
Friday, February 1, 2013

a glimpse

Final day of Sharon's Build a World fest - the Excerpt...
But first I have to tell you, way back in November I entered Sharon's Title Rating Contest - and Broken Branch Falls was a winner! The holidays were so busy, I never realized it until just now! Thanks again, Sharon!! And now, a scene from BROKEN BRANCH FALLS - where beasts rule!

       After school, I join my fellow goblins for the obligatory extracurricular activity. Marching band. 
       All the fields surge with activity. In anticipation of the Ginkgos’ first home football game, the team is going through some plays. Next to them, the elves are stacking themselves, practicing cheer routines. On another field, the ogresses are having a lacrosse scrimmage. I still think I’d like to try playing a sport. I'm somewhat coordinated and good at strategy. But I’m not very big or muscular. I’d probably get pummeled. Maybe I could invent a nonviolent sport. 
       Finding my place with the other flugelhorn players, I shake my head. I never practice so I’m not very good, even though I come from a long line of flugellers. I only march in the band to please my parents. They say it’s my duty as a goblin and a Thorntry. I think that tradition will end with me.
       As the drum major spouts instructions, my eyes roam back to the other activities. Above the bleachers, puffs of blue smoke drift into the air through the seats. The shadows moving around underneath are no doubt a group of pixies. Nothing unusual. 
       At the lacrosse game, I spot the new ogress. Being smaller and not as hideous as the others, she stands out. Compared to them she’s almost pretty. But she’s also clumsier. As she goes for the ball, she trips her teammate with her stick and then topples over her. I have to snicker.
       The leadoff beat brings me back to my own practice. It’s time to march. I stay in formation and follow my line as I play. But out of the corner of my eye I see the new ogress get creamed. She hits the ground hard and is sent to the bench. 
       In my distraction, I crash into three other marchers. Before they can stop themselves, several more band members trip and stumble over us, causing a noisy pile up. All the other fields halt their practices to check out the debacle and break into laughter, including the new ogress. She holds a hand over her mouth and giggles. I’ve never seen an ogre giggle.
       Completely mortified, I feel purple heat rise on my cheeks and bury my face in the dirt. I don’t bother to get up until everyone else quits laughing and resumes their activities. I wish I could crawl inside a tuba.

Hope that wasn't too long. If you're still with me, I'd like to share one more thing!

And here is my celebration for Vikki's weekly brownie points!

The lovely Chandara (aka Elizabeth Arroyo) awarded me the Liebster Award. Fun! And here’s how Liebster works:
  • paste the award badge to your blog, 
  • give us 11 random facts about yourself, 
  • answer the 11 questions, 
  • and choose your nominees
In the interest of space, I am combining my random facts with the answers to the questions...
  1. What made you want to be a writer? my love of reading & my many adventures * Ever use a fake ID? I did, once. Then when I was actually 21, a mini mart clerk didn't believe it was me!
  2. Where do you find the inspiration for your writing? watching & listening to life, plus songs & dreams! * I was inspired by a song to write a story about a zombie super hero...
  3. What are your goals for 2013? To finish editing BBF, do a PT book tour, and finish first draft of the next in the series, Simulation * Wasn't going to write a sequel but my nephew said I had to!
  4. What’s your favourite quote? I'm going rogue with this one. I replaced song & listener with book & reader in this quote from my fave radio station, The Project, "This may not be your favorite book, but maybe you aren't my favorite reader, smart a$$!" * I love alternative rock =)
  5. Where in the world would you most like to visit? Australia * been to Greece & Scotland
  6. What five things would you take to a desert island? solar powered generator, satellite dish, laptop, unlimited tp, "How to Live on a Deserted Island For Dummies." That should do it =) Let's go! * never been on a cruise, someday...
  7. What is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness? strength, follow through, dependability; weakness, impatience, rushing around too much * I was a geeky little speed walker in junior high squeezing thru the crowds to get to class, it was actually a good skill to have in a crowded club!
  8. If you could meet one author, who would you choose? Michael Crichton, but since that's impossible =( Janet Evanovich, she seems fun! =) * I'd also like to meet all my author friends from blogging!!
  9. What’s your favourite film? Avengers & Incredibles * I think I have a thing for super heroes!
  10. If you went into The Hunger Games, what would be your most useful skill? brown nosing - got an "award" for it during pledge week in college
  11. Which fictional male would you most like to marry? I'm already married, thanks, but I'd love to have lunch with any character played by Colin Firth (ie, Colin Firth!) * I am the only girl in a house full of boys - hub, 3 sons, and even the dog!

Here are the 11 nominations - I leave it up to you if you want to take on this 11 fold challenge and feel free to offer your own set of 11 new questions, but I like these so that's what I am passing on...

Whew! If you're still reading - thanks a heap! So have you been around the world? Sign up for A to Z yet? It's really exploding this year! I might get a team together to help ME visit everyone! Have a great weekend!


  1. Love the visuals in the excerpt, especially the image of the ogresses playing lacrosse. :)

  2. I loved the excerpt. I agree with Madeline on the visuals.

    I saw Janet Evanovich speak at a fun raiser event for a local library. She was a lot of fun.

    And YAY for the Avengers! And the Incredibles. Where is my super suit?

  3. Solar powered generator on the island? That's cheating... it defeats the whole purpose...
    Australia? What about SA? It's cheaper my side of the globe...

  4. As a former band geek, I adore your excerpt! I would love to read more!

    Congrats on your award, and thanks for thinking of me. :)

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Tara! I love your excerpt! That was so much fun. Looking forward to more.

    I'm so jealous that you've been to Scotland. Would love to go there and Ireland. And I'd also like to meet Janet E. I bet she's very funny to talk to.

    Thanks for passing this on. It's sweet that you thought of me. Have a great weekend.


  6. It's a celebration...and wow! You sure have quite a few things to celebrate! Congrats on your award and all your accomplishments this week!

  7. Wow! Thanks for the award!!! That came as sweet surprise this morning!

    Love the last line in your piece - wanting to crawl into a tuba - I remember moments like that in high school (well, and maybe one last week too).

  8. Loved the excerpt Tara. Can't wait for the book.

  9. Thanks for nominating me! I laughed about your brown nosing skill, I think that would be my best chance in the Hunger Games too.

    LOVE the excerpt!!

  10. Love the excerpt and that the tables are turned when the laugher becomes the laughee (sp?)

    I'd love to go to Australia, too!

  11. Lovely excerpt and congrats on the nomination! I was going to nominate you as well but looks like I got beat to it! :)

  12. Great excerpt! And the blog award is worth celebrating! :) (Thank you for passing those questions onto me!)

  13. I just about laughed my socks off when you mentioned elves doing cheer! How typical of those elves. And thanks for the award!

  14. I like the idea of flugellers, and found the way the elves and all each had different roles to play.

  15. Definitely a great way to celebrate. Great excerpt.

  16. Love your excerpt! I know the feeling of wanting to crawl inside a tuba. :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Funny, typical karma response to judging all the others only to end up wanting to climb into a tube, been there!

    Great post!

  18. Oh yeah, great excerpt. And that's from a former band geek and band geek mom, now a band geek grandmother.

  19. Great excerpt. Still smiling about the giggling orgre...or ogress since it was a girl :-)

  20. Loved the excerpt! And LOL to the brown nosing! :D

  21. some of you mention karma, and its so funny because i didnt plan it that way!

    thanks for reading and giving me feedback!

    and if giving people compliments & candy is brown nosing, i'm guilty!


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