
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to reach your #resolution #goals - all year!

Time to get lean in 2016...
Good one, right? That's part of my goals every year, yet it never seems to happen. Especially as I get older, I usually pack on more pounds.

SO! Here are some suggestions for sticking to those lofty resolution goals we set in January that usually fizzle out by February or March. And these are recommendations as part of the first Insecure Writers Support Group as well - writers make and break resolutions too (Guilty!)
  • Reminders - You have a smart phone, or at least a computer, so set a reminder alarm. Once a month or once a week, or whenever - check in with yourself and remind yourself of your goals. And update or change your goals as necessary.
  • Goal Buddy - Have someone to check in with. I started a writing goals page on Facebook - it should be an open group - join us! Or talk to a friend once in a while, encourage each other. We all have things come up that interfere with our goals, the point is not to give up!
  • Be Reasonable - I've said this before, make goals you can reach and consider your time and life constraints. Be realistic.
  • Be Forgiving - It's okay if you don't reach those lofty goals. The Really Real Housewife philosophy is WICWIC - What I Can, When I Can. Just keep striving!
  • Rewards - When you do reach a goal, treat yourself. Have a special treat in mind for when you do, then you have something to look forward to in addition to reaching the goal.
Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for establishing the completely awesome Insecure Writers Support Group - meeting each first Wed of the month with special guest hosts to help him wade through the fears and cheers of the many participants. Always room for more!

And this month I'm also very excited to see who is going to be in the IWSG anthology!

In other news...
I got a new computer. My last one sludged slower and slower with all the upgrades and updates it automatically downloaded. I can't stand how quickly technology speeds away and changes, out-dating my stuff before I even get a chance to get used to it as another newer, faster, supposedly better version comes out. It makes me wonder if the younger generation does it on purpose to confuddle us. And sometimes I think it's job security for them.

I was so frustrated, I drew a cartoon about it!

Here's my quarterly newsletter for my writerly updates...

And this week at the Really Real Housewives we have a special guest - a fun-loving HouseHUSBAND!

Also, if anyone has a release or cover reveal they'd like help with, I'm happy to give you a shout =) Just ask!

What are your goals this year? Any news or frustrations to share?
Here's to a Sweet 2016!


  1. Psst... I love 'How-To' posts! Checking in with myself during the month is a great idea. I'll have to set that up on my phone. And of course the buddy system is so important. I need to reconnect with my CPs and maybe find a few new accountability partners for this year. I have so much coming up and so much to do.

    All the best to you during this year!

  2. I have a todo list app that sends me reminders and that lets me really plan ahead, so I just set it in to remind me every month to check in with my goals. Thanks for the tips!

  3. My goal is the same as last year. Finish my story. Hopefully this is the year.

  4. Yeah, computers go out of style fast. I tend to get a new one every three years to keep up with the changes.
    Be forgiving. Good one!

  5. The cartoon is perfect LOL.

    What I Can, When I Can - I am going to remember that mantra for myself! Happy New Year, Tara. :)

  6. I agree with Julie - I'm going to remember that WICWIC for myself also.

    Great suggestions, Tara! I'm going to schedule a weekly or monthly review for/with myself.

  7. My computers are getting slower and slower by the day. My significant other tells me to get a new one, but I haven't had these very long. I'll use them until they die of natural causes, you know? Even if they're so slow I want to tear my hair out every time I turn them on.

    Be forgiving. That's the part I always struggle with the most.

  8. Yes! If your computer is 4 years old, you are a dinosaur! My hubby built THE supercomputer back in 2006. When I say SUPER, it kicked the trash out of anything and cost upwards of $3000 to build. Well, even being cutting edge with more memory than should be legally allowed, my cheap 1 year old computer is now more powerful. (He's getting ready to retire the Ferrari computer as we call it, because it sounds like a Ferrari--liquid cooling system and all.)

    I'm so glad you've got a new writing machine.

  9. Hi Tara - computers are great, but can be a pain and a drain ... and why can't our brains deal with it all?! Good luck with your writings and developing new ideas - enjoy 2016 - cheers Hilary

  10. Being forgiving if we don't meet a goal is a must. We need to be more forgiving of ourselves.

    A goal buddy is a great idea. I need to find myself a goal buddy. :)

    Happy 2016!!!!

