
Monday, March 5, 2012

Worth Saving?

I expected more from this job. I know CPR. I have on my hazmat bodysuit. I’m ready to save someone!
But at Scud Beach, there are no vacationers with debris from all the bombings littering the shore.
“Hey! Get out of here! Private property!” I yell at some local urchins picking around for anything they can sell. I’m more of a security guard.
I see a little guy chasing a ball on the crumbling cement bridge overpass. Another scavenger, no doubt.
The ball bounces down the stairs and stops, like it’s waiting for him. The kid calls to it like a pet. Weird! Before I realize it they are both in the water! The kid is flailing and goes under.
This is it! I run and dive into the waves. I can’t find him. My only rescue all summer and I’m blowing it!
I look deeper. Something scrapes my leg. I try to keep searching but it hurts like hell! Images swirl and I sink.
I wake up leaning on the rusted bridge support. The kid smiles at me.
“Thank you,” he says.
“Who are you?”
“I am the Pearburst sent from Mother Earth to see if hope remains.”

That was my Campaign entry. It was a real challenge! And here is another part - a poetic blurb about the story.

Mother Earth has been abused
She has naught left to give
Her pearburst she sends out to seek
If man deserves to live.

In the form of boy and ball,
Pearburst with protector
Gather fruits of worthiness
But mostly sour nectar

Ragamuffins fend for selves
The rich ignore their pain
When lovingkindness can’t be found
It’s time to start again.

Until a youth brings hope to bear
A selfless act he makes
He gives his life to save another
Do more have what it takes?


  1. Wow, good job, the poem just neatly ties everything together!

  2. Soooo great! It *was* a hard challenge. You did fabulously, creating a story I'd definitely read more of. "Liked" ;)

  3. A Pearburst? Sent from Mother Earth? Okay, NO ONE else is going to come up with the same idea! Super unique!

  4. I love totally unique entries that blow my mind.. and you've accomplished it. Incredible, imaginative idea.. and I like the story around the moral as well. Nice one.

  5. I was all set to read more about the life guard. Good job. And I love the "sour nectar" from the poem.

  6. Very clever! I loved it. ("Liked" it, too!) :)

  7. Hey Tara! This is awesome!

    And just so you know... I tagged you today!

  8. I loved that! Very different take on the challenge. A very hopeful one, which is quite refreshing! Very nicely done! Deserves my vote. And thanks for dropping my place today!

  9. I really enjoyed this story. You had me all scared about what was in the water. :-O The poem matches so well. I like how they compliment each other.

  10. Highly entertaining! I enjoyed both parts to this. The poetic blurb really fills the first out.

  11. Very cool. So jealous of those who are good at poetry :)

  12. I do like the Pearburst! lol. AND I agree that no one else will come up with that!

    Hazmat suit made me laugh just because I had to take those hazmat quizzes things today for my new job. Ugh..hazmat.

    Good job!

  13. I loved the poem! Heading to Rach's to vote!

  14. I enjoyed your story, especially the twist at the end with the child saving the guard. Good job. (#30)

  15. Great entry. Very original.
    Kudos. = )
    Melissa Maygrove #14

  16. Great job! The Pearbursts sound interesting. :)

  17. Enjoyed the poem - good job
    sue #48

  18. Great poem! Interesting concept, too--very intriguing :)

  19. Wow. That was excellent. Very unique take on the challenge and a nice complete story too.

  20. Oooh, Tara, beautiful poem and great story. I really love this. I just watch The Happening again last weekend, and it reminds me of that, but this is better. lol

  21. Love poem and great story. Very dream-like.

  22. Ohhhh! Beautiful. Love the end with bringing in Mother Earth. Good job!

  23. I love the poem too! You tied in the prompts effortlessly and the last verse is golden! Nice job!

  24. i have been enjoying all your different stories as well!
    what a complicated prompt!

    and more keep getting added! i have to go read more!
    thanks, y'all!

  25. Fabulous entry! I like how the poem brings it all together. Way to go.

    New follower

  26. Very unique and creative. I especially liked how the MC sees him/herself as a "security guard." That made me smile.

  27. This is awesome! I think ragamuffins is my favorite word ever. :D

  28. Very creative entry. The Pearburst is definitely a unique idea and the poem provides good context. Great writing!

  29. Ooo, I love the story!! So sad and yet uplifting at the end. The poem is to the point and poignant. Great job on both!!

  30. I like the theme of both with nature and earth. I tackled the same thing. And the last lines of your poem were stirring! Cool to see the different ways people tackle the challenge.

    I'm #84.

    Take care!

  31. I love the Pearburst concept... and the poem wraps it up & puts everything into perspective!

  32. What a lovely idea for a story! Pearburst is great word.

  33. Nice job! It had a sweet, refreshing twist to the ending:)

  34. Interesting concept!


  35. Nice job. I really like your poem. It tied it all together.

  36. Awesome! You did a wonderful job. Great imagination. I love the way you tied it all together, and I especially loved the poem.

  37. I'll echo the 'incredibly unique' sentiment! I liked the frustration of the narrator, about being stuck in a different job than (she?) intended, and thinking that she wouldn't be able to save the child.


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