
Monday, December 10, 2012

Giving back to our Captain Alex!

Time to give back blog hop - Cheers for Alex J. Cavanaugh! Thanks to Mark KoopmansMorgan ShamyDavid Powers KingStephen Tremp for hosting!

Today we describe what we think the mysterious Alex looks like in 20 words or less - well, I heard a picture is worth a thousand words...
Rockin Starship Ninja Captain!

My name is Cavanaugh and I pilot a Cosbolt. I swear by my IWSG (ionic whirling space generator). Reliable. That’s what she is. Just like my wife, Second Lieutenant Ninja Cavanaugh. I wouldn’t trade my Cosbolt for anything. Not even a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar. Well, maybe for that.

Liam Neeson would be a perfect Alex...Isn't it strange that we know hardly anything about this guy except he writes killer sci fi, he loves rock and guitars, and he is blogtacular! I chose Liam Neeson because his roles are versatile, sci fi/fantasy, commanding leaders, and usually a good guy...consider:

Zeus (Wrath of the Titans)
Admiral Shane (Battleship)
Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
Hannibal (the A-Team)
Aslan (the Chronicles of Narnia)

The list is long and growing. A worthy comparison!

To add a bit of sweetness, I want to share this great review of CassaStar by Honey!

And one new blogfest to add to your calendar in the new year...

Join LG Keltner's celebration of your beginnings to start of 2013 right!

Yes, 2013 is right around the corner! Is it going to be a bad luck year? I don't even like saying it!


  1. Love the picture. Rockin Starship Ninja Captain!

    And Liam Neeson, perfect -- a very worthy comparison!
    Love reading all the choices for Alex, wondering what he thinks about our choices though...who would he choose?

    L G 's blogfest will be fun!!!

    And 2013 is going to be the best year yet. 13 is my lucky number!

  2. Oh, that picture is totally how I envisioned Alex. :D

  3. Oh no, I think you totally captured him! Love, love the picture and the blurb! "I wouldn’t trade my Cosbolt for anything. Not even a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar. Well, maybe for that." LOL! :D

  4. Ha! I think this is my favorite Alex picture yet!

  5. The picture is awesome!!! Thanks so much for going to the trouble of creating one for me. And I MIGHT trade my Cosbolt for a Gibson Les Paul...
    Thank you SO much, Tara. I'm really touched.

  6. LOVE the piccie you created! It's perfect.

  7. It's wonderful jumping to the different posts to see how differently each of us went about celebrating in the fun! YAY for Alex!

  8. Love the picture... it's a perfect representation of Alex!

  9. Great post, Tara!
    I think you got Alex just right!

    13's my lucky number! I'm looking forward to it!


    (Love the new banner too!)

  10. Love, Love that picture!!! And I like your comparison to Liam - nice!

    Great blogfest - must check calendar!

  11. Love, love this! And Liam is awesome. We just saw Taken 2 this weekend, so don't forget that he can kick butt and take names without a lightsaber. =D

  12. Liam Neeson? TOTALLY!!!!!!

    Hahaha... perfect. And that picture ROCKS.

  13. I love, love that picture! I could definitely see Liam as Alex. He is very versatile. You've definitely put forth an excellent theory on our Captain's mysterious ways.

  14. LOVE the picture!!! Great job on this. :)

  15. Nice picture. Liam Neeson would make a GREAT Alex. ;-)

  16. As always, great image up there!! You're so talented. :) Loved your tribute to Alex!

  17. I LOVE your picture of Alex he should add it to his blog!

  18. Liam Neeson, yes! Has a great resume for the part, lol

  19. Your pic is wonderful. And yes, the list keeps going and going and going, doesn't it? Love it!

  20. Love the guitar playing ninja Alex! Are those shades of purple in his hair? I love it! I'm digging on your new blog header, too!

  21. The picture is awesome. That really kind of is how I imagine him. What a nice thing to do for Alex by sharing that great review, as well. Yay.

    P.S. I always consider 13 a lucky #. 2012 has been pretty rough, so I am hoping 2013 is our lucky year. My son graduates in 2013, too. Class of '13, dun, dun, dun...

  22. I like the Elvis qualities on the artwork you did, Tara. Fantastic! Liam is a great choice. Throw in some gladiators and it'd be a total blockbuster. :D

  23. Those are great! Love the pic!!! :)

  24. Yes!! Liam Neeson would be a perfect Alex!! Perfect pick!

  25. Oh my God that pix is awesome! Really well done. He should stick it on his blog side bar. Love it.

  26. Very cool picture! Guitars in space. Wonder what that would sound like.

  27. "Rockin Starship Ninja Captain!" Perfect caption to a perfect image perfectly describing Alex. And I really like the 1st person take on the Flash. Well done!

  28. Hi Tara .. great take - ionic whirling space generator ... now that's fun. Also your choice of actor - and Mrs C ...

    Well done - and your photo - this is something I must look into next year .. cheers Hilary

  29. That Alex cartoon is AWESOME!

    Merry Christmas to you, Tara! xo

  30. Awesome, Tara! What a great tribute. I'm going to have to go with the Qui-Gon comparison on this one. :)

  31. That picture is awesome! I love it. I can see Liam Neeson in that role, too.

  32. Tara you're pictures are so awesome! That totally looks like the Ninja Captain.

  33. I love the picture! Thanks also for mentioning my blogfest!

  34. haha, great pic. Looks like Elvis slash Alex!

  35. thanks y'all, but alex deserves all the credit!!

  36. For some reason I'm reminded of an old BOSTON album with a spacecraft shaped like a guitar! Great post! :)

  37. That's a great picture of Alex too. You're so talented!


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