
Monday, March 5, 2012

kick start monday - spring is on the horizon!

Now for the news.

Exciting weekend of basketball - all three boys did extremely well in their tournaments! Yay!

And here's some announcements to get us up to speed in the blogosphere!
In February it seems that being cooped up led to extensive need to blogfest!
I am glad March will bring a more normal schedule, especially gearing up for A to Z insanity in April!

There are a few fests this month and I am excited about them! How do you all keep coming up with new ideas to inspire us?!

March 9 - Kyra and Rachel have come up with the WIP - The Movie blogfest where we pick movie stars for our WIP! I love this!

March 12-17th, Mr Hawaii Koopmans is hosting a Got Green? blogfest sounds like quite a shenanigan!

March 26-28 - Charity from Unicorn Bell (awesome crit group site) gives us several inspiring scenes to choose from and write about for the A Picture Paints 1000 Words blogfest. The pictures are gorgeous! I already have an idea for a couple!

And don't forget Auntie Tara! Tomorrow's writing prompt is for submission to an anthology for a great cause.

Two last things!
  • My Spaced Out title is to remind you about Alex's CassaFire book launch - one more week of touring!
  • And it will be up until I announce the winners of my 350+ followers blurb contest on Friday 3/9!


  1. And I really dig your current header! Thanks for mentioning my tour. Last week!

  2. Congrats to your boys!

    Sounds like a lot of exciting events are coming up!

  3. Congrats to your boys!
    I'll see you around the blogfests.

  4. I'm super excited about Friday. I think it will be super fun.

  5. That movie blogfest sounds awesome! And I'm totally doing Mark's Irish hop. Thanks for spreading the word! :)

  6. Yay for your boys! And exciting month. Inspiration for anything hasn't hit me yet, though.

  7. Thanks for spreading the word about the WIP:The Movie blogfest!


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