
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Are you ready for some READING?!

Insecure Writer Support Group Question of the Month: When do you know your story is ready?

I used to wonder about that and asked myself and others the same question. Now I know. So here are some answers you might relate to:

1) When you've read it so much you can't stand it anymore.

2) When you read it and it flows so well, you forget you're supposed to be polishing it!

3) When the deadline rears its ugly head.

4) When your beta reader/CP/editor says it is.

5) When you start nit-picking and second-guessing.

6) When you're ready to start the next one.

7) When you catch yourself telling a non-writer friend it's done.

8) When you realize it will never be perfect -- you will always find a flaw if you keep looking.

9) When your characters stop speaking to you.

10) You just know.

And don't forget to whip up a story for the next Insecure Writers Support Group anthology contest. I've got a good story and I'm trying again! If I can squeeze in some writing time!

I also wanted to share a couple of pics from this past weekend. Had a lovely time at the Sci Fi Central con for kids at the Science Central children's museum in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It was especially awesome to meet my long time friend, Christine Rains in person! And her cute family =) Yay!

Had fun, met some nice people, and sold a few books! Got another one coming up this weekend. Nice and close to where I live in Ohio. And I'll be doing a solo talk about Anti-Princesses - It's not about the tiara!

I'd love to meet you at an event - tell me where you'll be!

Happy October!

ps - did anyone else lose their blog list?? I had to redo my top tabs too - something fishy going on in blogosphere...



  1. All ten of those answers fit!
    So cool you got to hang with Christine. And your display looks awesome.

  2. Fun you got to meet Christine! And great you sold some books! Love the idea of the anti-princess, how it's not all about the tiara. :)

  3. It's always fun to meet up with blogger buddies in real life. I got to meet Elizabeth Craig and she was such a delight.

    Your table looks like mine, Tara - packed!

  4. Your pointers are just PERFECT. I was nodding to each one. Right now, with the next book in my Disaster Crimes series, I have reached #1...and #2. At the same time. So I guess that means it's really done. lol

    I'm envious that the two of you got to meet. I'd love to meet both of you one day. :)

  5. It was fantastic to meet you! And those are good ways to know your story is done. Oh oh, is Blogger doing something? Must go check on my stuff!

  6. Many of the answers you listed do apply to me (more than I thought would), but I'm still obsessed with the few that don't.

    I love your table set-up. It makes me realize how much of a slacker I really am at my own events. :)

  7. Hi Tara - such a great list ... we could all select one or two or more. So pleased you got to meet Christine and then to see you together ... have fun and good luck with that story - cheers Hilary

  8. I didn't lose my blog list, but I can't add ads to my blog. Technology hates me.

  9. I really hope I don't lose my blog list. That would be disastrous for me. Glad you had fun and sold some books Tara! Great list, at some point you have to stop writing to complete your story.

  10. Number four is my answer. I need someone else to tell me it's ready. If it were left up to me, I'd never consider a book ready.

  11. Something fishy is always going with blogger. P..... me off sometimes, but it is what it is.

    So wonderful that you've been out and about and meeting folk. Especially one of my favorite authors. She's a genius!

    Keep writing, and finishing! :)

  12. Hi Tara...
    All good points and that's what tells me I'M DONE! lol...

    Finally finished my HUGE illustration job, so now I can get to my reading. Looking so forward to it!!!!

  13. Yep. All of those are good answers. I really like the one about the characters not talking to you anymore. Their stories are finished. Thanks and goodbye.

  14. Those are great! The pics from the events are great too. It looks like it was fun.

  15. Love your ten answers and those pics!!!
    And yes, I can't seem to reach Alex's site so there's definitely something odd going on in blosphere land.

  16. LOL, I can relate too well to 1, 5, and 8 on that list. And how cool that you got to meet Christine! Looks like it was a fun event... :)


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