Do you have any Christmas lights up yet? (if you do that...) I will be decking my halls Sunday, like a good procrastinator! Has nothing to do with being after T-giving! Working full time and then some has put a real crimp in my regular schedule. Most xmas gifts will be bought online - which means I better get to it so they get here in time!

Now, I need to tell you all where I am popping to for my Pop Travel extended blog tour today! Michelle Wallace has been a blog-life long friend. One of my original followers and a constant supporter. I'm so happy many of you have discovered Mish. She's much too awesome to not be shared!

For my post at her place today, I'll be exposing some Pop Travel outtakes... pop over, if you have time!

As always, thanks for your support!

How are your holiday trimmings and shoppings going? Got those stockings up yet? The tree? I think I'm ready for the season. How bout you?

And Happy Thanksgiving!! Don't get stuffed!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Can't unPOP a balloon

Hey Gang!
Since I've only been able to post once or twice a week, I'm doing my celebration today! Thanks, Vikki, for hosting this great weekly hop!

First, I'm celebrating with my bloggy friends in new releases (like Crystal Collier's Moonless) and cover reveals (like the Dragonfly Warrior by Jay Noel) - congrats and many more!

I'm also celebrating with my friends Julie & Lexi - hosting the sweet Dream Destination blog hop - they've had so many supporters offering prizes, even an agent critique! Definitely try to sign up! All you have to do is post about where you'd love to visit. It takes place Dec 5-8. Check it out!

I'm celebrating with my friends who are plugging away with Nano - I love seeing updates on facebook, twitter, and the blogs. Keep going!

As for my own celebrations...

  • I've made some progress in spare moments on SIMULATION, tweeting some quotes. I'm loving how this story is coming along and can't wait to share it with my little fan base! ha! (Vikki, don't worry. You get the first read!) Sometimes writing just feels so right!
  • Looking forward to visiting Michelle's blog next Tuesday with some Pop Travel out-takes. Fun!
  • And lastly. Yay for Scorpios! Wednesday (20th) is my bday!
I look forward to reading your celebrations on Friday!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Fiat 500 Pop!

No kidding! A Pop car!
Visit Fiat to find out more

Before I get into my post, it's Veterans' Day here in the US.

Remember freedom isn't free.

An army is made
of individuals, who
sacrifice for us
It's also Monday, which means it's time to POP over to another stupendous host! Today I'm visiting with my favorite scientist, Dr. Faerie Godmother herself, Rena! I had the privilege of getting a peek at one of her MSs and it's awesome! Space Knights and Super Novas, action, adventure, suspense, and a tough, sassy main character! I loved it! I hope you have a chance to stop by her place and say hello.
And I settled on a location for my Detroit Book Signing on Nov 30 - if you live up that way, I'd love to greet you in person!
Did you get a lot done this lovely weekend? Isn't November great! Keep going NANO-ers!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Yeah, I shoulda used that last month...

Happy IWSG Day! (Find more inspiration on the IWSG Facebook page)
Today I'm reflecting. I'm going to talk about the various stages of an author's life in this day and age as I've experienced them up to now...Perseverance is key!

  • New writer gets a story idea - I can do that! Writing is fun!
  • New writer boldly sends samples for critiques on writing websites - I stink! I need help!
    • Writer goes to conferences, takes classes, gets critique partners, enters contests
  • Now writer has more positive feedback - I'm not so bad! I think I'm ready to find an agent or publisher!
  • Writer discovers she needs to write query letters, synopsis, bios, blurbs - I can do that!
  • Writer gets no feedback or rejections galore - I stink! No one likes me.
    • Take heart dear writer! Don't give up! Someone will click with your writing!
  • Writer gets request for full! Writer gets offer! - I am talented! I don't stink!
But though that's a happy ending, it's only the beginning of our story...
  • Writer edits, decides on cover, edits some more
  • Release day! All friends and family buy book. Yay!
  • The day after release day and forever more! Marketing & Promotion. I find this stage to be the hardest part! But we carry on and we keep writing! What else would we do?
Perseverance is
getting on the bus after
being doused with mud.

Perseverance is
singing the next verse after
cracking on the first.

Perseverance is
writing the next book after
getting bad reviews.

Perseverance is
trying again and again
until it's done right!

Monday, November 4, 2013


You know, those comfy round chairs. I might have taken liberty with the spelling...

