
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Aheila's Drabble Day! She will be taking a break for a while so she chose the theme of “disappear” this week. What will I do next week? Guess I'll figure it out later. For now, here's my drabble.

Let Me Disappear
I hear them in their desperate
Search. They shout my name,
I answer not. I need
This bit of respite.

My head is aching. They can
Do without me for
A few minutes more.
My sweet haven.

I’ve disappeared.
I close my eyes,
Feel the breeze,
Hear the birds,
Smell the fresh cut grass,
And sigh.

“Mom! There you are!”
I press a finger to my lips.
He smiles and joins me
Outside in the sun.

Semi peace with one 
is better than none.

(pic sorce:


  1. Sweet ! You don't want to REALLY disappear ... you just need a few moments of peace & silence , where you can hear the sound of your own thoughts ... for a short while ! :)

  2. LOL - oh how nice it would be to disappear sometimes. I really do, DO this, close my eyes, ignore the calls. lol. Very cute.

  3. That's beautiful! I've always written poetry (whether it's good or I'm not really sure) but I really love this!

  4. This is beautiful. I have been in this poem myself. :)

  5. I like it!

    p.s. Thanks for my new badge!

  6. Hip Hip Hooray for back to school week :)

  7. Aw! I'm crazy about that last line!

  8. Great drabble!

    Just popped in to let you know that I have an award for you on my blog. :-)

  9. Mish, I would love to disappear, like to another dimension and come back and no one would know I left.

    Abby, yep. can't ignore them too long, though =)

    Jess, I'm sure it's good. it's all good from the heart!

    Julie, thanks. we need these moments daily.

    Heather, you welcome!

    Angie, you said it!

    Alexis, thanks! i'm just crazy!

    Amy, how sweet! thank you!


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