
Saturday, August 27, 2011

going to try

I succumbed to the peer pressure. I'm now a campaigner.
There's still time to join and there are so many writers in all genres, you are bound to make a bunch of new friends and learn a few things. Be a campaigner! Join us! You know you want to!

And thanks to the  Favorite Summer Reads Blogfest I now have a much longer TBR list! I don't have much more to offer other than the books I am looking forward to reading:
  • DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth - had to get it after hearing so much about it and it's just starting to get good (the beginning is similar to Hunger Games so I was immediately doubtful, but it's getting better - we'll see!)
  • UNDER THE DOME by Stephen King - have to psych myself up for the length and breadth of King. I just finished DUMA KEY which was great but looooooooong!
  • TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT by the late, great Robert Jordan and Brandon Sandersen. The last book in the Wheels of Time series - epic! It's on my Christmas list because I have others to read and I want a big, expensive hardcover copy!


  1. I'm also participating in the Campaign, and I did Sparkfest last week too! Your posts were wonderful. :)

  2. Love your new layout! Makes me want Fall to come sooner. ;)

    Everyone seems to be talking about this Campaign. I might have to cave in too...we'll see. ;)

  3. So glad you are being a campaigner. I was nervous at first but now I am excited and I love connecting with more writers!

    I haven't done the "favorite summer reads." I want to but decided that I have my hands full as it is. :( So sad, cause participating is so fun. Still - I can look and get good book ideas!

  4. Great to see you've joined the Campaign! :)

  5. Hi Tara, I'm also in the Campaign, and I'm having a great time traveling all over the blogosphere and meeting fellow writers. I'm glad you mentioned the Hunger Games. I'd heard about it quite a while ago, and I remember being intrigued. I must get a copy!

  6. Ok. I went and checked it out and I think I will have to join the campaign, too. I'm a copy cat.

    I'm currently on Wheel of Time Book 11. So excited! I rarely meet others who have read that series. It is quite involved. :-)

  7. Tempted. Thinking. Congrats on deciding.

  8. Peer pressure is REAL! I know because I succumbed too;) Should be fun!

  9. So far I've resisted the campaign simply because I don't have time to do proper justice to it - I'm in the middle of planning a blogfest, etc. But thanks for stopping by my blog and I wish you luck! :-)

  10. Hi, I have just joined the Platform Builders Campaign. Look forward to getting to know you better.

  11. I know what you mean about a growing to-be-read pile. I've found new books too. Now where am I going to find the time to read them? That might be the next quest. :)

  12. J, thanks! yours were too!

    Cherie, I'm surprised your not yet! and thanks, fall is my fave!

    Abby, know what you mean, not sure what to expect! i'm going to get your email for beta, if you still want!

    GE, thanks! glad you're there too

    Katie, nice to meet you, this event looks promising!

    alex, glad to see so many friendly names!

    junebug, yay! and thx for the shout out!

    rhonda, it seems daunting but i bet participation is what you make it =)

    ruth, yeah, seeing it so much in the sparkfest helped!

    li, i know what you mean, hope it's not too big!

    JoAnna, nice to meet you too =)

    Cherie R, thanks again for the fest!


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