
Monday, May 2, 2011

Kick start Monday - Reflections

Are you as tired as I am? Whew! I took this challenge and gave it my all. I'm a bit of an overachiever. I went through the two columns of the list and visited alphabetically. I appreciate those who did their best to post every day!

I found sites that sparked my attention, made me laugh, inspired me, or were just plain nice. I'm really looking forward to seeing how everyone will post in normal times. A HUGE THANK YOU to my new followers that put me over the 100 mark and for all the wonderful comments and awards. (got one more on Z day, Thanks Huntress!
Everyone was so nice and made me feel so good!
And finally, a thank you to A Hootie Hoot for the idea to join "Meet Me on Monday" a quick, cute linky link to introduce and meet more bloggers. It's at Never Growing Old if you're interested. Here are today's prompts:

1.  What is your favorite kind of muffin? big fat chocolate, chocolate chip (then big fat blueberry, I love muffins!)
2.  What was the first car you ever owned? 1978 Blue Toyota Celica, good times
3.  Which TV Show were you sad to see end? Friends, now Monica is a Cougar & Chandler is bombing as Mr. Sunshine!
4.  What is your lucky number? 2
5.  Pretzels or Potato Chips? don't we live in a world where we can have both? if I must choose, pretzels.

And now I must dust off my WIP and continue to whip it into shape.

PS - I also participated in the poem-a-day challenge from Writer's Digest. I would love if you have time to vote for your favorite poem on the right (see "I'm a poet?" to review them, if you want). I will submit my top 5 for a chance to be published in their top 50 from the challenge! Thanks again =)


  1. Hi I am Tatianna :)
    It is very nice to meet you. I write poetry as well, but I never publish anything. I just write.
    Have a nice week!

  2. Ohh, I will look over your poem later on today. I got to run right now, but I will comeback later on to check out which poem you should enter :)

  3. Nice post, and congrats on finishing the contest. Love your 100th follower cupcake. =D

  4. Whew. That was a long month!
    Great job!
    I will check out the poems but I'm not really qualified to judge them.
    Good luck on your WIP. I should get back to mine too...shortly. ;)


  5. What a fun questionnaire! I would second your love of chocolate chip muffins. YUM!

    I laughed at your comment on My Blog. I wouldn't have listed laryngitis as a sign of spring before hearing that. :)

  6. I would love to meet you on a monday, but not this one, I am still too tired from AtoZ.

  7. You made it to the end! Phew. I must say even though I loved the challenge, I'm exhausted.

    Congratulations on the award!

  8. I'm so happy to hear that you like fat muffins rather than the low fat, less flavorful ones.

    Oh, WV just now reminded me of your question. I did get some spam once, but I just mark off as spam. I have owner verification on for older posts to make sure spam doesn't slip though and just keep my eye on my current post.

  9. Thanks for the shout out in your post!! I've felt sort of lost after the A to Z Challenge ended and remembered the Meet Me on Monday idea from one of my earlier posts. I think it's a great way to get to know each other better.

    Congrats on the award! Well deserved!

  10. I love anything fruity when it comes to muffins! Your newest follower from MMOM. Hope you could follow me back! Thanks!

  11. I've loved reading all your challenge posts! I'll take a look at your poems again tomorrow and vote.

    Also, just wanted you to know that you've been tagged! Please see the May 2 post at my blog. :)

  12. Nice to meet you Tatianna! Thanks for stopping by & voting too!
    Donna - thanks, help yourself!
    Heather G - good luck to you too =)
    Catherine - happens to me almost every spring.
    Rhonda & Ellie - me tired too, took today off
    Holly - thanks for the advice
    Thanks, Laura
    Aimee - yay, thanks for following, I'll be over today =)
    Dana - thanks for the tag =)

  13. Chocolate CHip muffins, YUM! I was TRYING to think healthier :)

  14. Hi!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for joining the Meet Me on Monday!

    Those are some great answers!

    I'm now following you and would love it if you follow me back!

    Thanks for participating!
    Have a great week!
    Meet you again next week!!



Thanks for stopping by!