Happy, happy Monday!!
My oldest son had his first high school tryouts this weekend for basketball. I was biting my nails, crossing everything, and turning blue, holding my breath! I was going to report whether he made it or not. If he didn't make it, I was going to blame myself, passing on my short genes because he has been working his butt off!

I am so happy to report that he MADE THE TEAM!! I was crying before in anticipation, and crying after in relief. I empathize with his accomplishments and failures so much more than I ever did with my own. Being a parent is the hardest job on the planet, but also the most wonderful, if you do it right.

And to continue the good news:

  • I got my application sent out for the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus (in May 2014) I am so excited and hope that Julie Flanders and I get to see each other there!
  • I am also finalizing my book signing in Detroit - November 30. If you live in the area, I hope you can stop by!

Lastly, I am psyched for you all to see my fun little Pop Travel cartoon. My PT blog tour goes kazaam! at Mark Mean's blog today. And since he's such a comic fan, I made one about Pop Travel for him. Hope you have a chance to stop by and see it.

Happy November!! Best month of the year! (And don't forget to post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group on Wednesday! Stop by the new blog for it and facebook page, too!)

Stop the presses! This just in! Over the summer I asked my talented teenage artist neighbor to read Broken Branch Falls and make some sketches, if she'd be interested in me submitting her work for illustrations... I just got her renditions and they are FANTASTIC!!! Some of you might have seen them on facebook already, but I had to share them here too. I'm so excited about them! She really captured the characters!

What are you up to this fine Fall?!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The balloon goes Pop!

Seance time! It's late, it's dark, and it's the night before Halloween!

I will dim the lights as we take our seats at the large round table with its worn, white, delicate cloth and a crystal ball in the center. Join hands and close your eyes. Who do you see?

I imagine sitting on a sunny porch on a hot summer day sipping lemonade with the insanely intelligent and sweetly snarky Mark Twain. In his classic white suit and scruffy, laughing white beard, a cigar poking out of the side of his mouth, Mr. Twain gazes thoughtfully at the fluffy white clouds above magnificent magnolia trees before he begins his oration. I could sit here all day and listen to the witticisms flowing from his mouth.

At least we have what's been recorded (these are by Mark Twain from Brainy Quotes)

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Some of the others we contacted in our seance were...
Authors - Charles Dickens, Edgar Allen Poe, Margaret Mitchell, John Steinbeck, Mary Shelley,Stieg Larsson, Dame Daphne du Maurier, Jane Austen, Washington Irving, Carl Sagan, & Dr. Seuss!
Actors - Stan & Ollie, Heath Ledger

Mysterious, exciting, and fun! Thanks so much to those participating and especially to my co-hosts! AngelaGwen, and Roland! I really enjoyed reading everyone's posts!

But wait! Prizes! We have prizes! Each of us chose random winners from the participants and from the commenters on the posts - surprise!

The winners for me are...
Sheena Kay Graham and Donna Hole!
each receiving a Pop Travel gift!
Thanks again to all participants!

Monday, October 28, 2013

snap, crackle, POP!

Welcome, faithful friends! I feel like I'm fading from blogging. But I still try and visit as many as I can. And hopefully the things I share are worth viewing and reading! Like today I'm taking my Pop Travel Blog Tour over to Elizabeth Seckman! She's so romantic and full of spunk! A real sweetheart with some sweet books under her belt. I hope you will go visit her today, as I give some Lazy Housewife advice for staying healthy! Especially good for the sickie season! (Even though my little guy got a bug last week - can't prevent everything!)

I missed the Friday celebration with Vikki, but I do have several things to celebrate, so I'll say them anyway!

  • My little guy's fourth grade football team won their second championship in a hard fought battle this weekend! They're so cute! I mean, fierce!
  • I finally finished my last look at broken branch falls and am ready for the editor! Which left me free for the next celebration...
  • I finally finished my wonderful friend's book! And here is my review:

Wilder Mage by CD Coffelt!

Wilder Mage exposes an underground world of magic hidden from humans, controlled by an evil, psychotic temptress. When mysterious, handsome Justus encounters fiery, independent Sable, their powerful magic isn't their only spark. Coffelt pieces the characters together in an intricate puzzle, filling the reader with anticipation of how it will turn out. I thoroughly enjoyed discovering how magic works in this realm and Coffelt's descriptions wrapped me into the scenes. I'm anxious for the next one!

