
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Rainbows and Fresh Cut Grass

The sights and scents of Spring -- so refreshing!

Happy April IWSG day, my writer friends. It's time for new life, blooming fields, baby animals, and thunderstorms! Spring can be violent as the cold, stubborn winds of winter spar with the waves of warm breezes headed for summer. It's never a smooth transition. I hope you are safe as the changes blow through.

As for me and mine, we are enjoying our new puppies! The house was so empty when our sweet, old dog passed, especially for my hub. Now there's new life and chaos again--just like we like it. The fond memories linger as new ones are created.

Two last notes:
  1. The IWSG Anthology Blog also has new life. We've had a good response from our writers to keep it going. Today we have a post about Character Creation from Sylvia Ney who has appeared in both PARALLELS and FIRST LOVE anthologies. Check it out!
  2. You know it's been a while since you've written when your newsletter website informs you they are shutting you down for abandonment! I can't believe I haven't sent out a newsletter in two years. Shame on me. So I got off my duff and sent one out.
So tell me: What are your favorite parts of Spring? Drop me a descriptive Spring scene in the comments. Or let me know what writing endeavors you're up to. You inspire me!

Thanks for stopping by!
Now enjoy these puppies and spring animals...



  1. Puppy chaos is the very best kind of chaos. :)

    Happy Spring, Tara. Hope you, too, are safe and well.

  2. Happy Spring Tara. Really sad that your dog passed away.

  3. I'm so glad to welcome spring! Thanks for the uplifting post about it today.

  4. Hope you're having lots of fun with the puppies and they're not wearing you out too much!!

  5. Nothing wrong with puppy chaos!
    If I had a newsletter, I could see me getting the same message.

  6. I dont feel so bad about how infrequently i come out with my newsletter (Night Creatures' Call) when you say it's been two years for you! I thought a months lapse was bad! Lol But I'm glad you released yours before they could close your account.

    Spring here in Northern California has always been an unstable transition as well. I'm more of an Autumn person myself being a writer of dark fiction but I still like a break from the cloudy weather and to have some sun. So, I like almost everything about spring. Two things I hate about it though are allergies and wasps. I'm phobic of the second, in fact so phobic I can't even write a horror story about them! Lol

    Happy Spring!

  7. Hi Tara - love that sign ... fun one! Puppies will bring a Spring to your family steps. I love Spring - longer days = bliss! Cheers Hilary

  8. Puppies! So much fun. And work.

    I like spring because I can finally plant my garden.

  9. That sign is hilarious. Spring means green--grass, trees, flowers.

  10. I let my Facebook go idle for so long, a hacker took it over. The most annoying thing was the hacker was better at posting than I was.


Thanks for stopping by!