
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Second to None

Well, second place in my blogaversary blog hop (sidetrack moment: I like blogfest better, but I am coming to understand that a blogfest is more of a longer span of time and a blog hop is a one day event. Sound good?)


Today, it's all about

The second place prize is an interview and a blog button on my sidebar =)
Cathy's blog is Cathy, Lost and Found

And now, here's Cathy!

What motivated you to start your blog?

Starting the blog was a whim.  I had a blog in library school as part of a Web 2.0 technology class and it was a lot of fun.  Then the class was over and I stopped blogging.  Last winter I was looking for something, a way to express myself and connect with people.  When the idea of starting a blog popped into my head I just went with it. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the most of it.  So far it's been a lot of fun and I've connected with some amazing people.

Could you tell us about your MC? What is his/her goal in your WIP?

I have the blog and the A to Z Challenge to thank for my current WIP.  Being a writer has been a goal since I was a kid, but life happened and I put it aside. I've got folders filled with story ideas, character descriptions and snippets of scenes, but I never actually pushed through and finished one. Reading the blogs of so many dedicated writers inspired me to take my latest story idea from drea, to outline to WIP (12,000 words to date.)

My main character is Samantha Newton, she's a bright, pretty, athletic 16 year old.  Her father died when she was younger and her mother hasn't coped very well. Sam has taken on a lot of responsibility for her younger brother and sister and for the family as a whole. Sam is a fixer, a problem solver with the weight of the world on her shoulders and she's struggling.  She's too serious, too stressed, and she's forgotten how to be a kid.

When the son of her grandfather's business rival is found unconscious from a vicious attack, Sam's grandfather comes under suspicion.  Sam feels compelled to try to solve the crime to protect her family and the new stable life she's found.

I know you work at a library, go ahead and shout about it! Do you see any trends over the past year or so?

I do work in a library.  I've been a stay-at-home mom for a long time and that's still my first love, but finances being what they are, I went back to school when my youngest started kindergarten.  I finished my BA in History and then got a Master's in Library Science.  I've been working as a part-time Adult Reference Librarian for a little over 3 years.  And I love it.

First of all, I love books so I'm like a kid in a candy store at work.  It's almost as good as a job at Ghiradelli Chocolate would be only without all the calories and sit-ups.

Second, I love sharing all the resources the library has with people.  Libraries are so much more than dusty book shelves.  I mean we've still got books and we always will, but libraries are so much more than that.  The library is a community center, an information center, and a learning center.   In the couse of my day I help people find titles they're looking for, suggest new books to people, teach people to use the computer, and answer tons of questions.  It's always something new.  And I almost never Shhh anyone!

Libraries keep evolving to meet the needs of their communities.  As the economy continues to flounder people are using the library more and we try our best to provide what they need.  Whether it's books and DVDs or free WiFi and Internet access, libraries help bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

EBooks continue to grow in popularity.  EReaders are all over the place and pretty soon even Kindle will be compatible with the library.  While some see this as a threat to libraries, libraries are embracing the change and are investing time and money into making EBooks available to people who otherwise couldn't afford them.

Tara, thank you so much for opportunity to share a little about myself with you and your readers.  Happy Blogaversary!  Here's to another great year of blogging, writing, and sharing.

Cathy, I love your WIP blurb - sounds Nancy Drewish! And thank you for informing us about libraries - glad they are evolving with the industry.

Please be sure to visit Cathy's blog - always a positive experience!
Tomorrow I put up winning recipes!


  1. Congratulations to Cathy and that's interesting to read about the changes in the library with eBooks.

  2. Thanks, Tara!! I love the button. You are incredibly talented.

  3. Wonderful interview Tara and Cathy! Isn't blogging a great way to get to know people. I've learned so much and met so many people on blogland. Quite a few of them have crept into my real life. :D

  4. Way to go Cathy and Tara !
    And congrats to all the winners !

  5. Cathy, I adored Nancy Drew. :D All success to you on your books.

  6. Awesome interview. And you totally rocked that button! It's fabulous!

  7. Cathy is awesome! And this was a great interview. FUN!

  8. thanks, guys!
    and cathy is a big sweetheart!

    i love using my dangerous experimental techno-knowledge for good (ha ha, buttons & badges)

  9. Nice interview! How fun that she works at a library. They're some of my favorite places!


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