
Monday, March 18, 2013

the good, the bad, and the groovy movie news!

First, we get the bad news out of the way.
  • Many of you might have heard, but Google Reader is going bye-bye! I do not like how fast things change these days. Technology seems to be on drugs - faster, faster, faster!!! more, more, more!!! Well, at least there are alternatives, here are some articles with recommendations - one, two, three  ... what a pain in the behind!
  • And in other bad news... Jane Friedman, had this post on her site about when we should quit blogging! At first, I was like, "Quit blogging? Never!" But after thinking about it, I admit that I can see myself easing back as I turn the corner to dedicate time to marketing and more writing. Newer bloggers have so much to gain, while seasoned bloggers may start to see repetitive posts and feel like, been there done that. I think you just have to evaluate what you want from blogging. Julie got a discussion going about this on Friday. I don't feel ready to give it up any time soon, but I also don't see me doing it forever. When it becomes more of a chore than a joy, then it might be time to move on... but my bloggy friends will stay friends if I can help it!
Now the good news!
  • DL Hammond has come up with another way to pass on encouragement! The Blog Blitz! Everyone who particpates will gang up and surprise one blogger with positive comments all day. Go sign up or at least check it out. It's easy and fun!
  • Angela Brown is hosting a Reader Appreciation event on Goodreads - lots of prizes! go see!
And now the groovy movie news!
Here are my top ten movies for Alex's Movie Blogfest! (in no particular order)
  1. Star Wars (4, 5, 6)
  2. the Avengers
  3. the Incredibles
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean (1, 2, 3)
  5. Matrix (1, 2, 3)
  6. Indiana Jones (1, 2, 3)
  7. Sherlock Holmes (1, 2, +)
  8. Despicable Me
  9. Disney - Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Hercules
  10. How to Train Your Dragon
I am all over those animated movies - apparently action/adventure and comedy are essential, plus a little heartstrings. And as a bonus, here are some other movie favorites...

Favorite B&W stars: Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers
Favorite Musicals: Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Wizard of Oz
Favorite Rom Coms: Housesitter, French Kiss, The Holiday

There are so many fantastic movies and I know I'm going to see some of yours and want to add them to my list, but these are the ones I watch over and over again.

So heard the bad news? Got some good news? And I will be checking out your groovy movie news!!


  1. Great list of movies, Tara. I've only checked out one other movie post so far, and you both have some of the same movies on it. :D

    I'm not ready to give up blogging, but I'm glad I reduced blogging to twice a week. Even then it's a lot of work.

  2. awesome list! I've seen and enjoyed all.

  3. Excellent choices! You have good taste in film.
    Switched to Feedly and like it better than Google Reader.
    I'll eventually ease back with blogging. Takes a lot of effort and I won't be able to do it forever. But not quitting anytime soon.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  4. Fun list, although I admit I've only seen a few of them. :)

    Happy Monday!

  5. You packed a lot of movies in a few titles! Good choices.

    As for blogging, I guess I'll just do whatever makes me happy for as long as it makes me happy.

  6. Very annoyed about the whole Google Reader. I assume you use it too? Have you figured out what you'll switch too? Luckily there's lots of time.

  7. I love that The Incredibles and Despicable Me made your list. I just adore those movies :)

  8. I've seen most of the movies you mentioned. Your list is awesome!

  9. I'm definitely seeing movies on other people's list that I should've included on mine. Funmily enough yours reminded me of a movie I want to add that's not on your list - Shrek. Because it's the same action/adventure comedy, I guess.

    Excellent list - we crossover on a few. :)

    Regarding blogging forever - I find that stepping away for chunks of time helps refuel my enthusiasm. I think I'll be doing that in AprAl while everyone else is busy w/ A to Z.

  10. Hey, I was just watching Housesitter on HBO the other day. I hadn't seen that movie in years.

    And you probably already know that I'm in love with about half the movies on your list. Great selections!

  11. This is a great list. I watch the holiday and housesitter regularly.

  12. LOVE your movie list Tara. Anyone who lists the Indiana Jones movies among their favorites is ok in my book :)

  13. Thanks for all the newsy links. I love those movies, too. I'll add Singing in the Rain to Favorite Musical.

  14. I'm in on DL's blogfest. Should be fun.

    Okay, I can go with listing Star Wars 4-6, Pirates 1-3, and even an undetermined number of Sherlock's as single selections, but Disney? That's fudging it a bit. Although I'd have trouble just picking my top ten Disney's. Lady and the Tramp and Bambi would have to fight it out for first place.

  15. Ooh, Pirates! I love those movies!!!

  16. Holy Krakatoa, Tara, you just listed all my favorite movies. I can see each and every one of those movies on my dvd rack right now (and I'm wearing my incredibles shirt). Okay, I have to go watch some movies now...

  17. Great list and we share a lot of the same films in our top ten :)

    It sucks about Google Reader, but I've been giving Feedly a try and it's been doing pretty good, so far. I've also read others doing the same with about the same results.

