Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Am I invisible?

Happy IWSG Day!
I've actually had a pretty good April. But of course, things happen. Still, we carry on and deal with it all, including: a couple of minor accidents, a major setback for one son, and some unexpected travel. It's all working out. And I'm even getting some writing done on my two projects. It feels great to be writing again!

Then there are also the down moments when I feel invisible, or not worth responding to. Seems to be happening more as I get older. Are people too busy? Did they not hear me? I guess it's not worth worrying about. But then, I read this:

    "The best quality books are not the ones that typically sell.
    The most talented writers are not always well known.
    The worthiest information rarely spreads the farthest.

    Or: The cream does not necessarily rise to the top.

    This is a message I repeat across my classes and writings, not to discourage people, but to reassure. It applies to matters great and small.

    It took me months of intensive research to find accurate information on a health issue. I spent seven years looking for political reporting that made sense to me. And it took a decade to uncover good curly hair products.

    In so many cases, whatever I’m looking for has been around for years. But it’s almost never the first answer, source, or solution I’m presented with."

The End. No solution or advice on how to change this despairing scenario. No "but carry on and persevere and eventually you'll get noticed..." Nothing more.

This was the opening note in a newsletter I subscribe to by a long-time writer I have followed for many years. She lives near me, and I got a chance to meet her a couple of years ago. Usually her newsletter is full of wisdom and notices of events and promotions for writing bloggers. But this was so disappointing--especially because it's true! And I really felt the sting of it now that I'm starting over, more like clawing my way back, trying to get a publisher. Which I apparently need since I wasn't able to get a table at my go-to book fair this year, even with a shiny new book--because it was self-pub.

Maybe she was having a bad week. I won't stop following her because I've been there too.

What do you all think? 
How was your April?
Am I taking this piece too much to heart? 
And I'd love to hear how you feel about publishing these days...?

Thanks for stopping by!

BTW - Our Next Chat is Tuesday May 7 - tell me in the comments if you'd like the link!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Time to Emerge

Spring is a time of new life as seeds burst out of their shells and emerge from the ground, sprouting green stems and colorful flowers... until the crazy weather freezes them out with a last cold snap! But they survive. Spring is rough, but full of hope! Similar to writing.

The Book Garden
by Lee White
Those shiny new ideas and characters tease us into starting the buds of a fresh story. But so much else goes into our writing. Just like a garden, we have to nourish it and water it, weaving in a back story and details without drowning it. Though our characters face tortuous weeds of catastrophe and storms of emotions, we help them grow and overcome their struggles--the weeds are cast out, and the storms pass. All our hard work eventually pays off with a beautiful garden of an MS in the summer. But the work isn't done. As autumn approaches, we call on our friends to help with the harvest: editing, publishing, and promoting.

Writing may feel like a lonely tulip struggling to survive the harsh ups and downs of Spring, but we aren't alone. We all go through the same blocks, dry spells, and time constraints. That's why I love the IWSG. It keeps me going. You all keep me going. Thank you!

Now, here are a few Updates:
  • It's been great to hear feedback from readers about CONDUCTION. The cliffhanger ending is enticing them to want more and making me eager to get into the sequel, MAGNETRON (a taste of the first chapter is included in CONDUCTION)
  • In the meantime, I was struck with a new idea. It's a murder mystery with a twist. I've always wanted to try one. It's very exciting as the ideas keep coming, for now...
  • And lastly, I wanted to write a poem about my crazy puppies for the Wergle-Flomp humor poetry contest. April Fools! - the deadline was April 1st and I didn't make it. I'd still like to finish it and was happy to be inspired to write it!
Hold on! I have a lovely new book announcement!

A QUICK TEST: Quick Tale #4
by Patricia Josephine Lynne

Outer Space

These mysteries fascinate our minds.

Explore the unknown in this exciting collection of tales. Each story is told in exactly 200 words and designed to stimulate your brain no matter how busy your day is.


Available on Amazon

Patricia J.L. is too creative for her own good. A paranormal and fantasy junkee, she loves to craft fantasy and paranormal stories about vampires, mermaids, angels, demons, zombies, and other mythical creatures. Aliens might even appear in her stories. No matter what mythical beast you crave. Patricia  has a fantasy for every imagination.

When she’s not lost writing in fantasy worlds, she relaxes with knitting, drawing and art, and jigsaw puzzles. And of course, good paranormal fantasy books. Patricia J.L. currently lives with her husband in Upper Michigan. One day, they both hope to have enough pets to resemble a petting zoo. (Until then, can she pet your cat or dog?)

Follow her to discover new worlds...
Newsletter  ::  X/Twitter  ::  Pinterest  ::  Blue Sky

Keep the words blooming!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Things are looking up

What goes down must come up, right? 
In January I was down, but in February, I bounced back! Here we are in March for the Insecure Writers Support Group--we'll see how it goes, but I'll keep looking on the bright side. And I really enjoyed getting around last month to see what you all recommended people post on their websites--great advice, thanks!

Though I haven't been writing, I was able to publish CONDUCTION into e-book format. CHECK!

And we started our Writers' Chat back up. CHECK! 
It's so great to talk to other writers from all over and relate with and get advice from each other. If you're interested in getting a reminder email for the next chat (Tue 2/19), drop me a note in the comments. All are welcome!

I also put out a Newsletter - better late than never. CHECK!
Sign up in the side-bar for my writing & puppy updates. I obviously don't bug people that often, but it helps me keep going so I have news to write about.

Back to my writing? Well, I'm in a little slump. I have my old stand-bys ready to go (Pop Travel #5 MAGNETRON and a Space Princess novella) But these are not going to get me a publisher, which I feel I should try to do. I need something new and shiny. I want to try a true mystery thriller, but I can't force it. I considered a romantic thriller, but again, nothing is sparking for me. My comfortable and familiar characters are calling to me and their stories are beckoning... I will give the new stuff a little more time, but then I'll get back to my regulars--they're so easy and so much fun!

And what can I do for you? I'm looking to help my writer friends with promotion or shout outs. Let me know if you have something coming up for this blog or the IWSG Anthologies. Guest posts about writing also welcome.

Hope March sparks for you!


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