
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kickstart Tuesday! Patience and Virtue and a Chuckle

Cafe Muravyets offers monthly flash fiction challenges. Directions: use the following words and theme in a 50 word story (she recently put up June and July together)

June challenge,
§  imitator
§  hurried
§  telegraph
§  savor
§  unconsciously
The theme:  patience

Alexander was losing patience unconsciously sending dull telegraph messages. Today that changed. As he was about to savor his sandwich, a lady hurried in.

“Please send this immediately!”

It read: “Dear Horace, the woman you’re seeing is an imitator!”

“You mean imposter?”

“No, imitator, she copies everything I do!”

And here is the July challenge,
§  raven
§  mossy
§  awaken
§  dissolving
§  ravenously
The theme:  agreement

The raven was dissolving into vapor after delivering the message. Cryssa had to awaken her dog, Kudo before undertaking the journey to fulfill the agreement that would save her sister. Kudo ate ravenously while Cryssa packed. They would follow the mossy side of the trees to get there.

And finally, I got this from Huntress at Spirit Called. That is where my answer is...

We wake up in the back seat of a police cruiser. The emergency lights are flashing.
What are the first four words you say to me?

Copy and paste the above situation and post on your blog so I can get back at you, return the favor and meet your followers. Remember, only four words.
--> Take time to have a laugh! <--

Hope all had a nice, safe USA Day!
Or just a nice weekend, if you're not from the states - I love having international friends!!!


  1. Your 4 words are hilarious. I think mine would be:

    Where is my cell?

  2. Nice work on the flashes.

    As for the cop car:

    "What could go wrong?" Heather mimicked Tara's earlier declaration.

  3. Tara, these are fabulous! I especially like the first one. Very clever. :) Hope you had a great weekend too!

  4. I love these! I'm also thinking I should give these prompts a chance, since succinctness is a virtue I . . . well, could stand to practice. That's a kind way of putting it. :)

    Ditto Christy on, "Where is my cell?"


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