Wilder Mage

CD Coffelt, Huntress

  • And now, I'm super excited to get back into juicing up my sequels, Simulation in the Sleuth of the South, Cooper Files series... and Cradle Rock, in the Beast World series or Book of Ages series, can't decide which yet, after BBF.
Lastly, AngelaGwen, and Roland Yeomans and I are offering more chances for people to win something in our FROM THE GREAT BEYOND BLOG HOP!
On October 30, our participants will write a post about a famous deceased author or celebrity they'd like to contact in our seance. If you didn't get a chance to participate, but still would like a prize, go visit the posts and comment and we'll enter those, too. So we will haunt the blogs, reading the posts, then the spirits will select winners from the commenters and from the posters, to be announced on October 31. The prizes will be frightfully good, including copies of our books and more! We hope you will join us for a ghostly good time!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pop Out

Just popped in to pop back out again. Seems like that's all I do these days!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! We went to a fun harvest party - love to get out and talk to other moms, let the kids run around in the dark, and see the dads let loose, too.

So, today, I'm over at Julie Flanders's blog and I've switched our roles! I'm interviewing her for my blog tour. Since she will be releasing her second book The Ghosts of Aquinnah in Dec, I wanted to let everyone get to know her better, too! She's a fellow Cincinnatian, but we have yet to meet in person! Hopefully we will when we are accepted to an Ohio book festival next spring. Someday, Julie. Someday!

And don't forget to sign up for our Seance where we reach out into the Great Beyond! Since my senses tell me you all are so busy and may not have time to write a post, we are going to work out another way to raise the stakes for prizes... we'll let you all know the plan as the deadly hour approaches!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Popcorn, chips, and CAKE!

I'm celebrating with my little guy, who is not going to stay little for long. On Wednesday, he turned 10!

For his birthday, he is having some other little guys for a sleepover and a movie the next day. Should be fun and wild! Boys are so silly!

Speaking of silly. I'm also celebrating with my middle guy and his successful football season in middle school. Next year he plays in 9th grade. Hard to believe!

We had a picnic for the crazy guys and it was fun to see them play and be silly!

And finally, I'm celebrating four years of blogging (it was actually in Sept, but you know how busy I've been, sadly, blogging less!). Hard to believe that too!

These celebrations brought to you by Vikki's weekly hop! Thanks, Vik!

Monday, October 14, 2013


Happy October!
Did I already say that? Well, it's worth repeating. The weather has been gorgeous, the days have been full of events, and the leaves are changing - and don't forget, pumpkin everything!

Today, wonderful friends, I am popping in to do a Halloween Interview with Yolanda for my Pop Travel Blog Tour. She came up with some scary, creepy, disturbing, but fun questions. I also sent her a photo of me way back when I used to make my own costumes. I loved doing that! Now I just wear t-shirts and hand out candy... We need more adult costume parties around here!

Yolanda recently released Memories of Murder... here's all her info:
~Yolanda Renèe ~

Blogger at Defending the Pen

By the way, my fun, funny editor at Curiosity Quills has his second book coming out. It has an awesome cover and per his MO, he had to do something wild and crazy to hype the launch. He's so creative! Check out the trailer he tagged on the end of this "Star Wars" casting promo!

And don't forget to enter the "From the Great Beyond" blog hop. Since it looks like we may be short of post entries for all our prizes, we are thinking of broadening this opportunity to commenters on the participating blogs who post and posters will get five entries to each commenter's single.

Will you dress up for Halloween this year? What are your kids going to be, if you have some who trick or treat? And what is your favorite Halloween costume of years past? Go visit Yolanda and see mine =)

Friday, October 11, 2013

That color makes your eyes POP!

As a member of the Blog Tour Exchange, I am happy to host Renee' Novelle.

Renee' Novelle is preceded by a long line of published family members, including Pulitzer Prize nominated author and Poet Laureate of Kentucky Jesse Stuart. She's an avid reader, an enthusiastic quote poster, and rarely takes "no" as a final answer. She has an unhealthy obsession for theater, dance, music and art, and strongly believes that wine is simultaneously the beginning of, and resolution to, all of life's problems. She believes in following dreams, and that in the end, you always end up where you're meant to be.
I love that last thought!

