
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Have a nice visit?

Happy New Drabble! A short diversion, from Aheila's weekly prompt. This week it's "visit."

Have a Nice Trip? See ya Next Fall!

Have you ever seen such a magnificent sight?


And the colors. Brilliant, aren’t they?

I guess.

Ever seen them arranged in such a way?


Green, blue…


Purple, yellow, pink.


Why must you be so negative?

This is gross.

It’s beautiful!

It’s making me uncomfortable.


I endure coming all this way to hunt with you. And I actually like outwitting the beasts and killing them. But watching the dissection before we eat them makes me lose my appetite!

I blame this drabble on the fact that I recently saw Cowboys vs Aliens - great movie! Have you seen any good movies lately? I'm still looking forward to my Sherlock Holmes date!


  1. What an interesting drabble :-)

    I haven't seen either movie. Actually, haven't been in a while. Seems high time to fix that.

  2. Frogs! Had me going there for a moment. And we watched the extended version of Cowboys and Aliens this weekend. Fun movie!

  3. OK - I lost everything when you said COWBOYS & ALIENS. I'm glad to hear you liked it. I've been debating on renting it. We went and saw, WE BOUGHT A ZOO over the Christmas break, and I really like it. A definite must see! :)

  4. Awesome drabble! I have Cowboys & Aliens coming to me soon on DVD from Netflix. Can't wait to see it!

  5. I almost didn't watch it, but I'm glad I did. I shut my eyes a couple of times, yes, call me a coward. Cowboys and and Aliens was great.

  6. Nice! It's an quirky discussion. I like that they both see different things in the same scene.

  7. I really liked your drabble Tara!

    The last movie I saw was Excalibre, which I got for Christmas. :-)


Thanks for stopping by!