
Monday, June 30, 2014

She said WHAT? A Beastly Interview

I'm very excited to be at Tammy Theriault's blog for an interview today. Tammy should totally have her own show. She comes up with the quirkiest interview questions - they really bring out the interviewee's personality! I hope you all will join us.

I really hope she takes me up on that - I'm telling you, Tammy, do a youtube or podcast! You'll be famous!!

I also want to give a shout about Tammy and her two buds, Elizabeth Seckman and Mark Koopmans - the three together offer a FREE blog service - substitute posting while you take a blog break. They are CHARLIE'S SCRIBES! See one of their sites for more details - a hilarious trio takeover!

And today is the last day for the June Giveaway! Winners and a new July Giveaway tomorrow!! I can't believe the response!

I also want to thank my awesome publisher, Curiosity Quills for hosting a BROKEN BRANCH FALLS Review Tour. Really amazing me with the different perspectives!


Friday, June 27, 2014

That book should be a movie!

I hope you will join me at Heather M. Gardner's blog today as I continue my BROKEN BRANCH FALLS Blog Tour. I will be talking about books I'd like to see on screen. Any come to mind? Share them! And only a few days left in June's giveaway!

Heather is a cup of hot chocolate! We've been blogging buds for years. Can't believe it myself. She writes some high action, romantic thrillers. And her little buddy, Stormy the weather gnome, is quite a character. You really should go check out her blog, if you haven't already!

I also want to thank so many of you for posting about my release and for all the wonderful comments I'm still trying to respond to! I've been floating for days and don't want to come down! And to top it off, yesterday was my BBF Release Party! It was a yummy success - lots of fun, ice cream, and books sold! Yay!! I even sold a few more Pop Travel books. Sweet! Here are some pictures, but my faithful friend will be sending me more soon and I'll share those, too.
here I am - ready to sell!
look at this guy! that's a dragon on his hand!
one of my faithful fans!
are these a couple of cute pixies or what!
Phew, I'm tired.

Time gallops in fun!
(Go ahead and add one. You know you want to!)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

RELEASE THE BEAST!!! (with bonus cover feast!)

It's Beastly Blitz Day!

I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you generously bestow! I know the blogosphere is going to be clogged with my BBF release day blitz, thanks to you guys. Hopefully, you all won't get sick of me. To change it up, here's me holding the book. (My son wouldn't let me take a pic of him, party pooper)

Release Date: June 24, 2014 - TODAY!!
B&N ~~~ Amazon
Publisher: Curiosity Quills

Since I have so much to announce today, I left off the blurb and author info - they're on my wonderful helpers' blogs... And don't forget to enter the June BBF giveaway!

In addition to all the blitzing, I'm being interviewed!
TODAY at Unicorn Bell - I love that place - they're so helpful and encouraging!
WEDNESDAY, Crystal is sharing a cheesy interview with me
 - always fun to guess the lie from the truths at the end!

Then, wish me luck for my
Release Party at Graeters Ice Cream Shop
on Thursday, June 26! All are welcome!

Don't ever give up! Dreams do come true!

Like here! I'm so happy to give a shout out to M.J. Fifield. She is taking the cliff dive into publishing with her masterpiece, EFFIGY! Here is her breathtaking cover - and finally, the long-awaited blurb!!

EFFIGY, epic fantasy
Release date: July 22, 2014  
Cover art by Ravven

The survival of a once-mighty kingdom rests in the hands of its young queen, Haleine CoileĆ”in, as it slowly succumbs to an ancient evil fueled by her husband’s cruelty. A sadistic man with a talent for torture and a taste for murder, he is determined to burn the land and all souls within. Haleine is just as determined to save her kingdom and joins forces with the leader of the people’s rebellion, giving him her support, soon followed by her heart.

Loving him is inadvertent, but becomes as natural and necessary as breathing. She lies and steals on his behalf, doing anything she can to further their cause. She compromises beliefs held all her life. For what life will exist if evil prevails?

You can add it to your goodreads here!

About The Author:
Armed with a deep and lasting love of chocolate, purple pens, and medieval weaponry, M.J. Fifield is nothing if not a uniquely supplied insomniac. When she isn’t writing, she’s on the hunt for oversized baked goods or shiny new daggers. M.J. lives with a variety of furry creatures—mostly pets—in New Hampshire. Effigy is her first novel.

So romantic and wonderful! Congratulations, MJ!

Friday, June 20, 2014

New Reviews and Blitz News!

I'm still reeling from
He knows just what to say to show off a book/author in the best light! I'm so lucky!

Fida, the enchanted poetess, also gave me a stunning review! If you stop by, check out her sweet poetry, too!

I can't believe release day is only a few days away!