Renee's latest novel is CALCULATED, an intense psychological thriller and today she will tell us what it takes to create complex characters and a twisted plot. Even though I love to read a good psychological thriller, I don't think I could cultivate one myself. But she makes it sound less intimidating, inviting even - and that's how she lures you in!

Developing a Psychological Thriller
By Renee Novelle

As writers, we know that every genre has its own unique pleasures, as well as its own tribulations, when bringing a story to life. Psychological thrillers are no different. In fact, because the focus is more internal, more on feelings and thoughts and expressions that don’t have boundaries, the challenge to create a truly unique, gripping plot can often be complicated.

On one hand, there’s an extraordinary freedom that can be found by the limitless possibilities that embody a good psychological thriller. On the other hand, the devil is in the details as they say, and not paying very close attention to that could turn a great story into a mediocre one.

For any new writers wishing to dabble in this genre, here are my five key points in developing a wicked story line that readers won’t be able to put down.


I know, this seems like an elementary point to make. However, crafting just the right core concept for a psychological thriller can often be the writer’s first stumbling block.

Don’t be afraid to dive into the dark and controversial when exploring the genre. In fact, often times it’s those socially controversial subjects that do the best. Silence of the Lambs dealt with cannibalism and cross dressers. Shutter Island introduced us to a world of mental illnesses. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo wasn’t afraid to mix misogynist rapists with religious elements. Push the limits of your own comfort zone, and introduce your audience to a perspective they might not be all together familiar with.

Character Development

This, I think is where the story really comes together. Sure, in a psychological thriller you might have characters that are a bit... out there. But it’s still extremely important to make them believable. Force the readers to connect with them. Expose their strengths and weaknesses to the fullest.

In order to do this, the characters have to be real to you. If you’re writing about a serial killer, you have to get in the mind of serial killer. If the protagonist is criminally insane, you have to know what that looks like, what it sounds like, what it feels like. That may mean reading diaries and autobiographies, watching documentaries, streaming live interviews... wherever your research takes you, plunge yourself into it fully.

When all the characters finally become real to you, everything else is just the simple matter of conveying the details to your readers.


Setting can have an extreme impact on the plot in your thriller. If the story takes place in the city, busy streets, crowded sidewalks and skyscrapers filled with people can provide all sorts of possibilities for action. If your setting is the country, the element of tranquility and silence can be used against your characters to create even more suspenseful scenes. Likewise, if your protagonist spends the entire duration of the story locked in a single room in an old house, think about what this could do to the psyche. Selecting just the right setting can make all the difference in the quality of the story.

Time Period

The place in time that you decide to drop your story can also have an interesting effect when you consider all the cultural nuances that could change how people feel and, ultimately, behave. By doing thorough research into what was socially acceptable and unacceptable at the time, you can discover a myriad of opportunities to play on these concepts and further deepen the personalities of your characters. By featuring a feminist during women’s suffrage, or an interracial relationship in the 1960’s, you can show a lot about your characters – and their mentality – without having to come right out and say it. Use this to your benefit wherever possible, and make bold statements that readers can connect with.


This is my favorite part of the process! Creating unique twists that the reader didn’t see coming. And this, for me at least, is the easiest part. Generally, I’ll plot out the entire story, then go back and occasionally throw in something random, something unpredicted in the middle of an otherwise mild scene. This happens a lot in my first book, Calculated.

And don’t forget the ending. I like to spend the entire duration of the story leading my readers to a certain place. I like for them to believe they know what will happen in that last chapter. And then, suddenly, in the last few paragraphs, I turn the tables on them and show them how nothing was as it originally seemed. And if they go back through the book, they could probably pick up on the subtle foreshadowing the entire time. This kind of mind twist – like what you can find in Fight Club and Kiss the Girls – is what will have readers not only remembering your books, but begging you to write the next one.

--That was a great article! I'm so glad Renee' chose me to host her. Great advice! And here is more about CALCULATED by Renee' Novelle.

An investigative journalist gets an unlikely tip from a mysterious informant. Dismissing it as impossible, she disregards the information and drops the story. Until the informant turns up dead, as predicted. 

Plunged into the murky waters of a seedy underground prostitution ring, this psychological thriller provides twist upon dark twist in a story that would ultimately pin the church and several government officials in the largest murder cover-up the city has ever witnessed. 

But is it true, or has the journalist merely been used as a pawn in a greater scheme? And how many people is she willing to sacrifice trying to figure it out?

