
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fresh as a

dryer sheet!
Did you think daisy? Well, that's me. I like to keep it fresh. Ha!

So it's Sensational Haiku Wednesday and it's fresh...

Wake up feeling fresh
New day brings new ideas
Changing perspectives

These days it's the girls
being fresh and flirty with
clueless, aloof boys

Crisp apples to pluck
Perfect pumpkins for picking
Harvest time at farm

And just for fun, I wrote another poem...

Queen Dragonfly

Transform me to dragonfly
Grant my wish to hover high
Above the earth up in the sky

On strong, sleek wings, aloft will I
Soar and dip and dive and climb
Slender, green, and blue sublime

Viewing life through magic eyes
Great big world, all surprise
Investigating makes me wise

Bliss to leave my woes behind
Responsibilities confined
Banished deep within my mind

So when a dragonfly you find
Along the shore or backyard line
Please be sure to treat it kind


  1. Oh, I love that flirty girls and clueless boys haiku.

    Have a great day!

  2. Your dragonfly poem is so beautiful! I could see the world vividly from the dragonfly's "magic eyes." Thanks for sharing your lovely poetry!

  3. We're not clueless!
    All right, maybe we are...

  4. Poetry and haiku are excellent ~ 'new perspective' ~ right on ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Love the first haiku! I needed to read that today. :)

  6. I love the clueless boys line, too. :) These are great! I love poetry but I can't write it. Sometimes I do, just for fun, but it sounds like bad teenage poetry! :)

  7. Nicely done all round. I don't remember being clueless, though ;-)

  8. I love haiku's! So much to say and so few words. :) Thanks for sharing yours!

  9. we both thought apples :)
    Love the first one. Great thought.

  10. awwww i just love this--when i was little, i was so scared of dragonflies but now i love to watch them--great poem :)

  11. As a child my sister said stay away from the dining needles because they will sew you up. That was Arleen who said that, of course.
    Really nice poem, Tara.

  12. Queen Dragon fly has returned. Lovely poetry.

  13. Tara, you've got SKILLS. I love the feeling you capture! You're so good. ;)

  14. That poem is pretty! Loved it once again :)

  15. I have sons and grandsons. Yep - clueless.

  16. I love the flirty girls and the clueless boys - sounds like junior high! Love the crisp apples too!

  17. All of your fresh haiku are delightful, especially the girls and boys one. And I love your dragonfly poem! Really nice - and I am kind to dragonflies :)

  18. You are so talented. Love, love, love this.

  19. Oh my God I LOVE the smell of dryer sheets :D

    I'm not a fan of bugs at all, but I was actually pretty enamored with the dragonfly :)

    As usual, you're the epitome of talent and awesomesauce.

  20. Oh my God I LOVE the smell of dryer sheets :D

    I'm not a fan of bugs at all, but I was actually pretty enamored with the dragonfly :)

    As usual, you're the epitome of talent and awesomesauce.

  21. thanks everyone! love the haiku prompts and you know how i feel about dragonflies =)

  22. I loved all of your lovely tips. I know this is in the wrong comment place, but I read that first. :) What a fun filled Haiku and a gorgeous poem of the dragonfly. You always have such a way with words and expressing yourself.


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