
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy ID!

Independence Day, of course! For us here in the USA =)

It's supposed to be a rainy one here in the Midwest. We'll see how it goes. And we start our last tournament of baseball season! Yeah!

4th of July also means BBQs! Rain or shine! Here is the lovely dessert I prepared to share...
Take a virtual taste of my Berry Cheesecake Bites. (Recipe below)

This is one of the first recipes I tried on my own. Straight off the Cool Whip lid. It's called Fruit-Topped Cheese Pie. Back in college, I made one and auctioned it at work in a bake auction and it brought $25! This time, I altered the shape to make individual servings on graham cracker squares.

Fruit Topped Cheese Pie

1 pkg (8 oz) cream cheese
1/3 Cup sugar
1 tub whipped topping
1 graham pie crust
1 Cup canned cherry pie filling (or other fruit)

Beat cream cheese and sugar in medium bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Gently stir in whipped topping.
Spoon into crust. Spoon cherries around edge of pie.
Refrigerate at least 3 hours. Store in refrigerator.

Here is a link to the recipe.

And POP TRAVEL will be out in only THREE DAYS!!! WAHOOO!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm a big fan of cakes and pies. I'll have to add that one to my list of standbys, because that looks awesome (minus the blueberries of course).

  2. Straight off the Cool Whip lid - funny! Looks very tasty though.
    Happy Fourth, Tara!

  3. Have a wonderful day!

  4. These look so good. Hope you're having a happy Fourth.

  5. I would so be in on that berry cheesecake bite thing! Eating it, that is, not so much with the making of it ;) I LOVE CHEESECAKE.

  6. Hi Tara .. looks very good - and would make a great dessert for a party weekend .. enjoy --- and happy Independence Day .. cheers Hilary

  7. Yum! I hope your Fourth was a good one. :)


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