
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Perfect Gift

When's the last time you went to a bookstore?

I'm sad to say it's been several months for me... I love walking around and seeing the covers and smelling the fresh paper... checking out new titles from favorite authors, looking for new reads. I miss it. I need to go!

I wish a book was the perfect give for the people in my life. My parents still love to read, and I'm glad I get to buy them books for gifts. But so many of my friends and relatives don't. Makes me sad.

I'm not much better. I have enough books to last me a century of reading... Harder than picking out gifts for others, I hate coming up with gift ideas for myself! At my age, I just see what I want and buy it. I was glad my boys came up with great lists this year. Sometimes they just ask for gift cards. Maybe it's a sign of maturity? haha

So what's the perfect gift for you? You might give me some ideas!

Hope your holiday season is off to a great start and you have safe travels wherever you may go this month. 

Enjoy your family and friends.

And can you believe 2022 is right around the corner??


2021 has been a tornado of a year! I'm trepidatious of what will happen next.
Good Luck and Cheers! See you next year!


  1. Hi Tara - we have a bookstore still in town, and I go to our local 2nd hand shop (which has a wide range of wonderful books). I definitely need a few months to just read and get through some of my pile ... take care and have a peaceful festive season - cheers Hilary

  2. Happy holidays to you. I still think books make the perfect gift even for people who say they don't read. They may want to read a book that inspired a great show, or a film. Or they may be interested in birds or cooking.
    Bookshops? Hmmm. A couple of them closed down during the lockdown because they couldn't deliver books the way Amazon could. But we still have a few.
    Bookshops were definitely magical places and it's a pity there aren't that many around anymore.

  3. Our only book store is a Books-A-Million and I refuse to go in. (No one knows where anything is and it's the one chain that won't stock our books.)

  4. It's been a very long time since I've gone into a bookstore. I still frequent the library, though.

    I used to buy the kids on my shopping list books for Christmas every year. They've since aged out of their interest, but they used to speculate on which titles I'd pick out for them each time.

  5. I'm the same way - I see something I want, I just get it. My wife says I am so difficult to shop for. Although I never pass up iTunes gift cards.

  6. Hi Tara, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas in advance!

  7. I love bookstores so much! I could live in one. I thought about owning one; I don't have the cash to invest, but it is an old dream.

    I always want books for Christmas, so I struggle to come up with a list and sometimes I actually name library books I've read. Even if I have read them before, if I still want them that means I want to read them again. If I want to read them once more, then likely I will read them again and again.
    So, books.

    And writing t-shirts or coffee mugs. :)

    I hope you have a very merry Christmas filled with laughter, love, joy, and all the goodness of family and friends.

  8. For years, everyone I gave to knew exactly what to expect, and they never refused a book. These days I just see that the kids have books. The big guys can shop for themselves--they get food instead.

  9. I love bookstores, particularly used bookstores and small indie stores. It's great to be able to choose exactly the books you want on a website, but there's something magical about browsing in person and finding treasures you didn't expect.

  10. Happy IWSG Day, Tara! One of my most favorite things to do is browse in a bookstore. I was last there two weeks ago. I love to settle in with a cup of coffee and a stack of books and leaf through them. I'm lucky if I can get through the checkout with one or two books. I generally read about three books a month, often long ones. All the people who give gifts to me know I love to receive books! Have a lovely holiday season with your loved ones!

  11. Hi Tara!

    Like you, I LOVE BOOKS! But not everyone does. BUT, most people like goodies, so maybe back some delicious cookies, cakes, or perhaps a logroll for them. Just a though. LOL

    I hope all is well with you and I wish you a WONDEROUS, HAPPY, HEALTHY, and Prosperous new year! Sending you a Christmas hug!

  12. I love little bookstores. I just went to one about a month ago. I try to support them so they stay in business.

    Have a Merry Christmas! Hope 2022 is a good one for you.

  13. Glad I'm not the only one who sees what I want and buys it. I love gift cards, esp. Amazon. Then I can buy the books I want.

  14. Hi Tara!
    I love book stores and always pop into the one at our local shopping mall.
    The perfect gift (for me) is a book voucher.
    Hope you're well!
    Merry Christmas and a Peaceful & Prosperous New Year!


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