
Monday, May 16, 2016

Don't underestimate yourself #MotivationMonday

No matter how good you are, there's always someone better.

This may be true, but don't ever let it stop you from doing your best. One day you could be the better one!

This past weekend, my son's baseball team had a tournament. For his age group, they're one of the best little teams in our area. But when we go out of town for a tournament, we play some bigger, better teams. I like them to win, but losing sometimes is good too. Winning all the time doesn't help them improve their skills. Playing against someone better makes them play harder, run faster, and appreciate a win that much more.

Facing an opponent that's bigger and has won more games can be intimidating. But you can't give up or assume you're going to lose. And that's why I say, don't underestimate yourself. There's no reason you can't win! We didn't win the tournament, but we did win a couple of good games, earning some respect, and learning what we could work on to improve. I call that a successful weekend.

So no matter what kind of odds you're up against, go get 'em! Don't underestimate yourself. You have the skills, you just need the attitude!

I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

"If you can dream it, you can do it." -- Walt Disney

Have a great week!

BTW - if you have a chance, stop by Tyrean's blog - I'm talking about 5 Reasons I love to use talk-to-text!


  1. I've always loved that Walt Disney quote! Motivation like this is always impossible for me to hold onto, though, I must admit, since I have neither the skills, nor the attitude, haha. *flails*

  2. As they say, on any given day... That's why they play the game.
    Getting out and playing tougher teams is good. It's like a football team in a really crappy division - sure they will beat everyone in their division, but the real test comes when they play outside their division.

  3. Hi Tara - a very good day for your son with his team .. learn to lose is an essential in life ... we don't lose, we just from that irritating situation ... none of us like losing - but learning is good. We played tennis out of our league having won the local tournament ... I was thumped by 'kids' way taller than me and the number ones ... put me off - still I enjoyed my tennis and then my squash ...

    Sounds a good weekend - cheers Hilary

  4. Thank you, Tara!!! A wonderful Post!!! And that Disney quote is great!

  5. Great motivation for Monday! :) Have a terrific week.

  6. Walt knew what he was talking about. Good competition does keep us working hard to improve.

  7. Uncle Walt was THE dreamer, wasn't he?

  8. Great post. Disney had a great attitude. When I look up quotes he is quoted a lot.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has a version of that quote too from his book.

    “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it."
    Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!”

    ― John Anster, The First Part of Goethe's Faust

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  9. Actually I realized its not a book but a play that Goethe wrote.

  10. As great as winning is, it is vital to lose. While that does push you to try harder, I think it also teaches that the world will still keep spinning and the sting of disappointment will fade. My boss has a daughter who is apparently teaching her child that she always has to win. Made me cringe because that poor girl is in for a rough shock.

  11. You can never learn something new if you don't do something. Walt was a smart man.

  12. I agree. I, too, call that a success! Youth sports can teach kids a lot about themselves, their peers, and about the world. When used in a positive way, it can really open eyes - even adult eyes. :) Great post, Tara!

  13. Love the analogy and congrats to your son and his team for doing well in the tournament even if they didn't win in the end. Thanks for the motivation! Have a great weekend, Tara.

  14. Love that Disney quote!

    It is hard to see our kids lose, but they can gain from that experience and we can, too.
    Last year, one of my daughters went to a kayaking regatta thinking that she should be able to get first place in at least one of her races. She got third place in all of her individual races - not a loss in anyone's book but her own, because she expected herself to win at least one and didn't. It was a tough lesson in that "there is always someone better/faster."
    Sometimes, we need an event like that to dig deep down into the reasons we do what we do - write, kayak, play a sport, and have the main reason be something other than winning first place. We need to have joy in the activity.


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