I've sent out the email with the BROKEN BRANCH FALLS RELEASE DAY BLITZ info - but if you didn't sign up for it and would like to participate (and be entered in the posting participants' drawing for a $25 GC) let me know in the comments.

I really appreciate so much support! You guys are the BEASTLY BEST! Have a fun-in-the-sun weekend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pros and cons of publishing

Today, the beastly BBF summer blog tour is invading Leave it to Livia's and the Writer Diaries!

At Leave it to Livia's I'll be talking about the pros and cons of a small publisher - it's tough deciding which way to go...

Livia loves movies and does an excellent job reviewing them. I love reading her opinions and she recently compiled a list of her top ten movies of 2013.

And I'm honored that Vikki is posting her BBF review at the Writer Diaries today!

Thanks for all the support, you guys! Happy Hump Day! (says the camel =)

Monday, June 16, 2014

The first review

Some of you know Vikki from every Friday's "Celebrate the Small Things." If you don't participate, I recommend giving it a try - she has a great following and it's so nice to express and read other's accomplishments for the week, no matter how small you feel they may be!

You also may know her from the "Writer Diaries" blog. Some wonderful writers got together to discuss all things writerly - reviews, interviews, advice, and more! If you've never visited, I suggest you stop by!

But most importantly, I'm hoping you will all know her soon by her up and coming thrillers! She writes some gripping YA and adult suspense with ingenious ideas. I am very honored to have her review BROKEN BRANCH FALLS at her place today - and if you don't catch it there, she's helping me out by posting it at the Writer Diaries on Wednesday 6/18!

I hope you'll check out her review - and enter the giveaway for June! Happy Monday!

Friday, June 13, 2014

MG vs YA - What's the Diff?

That's what I'll be talking about today over at Medeia Sharif's blog! She's graciously offered to help with my Broken Branch Falls blog tour! And she has an MG in the works herself!

In case you didn't know... Medeia recently put out SNIP, SNIP REVENGE - sounds like a great YA and I've heard some awesome reviews!

Beautiful, confident Tabby Karim has plans for the winter: nab a role in her school’s dramatic production, make the new boy Michael hers, and keep bigoted Heather—with her relentless Ay-rab comments—at bay. When a teacher’s lie and her father’s hastiness rob her of her beautiful hair, her dreams are dashed. The fastest barber in Miami Beach has made her look practically bald.

With all her pretty hair gone, Tabby doesn’t believe she fits the feminine role she’s auditioning for. Michael is still interested in her, but he’s playing it cool. Heather has taken to bullying her online, which is easier to do with Tabby’s ugly haircut. Tabby spearheads Operation Revenge, which proves satisfying until all of her problems deepen. After messing up, she sets to make things right.

I’m a Kurdish-American author who was born in New York City, and I presently call Miami my home. I received my master’s degree in psychology from Florida Atlantic University. After becoming a voracious reader in high school and a relentless writer dabbling in many genres in college, I found my niche writing for young people. Today I'm a MG and YA writer published through various presses. In addition to being a writer, I'm a middle school English teacher. My memberships include MensaALAN, and SCBWI.

I hope you'll come visit me at Medeia's place! Happy Friday!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Suggestions for solid reviews

I love reviews! Unfortunately, Lexi and I got our wires crossed and she wasn't able to post this for me... but, I'm not letting it go to waste!

I depend on solid reviews for choosing many of the books I want to read. Here are things I look for to know a review is solid:
  • honesty – I know it's just one person's opinion, but I don't want to hear a friend or relative being super sweet about it if they really didn't like it.
  • facts – I know it's honest if the reviewer backs up their opinion with reasons they did/didn't like it and even some examples, so I know if they read it!
  • tact – no matter how much a reviewer dislikes a book, they have to be able to find something positive about it or at least give some constructive advice and not all snark and degradation.
  • no spoilers – a good reviewer can mention highlights without giving away big plot points. I know if some reviewers don't like a book, they might give away info to purposely spoil it.
I think good reviews help readers decide which books to buy. Reviews bring alternate perspectives and are always appreciated when people take the time to write them! I love reading (& receiving) credible, honest reviews - and though I'm a pretty slow reader, I always try to post a solid review.

Do you use reviews to help you decide what books to read? Do you write reviews?
(And be sure to enter the giveaway below!)

by Tara Tyler
Release Date: June 24, 2014
Publisher: Curiosity Quills

Gabe is an average fifteen-year-old goblin. He’s in the marching band, breezes through calculus, and gets picked on daily by the other kids at school, especially the ogres. He's tired of being a goblin – he’d like to try other things. And he has his eye on the new ogress at school. It’s against all beastly rules, but there’s just something about her.

