
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

winter is upon us

Here in the US, it's winter. And today the high was 17. Brrrrrr!

Sensational Haiku Wednesday is au natural, traditional nature haiku... 


Deceiving sunshine,
Tranquil, cloudless, azure sky
Hides cold's lurking bite

White wisps float and dance
Bright mittens, puffy coats, scarves
Let's build a snowman!

Mirrored treachery
Smooth tempting surface looks safe
Please stay off the ice!

Natural power
Dryness and sweaters don't mix
Ouch! Shocking static!


  1. Yikes! Even here in FL, the lows went down into the 40s. Stay warm! :)

  2. One haiku is hard enough to write, but four, wow! I really like the first one.

  3. Fun Haiku! I think I'll join you one of these Wednesdays. :)

  4. That's a great picture. I always wanted to make a snowman but first I have to get somewhere where there is more snow than my freezer.

  5. The temperature here right now is Five Below with a wind chill of 27 below.

    I miss forty degree weather.

    Love the winter haiku. That first one's very pretty.

  6. Great job! I really like your description of snow.

  7. Loved it and can relate to it. According to, the town I live in has been named the third coldest in the US,with Alaska and a place in Minnesota being the two that beat us out. Well. Good thing our summers are as close to heaven as you can get.

  8. Haiku fit for the weather. Enjoyed them.

  9. Hi Tara .. love the kids and snowman .. slightly older now and perhaps not wanting to go outside.

    Half of England is deluged in snow ... we're wet and cold here .. thankfully it's not 17 deg F.

    Mirrored treachery ... ice certainly can be that, as well as miraged snowfields ..

    Enjoy if you can .. or wrap up and stay warm somehow .. Hilary

  10. Both of your "winter" poems are beautiful. It would seem we have the same feeling at least about ice. Well done my friend.


  11. It's quite chilly in my neck of the woods right now, but we've had temps all over the place. Nice job on the Haikus. Winter can definitely be deceiving when staring at it through a window. Clear skies and sunshine fool us; we step outside and the cold air takes our breath away. What a tease!

  12. 17 degrees?!?!? That sucketh. I think its 60 degrees here in Vegas and that's pretty cold for me. This last weekend I was in Southern California at the beach and it was HOT! Like 77 degrees! Awesome.

  13. The kids have been on school delays due to cold. A little extra sleep is a good trade off for the feels like 0 temps.

  14. Oh boy, is it ever! I think we're officially up to 11 degrees now, and that's feeling like a heat wave. Yesterday, it was -5 without wind and at least -25 with windchill. Time to grab some cocoa and a good book!

  15. Just four degrees out
    Schools on a two hour delay
    Wish I was a kid

  16. Love the Haiku and the cute pic ;)

  17. *LOL* Love that last one. My husband came home from work on Monday, I came over and kissed him. The spark of static was so big, we both saw it and had stinging lips for a while!

  18. I just pet my cat and got zapped, so yeah, that last Haiku really says it for me. I guess it's time to put the humidifier up to full blast.

  19. Oh yes, those static shocks! My cats give them to me a lot.

  20. Well done!
    We were in the twenties this morning. I liked it!

  21. Sunny light can be deceiving on the chilly days even without snow! Interesting set of haiku!

  22. I love that first one especially - it's so true! Sometimes days look so deceitfully warm! :(

  23. The air in Utah is so bad right now, if only we could see the sky! I love the mountains, but when they hold all the cold gunk in, I hate them!

  24. Love it! I was at my local yesterday and say a picture book on the V-Day table called I LOVE HAIKU.

    Haiku's in the air!
    Must be the freezing weather
    I cannot Haiku!

  25. Compared to here 17 seems balmy. It was -5 here on the weekend. That just sucks!

    I love it when it's sunny even though it's cold out. My home office gets nice and warm. :)

  26. 7 degrees on my way home from my nephews basket ball game. Brrr.

  27. Love that snowman. Send some ice my way... it's mighty warm here in Oz at the moment.

  28. Do you write in verse, Tara??? You should! :D

  29. I know what you mean about deceiving sunshine. I went out for a walk the other day- it looked sunny outside so I dressed light. But once I got outdoors, it was actually quite chilly.

    I suppose that particular haiku can be an analogy for certain kinds of people too.

  30. I don't know how you roll these haikus off with such ease and grace. I worked up a sweat for my short little one over at Myndi Shafer's blog lol!!

  31. Very nice series.

    It was close to 17 here as well.

    Next few days will be warmer.


  32. you all are so great! looks like we're all cold together!

    LD and Daisy, so glad you added your haiku too!

    Morgan, i do, have. thought about putting one up sunday...

  33. As always, love the haikus. (Is that actually the plural of haiku?)


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