
Friday, June 22, 2012

Short Skirt/Long Jacket

***We interrupt this broadcast for a very important message***
I'm being interviewed at Falling for Fiction today! Whoopie!
***Now back to the regularly scheduled program***

That's my girl. Geri Harper. Miss Thang! (And in case you don't recognize it, the song I chose to represent her is "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" by Cake)

Time for the Girls Just Want to Have Fun Blog Hop! Thank you Jaycee and Victoria for coming up with this!

Earlier this year some of us participated in the WIP - The Movie blogfest! hosted by Kyra and Rachel where we picked actors and actresses to play our characters in a movie. That was fun! For my heroine, Geri Harper, I chose and still choose Reese Witherspoon. Sassy, confident, beautiful, vivacious, charming, and a total butt-kicker!

In POP TRAVEL, Geri is a rookie FBI agent on what is supposed to be an easy first case. But when she discovers carrying out her assignment will endanger innocent people, she has to make a choice. This interview takes place after the job is over.

Thank you for coming in, Geri. I know you have a busy schedule. This won't take long.

Geri - No problem. I have a few minutes to kill before I meet my new boss.

Great! Here's the first question: How would you describe your hero?

Geri - Don't get me wrong, but I don't need a hero. If you mean my, uh, boyfriend - first time I've called him that - I would say he is humble, handsome, and strong. He hides his machismo until he needs it. And we saved each other, by the way.

Aww, that's wonderful!
Next question: What's your biggest date horror story?

Geri - Well, it wasn't exactly a date, and it started out to be exciting when we found this secret tunnel. Then my entire outfit was ruined when we sludged through it, all the way down on our bellies at one point and digging our way through another. Not something I want to do again, in an evening gown anyway.

I bet!
Question 3: What turns you off from a guy the most?

Geri - stupidity and staring at my chest, usually those go hand in hand.

Ha! That's great!
Next question: Kiss on the first date?

Geri - not usually, but when you are undercover, sometimes it is necessary...

That sounds interesting. But I know you're pressed for time, so here is the last question: What is one thing you believe tells a lot about a person?

Geri - That's a tough one. I'd say a person's eyes. Eyes don't lie. Lips lie. Eyes confess.

Oooo, good answer! Thank you so much for sitting down with me! Hope you like your new boss!

Geri - You're welcome. I should. It's a woman. That's already an improvement.

Well, there you have it. Another fun blog hop and getting to know our characters better makes them that easier to write. Literally getting inside their heads!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!


  1. Promise I won't stare at your chest, Geri.

  2. Fun interview! I like this bit - "Lips lie. Eyes confess."

  3. Ooh, she's a feisty one! I think I'd like to hear more about Geri, she sounds interesting!

  4. Loved this line -
    'stupidity and staring at my chest, usually those go hand in hand.'

    Very true.

  5. Fun interview! Loved "Lips lie. Eyes confess."

  6. "Don't get me wrong, but I don't need a hero." I kind of danced in my chair to that answer. Amen, Geri! Amen!

    This was a really fun interview -- I like Geri's answers to your questions; they're revealing about her character and create intrigue for the story. Nicely done.

  7. I definitely like Geri, for sure. She does not sit on the sidelines and I love that in a person:)

  8. Love the song and love Reese. Geri is a great character!

  9. Geri sounds like an awesome character! Just my type of woman.

  10. I love Cake! Great song choice and I liked your answer "eyes don't lie, lips lie" Very nice entry!

  11. I love the line about not needing a hero. I've always thought hero was a stupid term, anyway. LOL.

    Great job! Thanks for participating!

  12. Geri sounds AWESOME! I'd love to meet her in your book one day. :-)

  13. She's a strong woman.

    I always love reading these types of stories--girl FBI agents/cops are so cool.

  14. 'Lips lie. Eyes confess.' Love it! :)

  15. LOL at "stupidity and staring at my chest" - So true! Those would definitely turn me off, too!

  16. Love you Geri!! Been a fan of pop travel since the movie blogfest. Great post and I can't wait for more Pop Travle info.

  17. Such a terrific interview.
    Loved this part --- Eyes don't lie. Lips lie. Eyes confess.
    --- so very true.
    Great job!

  18. I'd say a person's eyes. Eyes don't lie. Lips lie. Eyes confess. - that's so poignant.

    Great interview, Geri has a really strong voice. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Geri sounds like loads of fun and no stranger to danger.

  20. stupidity and chest staring would get to me too! great interview and fantastic character :)

  21. Love that song by Cake. Haven't heard it in awhile. Fun interview with Geri.

  22. I love her answer to the describe your hero question! Both that she doesn't need a 'hero' and how she describes her boyfriend. I like the sound of both of them! :)

  23. love hearing the quote-backs! yay!
    I thank you, Geri thanks you!
    great fest and now I'm going to visit back, if I haven't already!

  24. Ah...that necessary kissing. Sometimes you just gotta take a hit for the team. lol. Short skirt, long Jacket is on my ipod and one of my favs. Great interview and I love Resse Witherspoon portraying any heroine.

  25. Wonderful answers. You've sure got a good, strong-minded woman there. ^_^

  26. Great interview! The character is refreshingly different & offered some interesting answers...

  27. Great photo of Reese! I love the fact Geri and her boyfriend saved each other. Geri is sassy!

  28. Hey, Tara! I left something on my blog for you. :D

  29. Chest staring and stupidty do indeed go hand in hand...

    I love that you chose Reece Witherspoon! I pretty much adore her :D

  30. Wow. She sounds great! Great choice to play her too.


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