
Monday, October 29, 2012

KSM - Hippity Hoppity

Time for Jeremy's Halloween Hop!
I have a new favorite Halloween movie - Hotel Transylvania! My all time favorite will always be Young Frankenstein! "Nice hopping." And my costume this year is a mad scientist! Bwahaha! *cue lightening flash & thunder*

What's your favorite Halloween book or movie? Are you dressing up this year?

Okay, I'm tackling this Next Big Thing challenge, so buckle up!
Thanks, Brinda for passing it to me! I will keep it brief!

What is your working title of your book?
Broken Branch Falls

Where did the idea come from for the book? 
Watching my boys at football practice and subbing

What genre does your book fall under?
MG Fantasy, I thought it was young adult, but it wasn't adult enough!

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I am out of the young actors and actresses loop. I picture this as more of a cartoon movie anyway...

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Gabe Goblin tries new things, like dating another species, but breaking the Rules brings the destruction of his town and to save it he must gather reps from all the species to join him in a quest for the truth to change the Rules.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I will submit to my publisher (I can't believe I have a publisher!), Curiosity Quills.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
One month at camp nano this August. Must do again! *** GOOD LUCK NANO-ERS! ***

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Not to be cheeky, but The Hobbit? Only way less intense and younger audience.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
The kids I sub for. Teens still have those hurtful clicks. Hard to change who you've been labeled to become. Would love to see more kids look past appearances and stereotypes.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
It's actually a dystopian, far in the future, where fantasy creatures are the result of humankind distorting and destroying themselves with chemical and biological warfare. And the quest is like Survivor with challenge after challenge!

Speaking of challenge, I now bestow the Next Big Thing on...

And a couple last bits of news...

Tomorrow I finally get to host my friends Gwen & Angela! It's going to be a special interview you really can't miss! It'll be a real howl! ha ha.

Then on Hallowednesday I will send off Nano-ers with my top ten excuses that I'm not doing it! Proud of all you guys venturing into the beginnings of a new novel! Good luck!

Though November is a busy time, I hope you can make time to join the blogfest hosted by Andrew Leon, Matthew MacNish, and Alex the Great coming up on 11/16, "Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest"

Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who has signed up for Vikki and I's "I'm Thankful For..." bloghop! That's coming up soon, November 5-8!


  1. Congrats again on signing with Curiosity Quills :)

  2. Love the title! Sounds like a great premise. :D

  3. Your novel sounds awesome, Tara! I love the premise. Can't wait to read it when it's on the shelves some day!!

    I'm glad Hotel Transylvania was good! All the kiddie Halloween movies looked good this year. I think the others were Frankenweenie and ParaNorman. Heehee, love all these silly, clever titles!

    My favorite Halloween movie is The Nightmare before Christmas. I always start getting excited for Christmas once October rolls around, but I don't want to miss out on the thrills and chills of autumn and Halloween. So watching The Nightmare before Christmas is the perfect solution!

  4. Your WIP sounds like a combo of all my favorite things.

  5. Broken Branch Falls sounds like good fun with some great themes! I'm looking forward to reading it . . .

  6. Those clicks are why I'd never want to return to my teen years. Ever.
    No dressing up this year, although I have in the past.
    And thanks for mentioning our blogfest!

  7. Yay! You have a publisher (I already knew that, but it's still Yay Worthy)!!!

    It's interesting that your MG fantasy novel came from watching your boys at football practice and subbing.

  8. congrats on having a publisher, how exciting---i thought about doing that nano--thing--but i was scared off by the rules or should i say the out-line--i want to do a thing where ya just write off the top of your head--but that's just me :)

  9. Congrats again on the publisher :)

    And thanks so much for tagging me! I would love talk about my WIP some more!

  10. How exciting to be able to say " my publisher"
    Dad and I still say, " nice hopping " ha-ha.

    I like the sounds of the book already. I can see those wheels turning.

  11. Congrats once again on landing a publisher!
    Your story sounds awesome!

  12. Some day I hope to get up the guts to do NaNoWriMo... It's just such an intense thing! Scary. I'll stick to my lesser writing challenges for now :P

    Your book sounds like fun!

  13. That story sounds like so much fun! I could see it animated too.

  14. Hey, cool story. I believe I have dated other species as well and have received a lot of stares. lol Good job with the publisher, it makes things so much easier. Cheers.

  15. TARA!! I really wanna read your book now, it looks so intriguing! And I would love to see the movie adaptation of it, too! Maybe it could be animatead by the most wonderful animation studio EVER - PIXAR ANIMATION! Just saying, it would be fabulous and I would be runnin' to the cinema to see it!

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Miss You blogfest and IWSG next Wed! See ya there, Tara!

  16. Oh my! I missed your announcement on signing with curiosity quills! Congratulations!!!

  17. Congratulations on having a publisher! Go YOU!

    LOVE the title of your book. Fantasy is definitely my fav genre and I don't care what age group it's written for: children, young adults, adults, whatever.

    Wishing you a very Happy Halloween from Jeremy's Halloween Blog Hop. Hope your day is filled with fun and lovely treats!

  18. Still very thrilled for your publishing success and love the premise for your MG fantasy tale. I do love a good adventure story.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's interview.

  19. Congrats again on having a publisher. Nice The Next Big Thing post. Just made mine today.

  20. Congrats about the publisher! Your project sounds intriguing.

    I love Young Frankenstein.

  21. I'm so out of the actor loop too. I don't know what's hot are in style unless it's books we're talking about. lol

    Sounds like a fun story! The Hobbit was my fave as a kid.

    Happy Halloween!

  22. I loved, loved, loved Hotel Transylvania! What a cute story. And, your title sounds absolutely great. Congrats on the publisher. Happy Halloween Blog Hopping!!!

  23. thanks again, you guys!

    laura, i love nightmare before xmas too!

    livia, pixar, hmmm!

    happy haunting!

  24. Love the title and congrats on the work in progress! Many blogs I've read are talking about NaNo. Enjoyed reading your posting.

  25. LOVE Young Frankenstein. SO hilarious.

    Happy Halloween and happy bloghopping!


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