
Monday, October 22, 2012

KSM - I'm Bewildered

It's been one heck of an October!!!
So many good things happening in the blogosphere! Here are a just a few...

First, I am astounded and overwhelmed by all the support from you guys! I am teary in happiness! Thanks for making me feel so special!

And I hate to keep talking about myself, but my short fantasy story The Guardian Tree is being published in this week's issue of Bewildering Stories! Total coincidence!

Now on to others with wonderful news!

Today, Kyra has invited us to a Goodreads event to celebrate the release of her New Adult novella, "If I Let You Go!" The ebook will be free on Amazon US and UK for 24 hours on October 22nd, coinciding with the "Letting Go" bloghop! Go check it all out!

Christine's cute Cowgirl story is out for y'all to read "Li'l Gal Al"

The feisty spirits and characters are still stirring up trouble at Partners in ParanormYA while Gwen & Angela continue their blog tour...stop by for a peek! And I'll have them here next week!

Also today, Dani and Jackie host a weekly Express Yourself MeMe, this week's topic is "List 5 favorite monsters throughout history."

Speaking of monsters! Two fun Halloween blogfests are coming up...Spooktoberfest (also hosted by Dani & Jackie!) and Halloween Hop hosted by Jeremy Bates! Share a story and seasonal fun!

Then soon after in November a bunch of you guys are doing NANOWRIMO!
May your mind ne'er block and your computer ne'er crash! 
Save often and good luck!

Since Thanksgiving rushes up as the sometimes overlooked holiday between Halloween and Xmas, Vikki and I are hosting the "I'm Thankful for..." blog hop. And don't forget Alex's monthly Insecure Writers Support Group meeting on Nov 7th!

I know there's more, but I can't remember it all! Are you doing NANO? Got something special coming up? I'd love to share it!


  1. I cannot even believe how busy this month is lol!

    Thank you very much for the shoutout!

  2. I can't believe how much is going on in the blogosphere. Makes me feel like such a slacker.

    But I guess I'll make up for it next month with NaNoWriMo.

  3. This has been a busy month!
    All ready for your blogfest.
    And congratulations again.

  4. Looks like the next month or so is going to be super busy. :)

    I'm not doing NaNo. The timing never works for me. November will be NaNoPlaMo for me (pla=planning my next project).

  5. Contemplating doing NaNo for the first time...only not in the traditional sense. I'm wondering if I can use all that online support and motivation to FINISH a book I've already started. I know you can't use words you already have, but that 50+K would go a LONG way to getting me finished. About your offer about goings on--I am giving away a free Kindle this week. Here is the link.

  6. Again, I'm still so very excited for you. And Yes I'm doing nano! And I hope your Monday is awesome.

  7. This has been a crazy busy month of playing catch up. Hopefully November will open up. Congrats! on the great news for The Guardian Tree!

  8. Congratulations on your story and your book! You are one talented lady!
    There sure is a lot going on . ..I can't possibly participate in all of it, but thanks for all the links!
    And yes, I'm actually doing NaNo . . .because I want to work on two novels at the same time and go insane . . .no, actually because I'm really almost done with Champion in the Darkness, and I'm beginning to work on the business aspects of a book release - which means I need something to creatively write, right?

  9. I'm doing Nanowrimo too and we all hope to have not writer's block or computer crashes. Congrats again on getting a contract for Pop Travel. I knew someone would publish it! And of course congrats on getting your short story published. Like you said it's been one heck of an October.

  10. I'm not doing NaNo, but I'm cheering for you guys on the sidelines!

  11. congrats tara!!! i am pretty sure i am not doing the nano thing--but i was/am tempted!!

  12. Three cheers for your short story publication. I'm so glad to see wonderful things happening to such a good person. I said it before but I'll say it again, "You deserve all this greatness!"

    You've already mentioned the good-feel thing with me and Gwen. And though I won't be participating in NaNo, I will try to cheer others on.

    I've checked out a few other blogs participating in Kyra's "Letting go" blog hop. Been some great stories shared.

  13. My brain can't even process all this amazing stuff going on! Yes, I will be doing NaNo, but I can't promise any results. I'm not setting my expectations high since I have to revise as well.

  14. Have I mentioned how happy I am for you? Cause seriously, I doubt my one little comment could express it.

    And totally, when you're up for a blog tour, I'd love to have you over.

  15. With the baby if I tried to do NaNo I think my head might explode, lol. Wishing you luck!

  16. Hey, I just read about your contract over at Alex's blog. Congratulations! That is awesome news!

  17. More publishing going on? Your writing career is off to a flying start, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're making me a very proud mom.

  18. Thank you for the shout-out! And congratulations on the short story. You're having an amazing month. :) I'll be tackling NaNo again this year.

  19. Congrats to Kyra and Christine on their books!

    And I love the NaNo luck! It'll be my fourth year participating in it.

  20. I am doing NaNo! I can't wait! I submitted to Curiosity Quills after seeing your post. It's worth a try, right?

  21. Thanks for the reminder about Kyra's book! I'm a fan of free :)

    Also, I'm way excited for your bloghop. I have a lot to be thankful for!!

  22. That's great about your short story. You've got so much going on, I got tired just reading about it.

    Losing Thanksgiving is a major reason I don't do NaNo.

  23. Congratulations!
    Yes this month has been demanding for me too.

  24. Congrats on your good news!

    The blogosphere is busy this month. I'm going to refrain from joining any more bloghops since my calendar is full. Also, I'm busier than usual in real life.

  25. Thanks again so much y'all!

    And I'm glad I'm not the only one NOT doing nano! there are so many who ARE!

    I just finished getting around to visiting everyone from my announcement post! Crazy month on and off the blog!


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