Purchase CALCULATED on Amazon
Renee's links:

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mommas & Poppas

I miss you guys! I miss blogging. I miss reading. I miss writing! Wah!
I've been grading, grading, grading! And will probably lose my voice from cheering at my little guy's football game (won against a tough rival!) AND I also had a smash of a shopping/book signing party - even sold some books! Hope you had a great weekend too!

Today, I am popping over to New Zealand! I love my fun friend, Rhonda. She's been an awesome supporter from my humble beginnings (to my humble now!) She travels all over creation – seriously! – with her sweet family. They always have the best time because they know how to laugh! She is passing on two of the best lessons to her kids: not to take life so seriously, and to appreciate what you have.

I can't wait to visit her some day!

And lest we forget - I'm celebrating Halloween with  AngelaGwen, and Roland YeomansWe are giving away some great prizes - including our books and a couple of cool autographed posters from Roland, the seance coordinator! Hope you'll join in!

Here's the details:
Sign up below, then on October 30 put up a post about a famous deceased author or celebrity you'd like to contact in our seance! Tell us what moved you to choose this person. And what would you like to say? We will haunt your blogs, reading about your choices, then the spirits will select winners to be announced on October 31. The prizes are frightfully good! It will be a ghostly good time!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Heart poppin'!

Let's hear it for Gwen and Angela! They are blitzing around the blogosphere talking about their latest releases - A Guilty Ghost Surprised and They All Fall Down, respectively. While they're here, they're sharing some:

Blooper Moments
You’ve seen the reels, those “lights, camera, action,” zingers that don’t go as planned. Well, that certainly happens with writing.

It would be wonderful if the first draft could be absolutely perfect. No grammatical errors, no plot holes wide as the Grand Canyon, no sequence-of-events issues. But that’s just not reality for Gwen or myself. Sugar-Honey-Iced-Tea happens and sometimes, you have to laugh at it.
For example, in A Guilty Ghost Surprised, there is a scene where Indigo is getting a cup of coffee:

I closed the blinds and poured a mug of coffee from the side table.
Edit note: You’ll want to add a little something here. It’s like the side table is made of coffee as it currently reads.

This was corrected to: I closed the blinds and poured a mug of coffee from the carafe on the side table.
Much better!

Another example is from They All Fall Down where Governess Woods – for those of you who’ve read Neverlove, you’ll remember she lives up to the title of governess – must bare a little skin:
“Not exactly holy.” Governess Woods undid her bra and dropped it to the floor, turning around. She cupped her hands to her breasts.

Edit note: *snort* just a minor thing, but maybe she should cup her hands to her breasts before she turns around? Cuz she totally just flashed them J
This was corrected to: “Not exactly holy.” Governess Woods undid her bra. She cupped her breasts as the lacey undergarment dropped to the floor, then she turned to face Lisel and Abby.

Alright! No more holy –erm – peep show lol!
There are tons of great scenes (non-blooper-y scenes) to enjoy between A Guilty Ghost Surprised and They All Fall Down. Get your copy to laugh and cry along with our characters.
Do you have an interesting blooper moment? Whether writing, life or movie, feel free to share.

About A Guilty Ghost Surprised: Indigo Eady and gang are back with a  feather and a Chance setting off another twisting-turning investigation to bring a cold case, and loved ones, closure at last.
AGGS buy links: Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About They All Fall Down: Free of their duties as Cleanser and Harvestor, Abby and Basil try to move on with their lives. But some secrets remain. And what is done in the dark won’t be good when it comes to light.
TAFD buy links: Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Gwen Gardner and Angela Brown - YA paranormal authors embarking on the adventure of a lifetime. Share with us as we take the Indie journey to bring our works to the world. Buckle up! There'll be mystery, mayhem, action and emotional roller coasters...oh, and a few things that go bump in the night.

Hauntings are scary but we love interaction:
And don’t forget about the giveaway!
That was a lot of fun! I have plenty of blooper moments - and I bet there are tons out there just with people texting and walking...

Before you go, I have two announcements...

