
Thursday, August 11, 2011

more love to go around!

The lovely Julie at gypsy in my soul doubled my leibster love !

She said Liebster comes from German with multiple translations ranging from favorite to dearest to sweetheart. This award is meant to give the blogger with less than 200 followers a little more spotlight.

Now I pass the Liebster to five more rising star bloggers who've touched my <3. They’re welcome to pass it on to another five bloggers if they desire (I've seen it making the rounds!):
  • Carolyn Arnold - Indie publisher extroardinaire! Just published a great thriller, TIES THAT BIND. And posts about new ways to look at writing.
  • Everything You Didn't Want to Know About Writing - also a budding indie publisher with YA novel, CONFESSIONS. And she's a sweet cartoonist too!
  • Maine Words - Another moderator at Unicorn Bell, she gives great advice for improving your writing. And her pictures make me miss the Northeast.
  • the Daily Dose - A drabble a day is her stigma, keeps her writing while raising two adorable little ones.
  • Writercize - Prompts galore! I love to see what she has to challenge me with daily!
And Shelly, you deserve some leibster love too. please take one! She has done an amazing job promoting me. Makes me tear up! What an awesome person she is to not only bring writers together with a blogfest, but to offer her time and page on the world as a prize! I cherish it!


  1. Congrats to you and thank you Tara :)

  2. Aaaawww, I'm feeling the love!

    Tara, it's been a pleasure to spotlight you and really get to know you. It's me, who won the prize :)

  3. Thanks so very much Tara!!! :)

  4. You are all welcome =)
    Glad I could spread it around!


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