  11. Fantastic tips! I do need to be more forgiving of myself. Even now with my chest rattling and blurry eyes, I'm telling myself I need to do more. Really, I should nap! =P Here's to a great 2016 for all of us.

  12. Good luck with the new computer! I'm lucky my 2007 laptop still works when I need to go back on it for something my new laptop won't do, like convert a Word document into HTML and create a hyperlinked table of contents. (I'm not paying a yearly subscription for Word, and Word 2004 won't open on the new machine.)

    I hope to find a good cover artist this year, and to actually sell something, anything, instead of seeing that flat line for another entire year.

  13. I love Mark's guest spots. That is a perfect timeframe for computer lifespans. Lucky you getting a new one. Good advice on the goal setting. I use my planner to write down what I need to do each week.

  14. Good suggestions, but I don't do this anymore. I'm afraid this is one thing that has beaten me. So I make life changes when I want and so far I'm doing okay. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  15. Glad you have a new computer. Nothing's more frustrating than dealing with one that goes wonky on you. Loved Mark's post on RRHW. What a guy!

  16. You have to admit new computers are fun! Confuddle is a great word!
    Happy New Year!

  17. Great list! I cheated and made easy goals. Maybe I'll make harder ones next year. :)

  18. I like those tips for resolutions. Even though I don't make resolutions. >.>

  19. LOL - that cartoon is great.
    Love this post, it is too true that New Years resolutions are forgotten only a short way in to the year.

  20. Happy new year, Tara! You are so wise. Thank for the tips - for writing and the other perpetual resolution.

    I got a new computer, too! In the process of breaking it in & getting things just the way I like them. Of course the newer Microsoft Office Suite dropped my favorite picture editior. OF COURSE it did.

  21. Hi, Tara...

    Happy New Year!

    Glad all is well! Some great tips here.... I don't do goals.. I just trek along and see what happens... Lol.

    Wishing you all the best this year!

    Let me know if you are ever in Chicago!!!!

  22. Be forgiving and remember that you can always set a new deadline for the goal.

  23. It amazes me how fast computers get outdated! But what would I do without mine?!

    Wonderful tips! Happy new year, Tara!

  24. Happy New Year Tara!!! Good Advice and congrats on the new computer!! My only goal is to get my book published in February and keeping in going with my WIP. I'm a slow writer and editing takes even longer, but I do plan on taking a breather...

  25. I saw Mark's house husband post :)

    Setting reminders sounds like a good tip for me.

  26. Happy New Year. I also got a new computer last year, before everything in my life fell apart a Surface Pro 3, which I love. They have already come out with 4. The moment you buy its old tech,lol. I hope you enjoy yours as much I have enjoyed mine. Great points about goals. Small and few goals keep me reasonable and more likely to achieve them.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  27. You are so awesome! I feel like we haven't talked in forever!! Great tips, and things I'll keep in mind this coming year!

  28. Your tips rock! I'm also a fan of keeping a one word reminder for all the goals. My one word is "strong" mixed with "strength" - write strong, live strong, etc. It has helped me get back on track a few times - and we are only 7 days into 2016. :)

  29. LOL, love the cartoon! I don't like how quickly technology gets outdated, either, especially since those things are always so pricey to replace!

  30. Excellent advice to do with goals! I definitely need to remind myself that I set them. The cartoon is funny - and true!

  31. I love your 25 computer years comic! I feel that way too. Congrats on getting a new computer. I need one so bad! Maybe someday I'll make enough selling books to get one. Thanks for the resolution tips and good luck with yours! :)

  32. Be forgiving is a hard one, but necessary. Things happen. We can't plan for things, unfortunately. It's best to let go and move on, when it comes to goals.

  33. Computers seem to age out so quickly. Mine last 2-4 years before something goes seriously wrong.

    I keep to my agenda, which has reminders and my to-do list. I am forgiving if I fall short, since I do keep busy and real life matters interfere despite this.

  34. I like the idea of checking in with myself once per month. It was something I tried to do via my blog after NaNo, because I hadn't reached all my ShaNo goals. However, it fizzled when I got too busy. Good luck with your goals!

  35. What if my Goal Buddy is just as lazy/lax as I am? Also, my computer is already starting to choke on a few programs, so I look forward to throwing it in the dumpster in a few months when it's officially obsolete (it's not even 2 years old).

  36. I like the idea of a goal buddy. Totally works too, because you can help them as much as they help you!

    I hope you're off to a great start in 2016, Tara!


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