The winners for my Pop Travel Blog Tour September Giveaway were:
Crystal Collier - $25 Amazon GC
Michael Di Gesu - signed copy of Pop Travel
Vikki Biram - replica QV bracelet

And since it's October, that means it's time for another giveaway! And this time I'm doing a blog hop with my buddies, Angela, Gwen, and Roland Yeomans! They are supernatural superstars, so what better way to celebrate the Halloween Holiday than with a SEANCE! Announcing the

Sign up below, and on October 30 write a post about a famous deceased author or celebrity you'd like to contact in our seance! Why did you choose? And what would you like to say? We will haunt your blogs, reading about your choices, then the spirits will select winners to be announced on October 31. The prizes will be frightfully good, including copies of our books and more! We hope you will join us for a ghostly good time!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Pop, pop, fizz, fizz

Do you all remember the commercial I borrowed this from? Ha!

Happy Celebrations Friday - join the fun with Vikki!
Here's what I'm celebrating:
My friend, Heather's book is now available in paperback!
I made it through my first day as a long term sub and already got a compliment from a student =)
My shopping party and book signing is only a week away!

On Monday, I mentioned football - I have 2 sons that play (4th grader and 8th grader) plus, to help out I work at the Varsity home games, so that's several games a week I'm watching. But in the comments, several mentioned pro teams and I was asked which was my fave - Patriots! I also like the Steelers and Dolphins. All representing my roots! But I like watching college better. College is where it's at - Go Gators!

And to round out this lovely Fall Friday - An Award
A while back Bev gave me a Sunshine Award - I just went back through my emails and discovered I hadn't taken care of this. No time like a Friday! So here goes:

Here are the rules:
1.Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog. (CHECK)
2.Link to the person who nominated you. (CHECK)
3.Answer 10 questions about yourself. (CHECK)
4.Nominate 10 bloggers. (CHECK)
5.Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. (CHECK)

Thank you for thinking of me, Bev! It's been a while since I did an award =)

Here are the 10 questions:
Fave color: purple (used to have a purple pen collection in HS)
Fave animal: doggie
Fave number: 2
Fave non-alcoholic drink: Coke!
Fave alcoholic drink: Cosmo =P
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. Does that make me old? Twitter is too random, unless you plan to meet for a conversation...
Passions: Family, Church, Writing, Teaching
Prefer giving or getting presents? Neither, I stress about giving and would rather just get stuff for myself - that definitely makes me old and set in my ways... but I do like a good surprise or party
Fave city? Atlanta
Fave TV Shows: Amazing Race, Big Bang Theory, Regular Show... I don't watch much TV, I'd rather write or read!

And here are ten nominees... but if you'd like to do this meme for fun, by all means, have a go!
SK Anthony          Christine Rains          Emily Ann Girdner
Yolanda Renee          Sheena Kay          Nicole Singer
Kelly Polark          Cathrina Constantine           Lexa Cain
Rhonda Albom


Monday, September 23, 2013

Hop on Pop!

Did you have a great weekend? I did! Wearing myself out with all the life enriching goodness and experiencing everything I can. Highs and lows. Wins and losses. Joy and pain. Football season has it all. Thankful for our wins, sad for the losses, and praying for several who've been injured this past week. These players are giving it their all. It's hard to watch sometimes, but they love it.

Now, Happy Monday!
read by all the
smart gnomes!

I'm super happy to be taking my Pop Travel Blog Tour to Heather's place! I had the privilege of being interviewed by Stormy. Hope you can check it out.

Heather recently published a fantastic romantic thriller, Maguire's Corner, and she is steadily working on a second. I'm anxious to read it, but that's why the Waiting is the Hardest Part!

MAGUIRE'S CORNER in one sentence -
Spunky Maggie finds herself in the middle of a murder case that throws her into the arms of the irritatingly handsome, new Police Chief, Jack, who must find the killer before the killer finds them.

Sounds awesome, right? I promise you will love it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Pop Up Storm!

No, it isn't a thunder storm, it's a Cassa Storm! Everyone who is anyone has seen, posted, or heard about Captain Ninja Rockstar Alex J. Cavanaugh and his best-selling, crazy good, action-packed, space trilogy! And now that trilogy is complete!

To do something different, Mr. Cavanaugh is participating in a mass interview, answering one question each from dozens of us who volunteered to ask. Be sure to stop by his place to check out some of the other bloggers who asked questions. Here's mine (of course it has to do with TRAVEL!)

Where would you like to visit or vacation?
I’d want to visit New Zealand and trek around to all the spots where LOTR was filmed. Plus it’s just a beautiful country. Who wouldn’t want to visit it?

I love this answer because my wonderful friend, Rhonda, lives in New Zealand and I want to visit her! Excellent choice, Alex! And congratulations on such a successful series!

