
Friday, August 12, 2011

Writing a book - Apples to Apples

This week has been so awesome! Today is my last opportunity to shine at Writing with Shelly. And I get to do a guest post! (another first =) I offered her a segment from my "Writing a book" journal entries. This week I talk about character building and how to make them believable.

Thank you, Shelly, for such a fabulous week! Not only did you give us the fun Poetry Schmoetry blogfest, but the prizes of time and space on your window to the world were priceless! You leave me teary eyed and speechless!


  1. Thanks for being such a good sport about the whole thing :)

    School starts here soon.

    Life marches on.

    But good friends never go away :)


  2. Awesome! I'll stop by at Shelly's. (and p.s. I finally accepted the liebster award you gave me---thanks!)

  3. shelly, it was great fun =)

    nicki, no problem. we have lives outside blogging!

    theresa, thanks! you're a great supporter!


Thanks for stopping by!