When a prank goes wrong, Gabe is forced to join the football team as punishment, but finds a way to make it work. Soon the whole school is getting in on the fad of mingling with other species. Too bad the adults decide to step in and ruin things, threatening to destroy the school and split up Broken Branch Falls. And Gabe is their scapegoat. With help from other outcast friends, Gabe sets out on a quest hoping to saving Broken Branch Falls. After all this trouble, it better work.

Add it to your GOODREADS list!

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno-thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have action, a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, techno-thriller detective series,
The Cooper Chronicles, Book One: POP TRAVEL

Saturday, June 7, 2014

What makes a good review?

Today, I'll be continuing my beastly BROKEN BRANCH FALLS blog tour by visiting Lexi at Book Bliss. I'll be talking about what makes a good review. I hope you'll stop by! (and be sure to enter the giveaway!)
My name is Lexi and I live and breathe the written word as often as I can. From reading, journalism and creative writing something to read is never far from me. What better way to share great books and get the word out then with a blog dedicated to book reviews, blog topics, industry interviews, giveaways and book tours
For Wednesday's IWSG, I talked about the decline of readers and you all brought some awesome discussion! Great points were raised! Here are just a few suggestions to keep folks reading:
  • writers are the best readers - we are great influences on others!
  • writers should keep writing to put great stories out there for readers!
  • offer recommendations of good books or posting book reviews!
  • readers can be found in new places now, not just reading hard copies of novels!
  • and parents need to set limitations on the devices, giving kids (& themselves) the option and time to read more!
That last one is the hardest, especially with summer upon us! But, I have my trusty goal chart for daily reading, and assignments from school over the summer help too. Good luck to us!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Where have all the readers gone?

Here's my IWSG for June...

Has anyone else noticed a trend of more authors and fewer readers?

More authors is great, with self-publishing there's no waiting to hear from agents or big publishers. But, as a reader, I feel some writers are publishing too soon and aren't taking the time to do a thorough job, which lessens quality. That, combined with the volume we have to choose from, it's harder for us to find a good book... (Please note, I am all for self-pub! The authors I know that I've read are doing an awesome job!)

As a writer, I fear the newer generations, though being forced to read, read, read in school, are coming out as non-reading adults. Many adults I know don't like to read or don't have time. They love their electronics for communication, entertainment, diversion, etc - y'all know how addicting it can be. So what's it gonna take to get people to read more and electronic device less? An apocalypse that wipes out electricity??? I miss the good old days of only five to ten channels, cartoons only on Saturday mornings, favorite TV shows on once a week, and corded telephones for home use only! I loved to read and still do whenever I can, and I use my e-devices to read, too!

What do you miss about the good old days? 
Any suggestions on how to make it COOL TO READ??

PS - here's where my BROKEN BRANCH FALLS TOUR is this week (with giveaway!):

6/1 Meli Landry character/case study - cliques
6/3 Katie Teller story inspirations
6/7 Lexi (Book Bliss) what makes a solid review

And lest I forget, I wanted to give a shout for Tyrean Martinson!
Her book, CHAMPION IN FLIGHT is out!

A year after she won the battle for Septily, Clara feels trapped in Skycliff by the Allied Council. As the last pieces of information about the Healing Caves fall into place, Clara is attacked by an assassin. Covert Drinaii mercenaries and the Council aren’t going to stop Clara from her quest to heal her broken blade. As Champion of Aramatir, she must act.
Meanwhile, in the joint kingdoms of Rrysorria and Wylandria, the youngest and still cursed swan prince despairs of ever being whole again. In a moment of anger and desperation, Liam discovers a blood link between him and a dark sorceress. 

Clara won the battle for Septily, but her battle isn’t over.

Champion in Flight is the second book in The Champion Trilogy.

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Beastly Blog Tour has Begun!

This week in Beast World...

Yesterday, Meli Landry kicked off my BROKEN BRANCH FALLS blog tour by hosting a guest post for me. I have been under the weather, so I didn't get my post up to talk about it until now...

Meli did a great job in the A to Z challenge by talking about the many facets of Prince Charming... it was a blast and I learned a lot! So, I offered to do a case study about high school cliques. Would love for you to check it out! My guest post.

Meli is a southern writer based out of the Texas Panhandle, peddling her chick lit wares wherever she may. She believes that there is a story behind everyone – it’s a writer’s task to discover it and make it be known. Therefore inspiration is pulled from the world around her.
(However any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.)

Tuesday, I'll be visiting Katie Teller talking about Story Inspirations. Her Kiya series is doing very well!
My Photo
Katie Hamstead Teller
I'm a wife and mother first, and everything else later. I'm an Aussie living in the USA and just enjoying life as it comes! My debut novel is Kiya: Hope of the Pharaoh, published by Curiosity Quills. 

And Wednesday is IWSG day! I will have a lively article about how I see readers and writers today, compared to days gone by... I hope you'll join me!

Have a great week!