Here are some blurbs about these awesome books:
CassaStar: Does talented Byron have what it takes to pilot a Cosbolt fighter and win the fight of his life?

CassaFire: With Byron's fighter pilot days behind him, can he handle the new challenges of an alien invasion, and worse, training a woman!?

CassaStorm: The final episode of Byron's exciting life culminates in protecting not only the civil warring galaxy, but his son, who seems
to have a twisted connection to the brewing invasion of the aliens
who won't give up!

Find CassaStorm:

Find Alex:

This has been quite a month for cover reveals and new releases! And my extended Pop Travel Blog Tour has a stop today, too - at Tyrean's Writing Spot! Since Tyrean read Pop Travel, she had some juicy interview questions that reveal some tidbits about it. Take a peek if you have time!

And one last thing. I have a HUGE celebration (I'm early for Vikki's weekly hop, since this is my only post for the week!)

My publisher has accepted my MG Fantasy, 
Broken Branch Falls!!! 
Cue the Snoopy music and happy dance!

Hope everyone is having a great week! I sure am!

Ugh! How will I ever get people to sign up for my giveaway if I keep forgetting to post it!!
 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 13, 2013

Beware the Poppies!

That's the best pop I could think of to scare up some readers for Christine Rains'...

The 13th Floor Complete Series Cover Reveal!!!

"I absolutely love this series! Every story is full of spine-tingling excitement and tempting, sweet romantic tension between hot, yet deep, characters - all with secret burdens to hide! Once you take a bite, you'll want to devour the whole lot!" - Tara Tyler, author of Pop Travel

Title: The 13th Floor Complete Collection
Author: Christine Rains
Genre: paranormal romance
Release date: October 13th, 2013

Six supernatural tenants
Living in a haunted apartment building
On a floor that doesn't exist.
Six novellas telling their tales.

A retired demon acquires a price on his head. 
A werewolf is hunted by her pack.
A modern day dragonslayer misses his target.
A harpy challenges Zeus for the soul of the man she loves.
A vampire is obsessed with a young woman he can't find. 
A banshee falls in love with someone who's death she has seen in a vision.
And a sweet ghost must battle a primal monster to save them all. 

All the stories take place at the same time, intertwining their lives together on the 13th Floor.

Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood, but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she's not writing or reading, she having adventures with her son or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. She's a member of Untethered Realms and S.C.I.F.I. The 13th Floor series is her first self-published series. She has eight novellas and twenty-one short stories published.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

And lucky me, Unicorn Bell is featuring my query as a successful example today!
They are some sweet & smart writers over there. You should check them out!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sheena's popping out of the cake!

So excited for Sheena!! It's cover reveal day!
Be amazed...
Sacrifice HER by Sheena-kay Graham
Release Date: December 2013 
Goodreads: Sacrifice HER 

When a city is at stake, is the life of one sixteen-year old girl worth saving thousands? Deidra Moore goes on the run after escaping from a group of human sacrifices for Bane: God of War. She doesn't believe he exists and sees uncertainty in the scorching desert as a better alternative to death.

But Faux City isn't finished with her and their leader Lord Brinn is ordered by Bane to bring her back or face dire consequences. In the desert, Deidra meets a wanderer named Kane and as feelings spark they search for a safe place to lead a new life before Lord Brinn and his soldiers catch up with them. Yet the question remains. Does Bane really exist and if he does what will happen if either side succeeds or fails?

Told in alternating perspectives of both the runaway servant girl and the blonde strong willed leader.

About the Author:
Sheena-kay Graham was never meant for a traditional job behind a desk. Her childhood career plans included becoming a ballerina, actress, or someone who helped people. So naturally she decided to be a writer who writes from her bed. Yes, no desk for this Jamaican book lover. No matter if it’s reading, writing or using the get the gist. The love of the written word has always been with her leading to stories, novels, poetry and way too much fan fiction. This Christian woman can be found trolling Amazon online, in local book bookstores, watching movies on the big screen, or in her bed, or reading/writing/on the laptop...again in her bed. Mainly writes YA fiction and is ready to unleash her creativity to wow the masses.

Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

Cover Design: 
Image of woman with flowing hair (purchased): © Transfuchsian |
Cover Designer:  Langao @

And for a final bit of wow factor. Look at what she got for free without asking.

And two more things on this special day...