
Monday, May 18, 2015

Rated R for Radical!

Well, I took my two week break and now I'm back on my weekly posting schedule. Thanks again for all the great comments and encouragement throughout the A to Z challenge. Amazingly, some folks are still winding their way through the massive list with the ROAD TRIP! I'm on the fence for next year, but odds are that I will give in and do it again.

But today is all about the BB&C blogfest hosted by ALEX J CAVANAUGH & HEATHER M GARDNER. I know I'm not alone in talking about the best fit for this fest, the epic fantasy series...
(dun dun, dadadun dun, dadadun dun, dadadun dun...)

Everyone knows how gory and sinful it is - but it's also very captivating, surprising, and riveting. The characters and their twistiness suck you in. At first I ignored the fad, thinking everyone just wanted to gawk. But I needed something to read so I tried the first book, A SONG OF FIRE AND ICE. It was thoroughly confusing and I set it down after a few chapters. But when I watched the first episode with Tyrion Lannister and John Snow and Eddard Stark, I was hooked. Since then, I've devoured the books and have been keeping ahead of the show, always anxious to see how they will continue the convoluted stories.

This season I heard they are straying even farther from the books. Many of the shortcuts they take are to keep from introducing millions of new characters who are probably just going to die anyway, and I understand that. I just hope George keeps the show in check! Not to mention, he's gotta finish that next book!

My favorite characters are Tyrion, Jamie, Bronn, Brianne, and Arya, probably similar to most since they're about the only original characters still alive! To keep it fresh, I'm sharing some awesome mash-up pics I found that many of you may not have seen...Enjoy!

spot on

so awesome!

this is my absolute FAVE!


And to catch everyone back up...

Next Monday (5/25) I'm joining in the Muse Blogfest - no not the band, tho that would be cool! Sarah Foster at the Faux Fountain Pen is hosting a fun fest where we bring and introduce our muses party-style. Join us!

Also going on this month - POP TRAVEL and BROKEN BRANCH FALLS are getting some great press!

TBM's first Monthly Giveaway for MAY is still going on featuring five awesome books, including BBF. And in JUNE she's including POP TRAVEL. She's the best!

Also going on for two and a half more weeks is Sharon Bayliss's huge book blogger giveaway. If you love to review, she's giving away a $50 Amazon GC and several print copies of books to bloggers who'd like to read and review them or pass them on in their own giveaways in features on their blogs - PT is one of the books. I love this idea of hers! Thank you, Sharon!

Lastly, BBF is an AMAZON BIG DEAL this month - the ebook is being highlighted by Amazon for one more week and on sale for 99 cents!

Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if you have something you'd like me to give a shout about!


  1. Game of Thrones was my pick. You just don't get more Blood, Boobs, and Carnage than that.
    Cartoons are funny.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest!

  2. Thanks for the shout out for my blogfest!!!
    I knew a lot of people would pick GoT. Perfect example. :)

  3. Those are some of my favorite characters, too. And love the Tyrion and Bronn pic. :)

  4. I'm a huge GoT fan. I read the books long before the show came on, and they've done such an excellent job. OMG! That Tyrion and Bronn pic is adorable. Loving all those giveaways!

  5. Haven't had time to watch any of this! Maybe I need to incorporate something of it?

  6. I do love Game of Thrones. Your favorite characters just happen to be my favorite characters. That Calvin and Hobbes pic is great!

  7. I haven't gotten into Game of Thrones yet for the sole reason I know it will suck my time! I have too much to do, so it will have to wait. Maybe if I had better self control on watching TV, I could watch one episode and then get back to work, but nope, I will binge watch it.

  8. I've never read Game of Thrones, but I've heard about how bloody and ruthless it is.

  9. Muse party on the 25th? Hmm, I'm misrembering my dates.

    Jon Snow is pretty interesting too. Wouldn't it be funny if Tyrion matured enough to take the throne!! I'm finding I understand the world better by reading and watching it. I too am wondering where some of these story lines will go.

    The cartoons made me laugh too.

  10. Glad you're back. I'm still making rounds on the a-z, doing the road trip etc. Been seeing lots of blood boobs...didn't realize so many people were into that.

    Sandy at Bridge and Beyond

  11. Welcome back! Arya was my favorite in the books but I couldn't keep up with them. If Tyrion dies I riot! =)

  12. I think you're right - you picked the ultimate B B & C story!

    Thanks for the update on the hops, I've got to get involved!

  13. Sounds like some exciting time coming up. Bronn is one of my favorite characters on GoT. I miss him and Tyrion together.

  14. If Game of Thrones ever shows up on Netflix or Amazon video, I think I will give it a try again :)

  15. Great pick. The cartoons you shared are fantastic.


Thanks for stopping by!