
Friday, November 16, 2012

halfway point & miss you much!

How's everybody doin! Whether NANOWRIMO or NANOREVMO. Are you 50%? More? Less?

I am in the Less category =(
(I'm not really sad, I just don't get to make frowny faces very often...)

I'm only about 38%. But I have been doing a lot of editing and beefing up! I finally pushed my WIP over the 50,000 word mark and just added a new chapter. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

But the main purpose of today's post is the...

We are shouting out to bloggers that we miss hearing from and bloggers we would be sad if left the blogosphere. I totally understand when life takes people away from blogging. It has a way of intervening and positioning itself into the number one priority spot. Can't be helped!

The great thing is when they come back! Which is what happened to several of my friends that I missed!

Bloggy friends I miss(ed)                                  Bloggy friends I would miss
even though they have come back            if they stopped blessing us with their wit
Angie Cothran                                                   Laura Marcella
Huntress                                                              MJ Fifield
Laura @ Daily Dodo                                          Stina Lindenblatt
   Ellie Garratt                                                    Heather Gardner
Sorry, went over the 3 each limit...I'm such a rulebender. And I actually have one more blog that I would be exponentially less happy if it went away... XKCD - hilarious cartoons about science, technology, math, and relationships! Here is a recent one...
But wait, one more thing...

After recently participating in the Clear Your Shelf book giveaway blog hop (still going on if you want a free book), sponsored by I'm a Reader Not a Writer, I have found that there are a gazillion, not kidding, a gazillion other book bloggers out there! I may have 500+ followers (don't forget to sign up for Cassie and my giveaway) but there are a LOT of blogs that have over 1000, even over 5000! That is a HUMONGOUS readership!

If we want our books to be seen by more than our little group of writing/blogging friends, which feels so much smaller after viewing some of these sites, we must branch out further! Get reviewed! Put ourselves out there!

Even if you don't want a book, check out the list of participants from the Clear Your Shelves blogfest. Just click on a few of the links. The magnitude of some of these reviewer sites will knock your drawers off! And I'd say the majority are in the YA business. Very eye opening! At least it was to me.

And to help us put ourselves out there...I'm looking forward to the Writers 4 Writers project, ingeniused by Stephen TrempMary Pax, C.M. Brown, and Christine Raines which is also going to help us with spreading our works' wings! Get ready for take off on Dec 6

Lastly, here is a favorite oldie about missing you...

Miss You Much, Janet Jackson official video, when music videos were fabulous! Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Following today from the blogfest - I included you on one of my lists. I like that you exceeded the limits with so many great recommendations

  2. I do giveaways with I Am a Reader Not a Writer all the time. I love it!

  3. You're such a rebel! :)

    I'm giving away books, too - my annual cleaning and clearing of my bookshelves! It's a hard task but necessary. Sigh.

  4. Yes, glad Huntress, Laura, and Ellie have returned.
    Mentioned your 500 followers contest today.
    Thanks again for participating in our blogfest!

  5. I'm not even half way through the planning for my new WIP. My goal is to have it finished (the planning) by the end of the month.

    Thanks for the mention. You are such a rebel. :D

  6. Rule bending rebels unit! I'm a little over half, but I gave myself some time that I didn't really have. It's catching up to me though, I didn't write at all yesterday!

  7. Everyone seems to be bending the rules of the 'Miss you' blogfest :) -- feel like sneaking back to my post and adding a few (dozen?) names!

  8. Hi Tara .. I completely bent the rules - though only added links for three ... not sure if anyone realises that with my colourful post!

    Congratulations on keeping up with Nano .. you've got lots going on .. but that's so much fun ...

    Cheers Hilary

  9. Good job with Nano!
    I missed Angie when she was gone, too.

  10. I'm behind on my Nano too. Thanks for the giveaways and we'd all miss somebody in the blogosphere if they went away.

  11. Love this post, I should have bent the rules more and added more names to mine . . .except the list might be endless.
    I love all the awesome stuff going on in the blogsphere. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.

  12. I miss Angie, too! We should start a petition to lure her back into blogging. :)

  13. I had to take a step back and sigh when you mentioned getting our books seen and whatnot. That's been a...hmmm...struggle,putting it nicely. Thanks for the tip here and time to move forward :-)

    God luck as you continue with your WiP :-)

    Yes, I smiled twice because it's twice as nice.

