
Thursday, June 2, 2011

raNdom thursDay

Funny you should mention haiku!
I found two bloggers asking for them yesterday. I read some great ones from the contest Ellie entered (she was a runner up, by the way!) and she led me to a weekly Haiku Wednesday, yesterday's theme was "the future." The other site is Writercize where Alana dishes out daily writing exercises for anyone that wants a challenge =). So here is my simple haiku, forecasting a busy immediate future.

Summer is calling
Camps, baseball, vacation, pool
Squeeze in time to write

It's fun in the sun
Movies, parks, birthday parties
Mosquitoes at night

Bicycles, sprinklers
Fireworks and barbecues
Families unite

Hey, I just noticed those last lines rhyme. I didn't plan that, Haikus are not supposed to rhyme. But separately I guess they can...only 2 days left of school =)


  1. I like it! I'm so glad school is almost out. I can't wait to have those leisurely summer mornings instead of franticly getting kids ready for the bus!

  2. I was just thinking how much I enjoyed the rhyme when I saw it was inadvertent! I enjoyed the poems, period; talk about capturing summer expertly in a handful of syllables!

  3. kim - me too!

    amy - thank you =)

    deb - I left the rhymes cuz I like to rhyme anyway =) thanks for the compliment!

  4. Nice Haiku. I didn't even catch the rhyme until you pointed it out. LOL in New Zealand Claw and Door rhyme.

  5. kathy, i'm sorry i called you kim! my brain is fried!

    rhonda thanks, and i'll have to use that rhyme sometime =)

  6. I love haikus, they're always so fun. These are really great. I am also loving the new look of your blog. It definitely has the feeling of summer. Makes me wish I still had my bathing suit! haha!

  7. aha - this is how i stole the idea! and here i thought you were inspired to write about piles and messiness. ;)

    very nice to read the full-length version of your summer fun!


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