
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday 4 U

Welcome to Friday 4 U!

I love Fall! I think I might have mentioned that. But it's so refreshing after a hot, hot Summer. September (in the US) brings back the school groove, relieving cooler weather, and football! It's also the season where some folks start to decorate their yards. Do you put out a fall wreath? a scarecrow? hay bale? corn stalks? They are so fun! I love the huge pumpkins! And my scarecrows - 2 regular, one pumpkin head and one crow head. Decorating for seasons and holidays is something the Lazy Housewife here likes to do. And it doesn't take a lot of time!

So here are some LAZY HOUSEWIFE tips for September:
  • OUTSIDE: for putting stakes into the ground is easier after it rains, you can also soften the ground with a hose. 
  • And if your scarecrows are faded, like mine were, spray paint brings new life to them. just be sure to cover/tape parts you don't want colored.
  • INSIDE: I decorate inside too - I <3 Michaels. A little fake Fall foliage goes a long way to Autumn up the main areas of the house. It makes me happy to see it!
  • The easiest decorations are kid creations. I keep most of their artwork, storing it with other seasonal decor - it's fun for them to see what they did too.
  • The Lazy Housewife is also the Thrifty Housewife - buy decorations for next year after the holiday/season, it's cheap!
  • Owls are the rage this Fall! Here's a little pumpkin owl design for you =) I would just use felt or construction paper and pipe cleaners - fun little project for the kids - and make your own designs, monsters, cat, spider, etc 
  • KIDS: And finally, do your kids have that adjustment period when school starts? Best thing for us to have is organization and patience. Mine struggle with homework, especially after a long day of school and sports. We distribute it if we can so they aren't overloaded. And we have supplies at the ready - homework folders for each kid, pencils, erasers, paper, etc. I just leave it all on our counter in a neat stack since we have to use it daily. And to make it easier in the morning, we try to get those backpacks ready to go the night before, notice I said try!
Well, that was fun! Do you have any tips for fall decor? Things you like to do in September? Homework motivation? Please share!


  1. I haven't done anything yet! I feel like a slouch now. LOL

    I usually do mums in the yard and porch and a wreath on the door. This year I'm ordering a large skeleton to sit on my porch for Halloween. :-)

  2. Sometimes we remember a pumpkin.
    Ready for cooler weather and football!

  3. We only decorate for Halloween. I don't know too many people who decorate with the Fall theme in mind. Winter hits too quickly to bother.

    Love your banner. I read Angela C's post this morning and discovered you genius behind them.

  4. I usually only decorate for Christmas. I guess I'm too lazy! ;) My husband does the outside decorations for Halloween, though, so our house isn't too lame. LOL

  5. I've got a couple scarecrows in the basement that I put out in October if I think of it. And I'll have a pumpkin on the porch for Halloween. That's about it until Christmas.

    It's harder to remember to decorate when you don't have kids at home anymore.

  6. I love the owl pumpkins!!! We've been swamped this week, but decorating sounds like fun . . .I have a bin of fall decor around her somewhere . . and knowing that I get to put it up as a reward will help me get the house clean again.

  7. Got the new header up today :) Thanks again.

  8. i love to decorate the house for fall also---we just put up one of my fall flags--snoopy with leaves-and my huge fall wreath, that i too found on sale a couple of years ago :)--sorry no homework motivation :)

  9. My favorite way to ring in fall is by baking something full of cinnamon. Then the house smells right for fall to start.

  10. Actually this is for Halloween, Years ago I bought a huge plastic pumpkin that lights up. You can see it a ways off and it helps light up the stairs for the kids. Can use it over and over.
    ps Your home is always so welcoming with decos. etc.

  11. Fall is my favorite season evah! Can't wait for the leaves to change color. :)

  12. My house is decorated with Fall decorations but what I'm not looking forward to is the freezing winter but that season is gorgeous with snow falling and Christmas trees decorated in tinsel and ornaments...

  13. Oh my, the Lazy Housewife and your house doesn't seem that lazy. I love all your decorating ideas though. So festive!

  14. This was all a matter of learning for me. I'm not a bid decorator though I admit that I enjoy looking at beautiful and interesting harvest or fall decorations.

  15. Jennifer, mums! yes! i have a fundraiser pumpkin pot that i put mums in each year. i need a new skeleton too, my old one's joints rusted.

    Alex, pumpkins are a must too =) yay football!

    Stina, we start with a little in fall, but go nuts for halloween =) and thanks!

    Dana, you aren't lazy, you have little ones to keep you busy! and halloween and xmas are plenty!

    LD, i do less at xmas lately because my kids don't get that excited anymore, especially if we aren't having company.

    yay Tyrean!!

    Angela, you're welcome =)

    Lynn, yay for Snoopy! I have some Peanuts lighted characters for xmas =)

    Rena, mmm, the scents of fall are the best too!

    Mom, thanks! i get it from you!

    Precy, i know! the whole world gets decorated =)

    Livia, one season at a time, right? take the good with the bad =)

    Emily S, the LHW philosophy is get the most done in the least amount of time =) lazy housewife is an oxymoron! none of us are lazy! right?

    Angela, the LHW also only does what she can do - whatever is best for you!

    thanks for stopping by, everyone!

  16. You always have great tips to share... and sounds like you are super-organized with the kiddies school supplies.

  17. The weather here in the Uk is so bizarre it's hard to remember what season/month we are in from one day to the next. I love the autumn colours and the crisp fresh air.


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