  14. Yes you're right, Tara. When you see blogs with thousands of followers you think, WOW! There are so many more people to meet out there.

  15. You are ROCKIN' everything, Tara! Proud of you. Keep the momentum! ;D

  16. Thanks Tara. You just increased my excitement for the blogging world tenfold!

    And thanks for visiting my blog. You always leave such kind and thoughtful comments. It makes me smile:)

  17. So much awesomeness to be had here. I have to read this post again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks for introducing some new bloggers to me! :)

  18. You honor me. I appreciate it. I don't know what I would do without you guys.
    Great choices and best of luck on everything coming up!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. I am always just amazed when I visit your blog! How do you keep up? Geesh.

  20. What a rebel you are! ;)

    Happy weekend.

  21. Good picks for the blogs you'd miss and that you have missed!

    My guesstimate for my WIP I started on 5 November is 450,000 words, so at not quite 18,000, I'm nowhere near halfway done!

  22. Good mentions-- I would miss a few of those bloggers too. And there are so many out there yet to discover!

  23. Great to meet you. I've stopped in via Heather Gardner and the I Miss You Blogfest.

  24. Great to know they've returned! So many awesome bloggers out there!

  25. Lots of great choices, Tara. Hey, congrats on reaching and surpassing 500. I just did the same though you're blowing me out of the water now! Go girl! And hey, thanks so much for promoting the Writers4Writers. Have you seen the NEW badge Carrie Butler designed for them? It's cool! Happy Thanksgiving, Tara!!

  26. I like that you bent the rules! Good choices!

  27. Ooh, I like that you featured people that were away, but came back. That's awesome.

  28. I'm glad Laura and Ellie came back, too. I'd miss you mads if you quit blogging, Tara. Have a great weekend.

  29. Tara, I added you on my I Would Miss list! I would miss you so much if you stopped blogging! You've done so much for me and thank you!

    Good choices! Agree with Angie Cothran! Love her blog, too! :)

  30. You still have the rest of the month. You can beat the challenge! Thank you for helping promote the Writers4Writers group. I think it's a fantastic way for us all to help one another.

  31. I love XKCD. It's hilarious. Great bloggers on your lists, too!

  32. You have been busy!!! I need to go check all these things out.

    Personally my NaNoWriMo is not going great. Only at about 2,000 words. I can barely get my NaBloPoMo done.

    I'm off to look at all the neat blogs you recommended. Oh and I would totally miss you! :-)

  33. Aw thanks love! I missed all my regulars so much whilst I was away it was like losing a group of close friends.
    Catch you soon
    Laura xxx

  34. I know a couple of the bloggers you'd mentioned, and they are sweet. I'm doing NaNo, and it's been MADNESS. And I'm also behind on the word count and I hope to catch up this weekend. Hope you do okay too!

  35. Can I be more and less at the 50% mark for my NaNo novel? I am over 50% if I only had to get to 50,000 words. But since the novel will be 80,000 or more, I'm a little less than 50% right now.

  36. I'm amazed at how many bloggers I never knew existed. Too many.

  37. I love this post! You are genuine and sweet~ I looove books! I was always that kid at the library that struggled to carry all the treasure I found, lol

    Nice to meet you!

  38. Hey,

    Thanks for the tips (I owe you a can of SPAM :)

    5,000 followers.. wow... that's impressive... as is 519, by the way :)

  39. I'm behind on what I'm working on too! Frowny faces over here! LOL. The clearing your shelves thing has me totally intrigued.

  40. really felt great reading all these comments and your heartfelt, mushy posts!

    made me tear up. seriously! thank you!!

  41. Just catching up and saw you passed the 500 followers mark, that's awesome!! Congrats to you! And you are so right about the book bloggers, I can't believe how many there are out there.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Tara! :)

  42. I'm a loser. Totally failing at NaNo. And when Angie was awol...THAT STUNK!
    Glad you're back Ang!

  43. Thanks, Tara, Alex and Mary. I'm glad to be back. I missed all of you as well.

    38% is something to be proud of!


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