  18. You are my kind of girl. All those are wonderful movies I love to watch over and over again!

  19. Hadn't heard about Google Reader going. Gotta admit I don't use it much. Love me some Indiana Jones!

  20. This is an awesome list! I love all the movies you listed here. Blogging can be time consuming. I don't think I'd think about quitting, though. Maybe just taking a break here and there. :D

  21. Great List. I'm a big fan of Cary Grant and I also love the movie 'French Kiss'

  22. Oh I love your groovy list. :D I also love Cary Grant and classic movies are awesome.

    I know what you mean about blogging. I feel like I'll never give it up completely, but sometimes it's hard to balance everything. Marketing is much more work than I ever dreamed it would be!

  23. Hi Tara .. I'm watching the Google Reader thing - but saw Alex is trying Feedly ..

    re Blogging I'm just glad I can blog when I feel like it (within in reason - better get a post up tomorrow!) ... but I don't want to stop - I enjoy it too much. Still I don't let it stress me ...

    ... just don't mention A-Z!!!

    Movies .. I'm just interested in everyone's lists .. fascinating choices ..

    Cheers Hilary

  24. Fun movie list. I haven't seen French kiss, but I love the other two Romantic Comedies, so I know I know my next movie. Surprisingly we had no overlap in our lists.
    As for quitting - I would miss you :(

  25. Great picks! You and me match with our Star Wars'in Matrix love!

  26. DL's blog blitz is cool, as are your movie choices!

  27. How could I have forgotten How to train your Dragon? Excellent list and it's sad Google Readers going.

  28. I LOVE all those movies. Despicable Me is a household favorite. :)

  29. I concur with every selection on your list, great movies all!!

    Thank you for the shout out about the Blog Blitz. The list is growing by leaps and bounds everyday! :)

  30. Little Mermaid used to be my favourite Disney movie when I was a little kid ... then Emperor's New Groove came along :) Love your picks for the 'fest!


  31. The Incredibles!!! Love that movie.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  32. Great movie choices! I guess Jane does have a point about blogging. I should cut back. I need more time to write, but finding a balance is hard.

  33. Awesome choices. I agree with the way you put it, like on drugs...drugs...drugs. They are always changing something or taking something away. I am always confused with google. Thanks for the pointers and alternative choices.

    I am really interested in reading the blog post you linked to about "Quitting Blogging." Not that I ever want to, but the past few months have been crazy for me. I attended a writers conference and I also got some encouraging feedback from my queries and three of my top agents have requested the full manuscript. I have been overwhelmed with getting my manuscript in pristine condition, having a professional editor read it and writing my first ever synopsis, that was just recently requested. I haven't had time to blog and I feel bad about it.

    The main reason I began blogging was to meet awesome people and learn...learn and learn some more. I feel like, if I spend too much time on my blog and neglect getting the work out to the agents per request, then I have missed the boat, completely. I will have to find a happy medium.

    Thanks so much for all of the helpful information in your blog post.

  34. Great list. Matrix is a classic. How to Train Your Dragon and Despicable Me were both amazing, too.

  35. We have three of the same - Indiana Jones, The Little Mermaid, and the Avengers - great list! I love animated movies too!

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  37. Hiccup!
    Great selections for the top 10=)

  38. I think I've seen about half of the films you listed. Modern movies aren't my thing, but I've seen some of the more famous modern films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

  39. I completely agree about the blogging thing. I can see myself pulling back just a little as my career demands more and more time. Such is life, right? :)

  40. I have Descpicable Me on my List. Great movie with awesome character arc. Oh, I have Indiana Jones too.

  41. Hiccup has my heart...I want a dragon!

    Love the list!

  42. Despicable Me never fails to make me laugh. Love those minions!

    And Cary Grant...YES. Love him.

    The Holiday is a great little comedy. I'm a big fan of the cast.

  43. I'm looking forward to a blog break in April; and I've been contemplating a really long break. I spend so much time promoting authors and participating in blogfests and I'm not writing any more. I think its time for a hiatus. Not for good, but certainly need the time off.

    I downloaded Feedly, and I hope I did it right; then I thought, man, why did I do that if I'm only going to let it collect unread posts.


    Love your list :)


  44. I agree with all your movie choices! Conclusion: I would take you to the movies. :)

  45. Great list of movies for your top ten, Tara! Interesting choices.


  46. I definitely love a lot of your list! Star Wars, Matrix, Indiana Jones & Disney = heck yeah!

  47. johnny depp...the reason i watch pirates of the carribean!!!

  48. Fun list! You like your series. The Incredibles holds a special place for me, because the first time I met my stepkids, we went to see it.

  49. i should have put the blockbusters to the side and chosen some real movie favorites. i saw many of you had some excellent choices, as i knew you would!

    i am a movie buff and have seen most movies so it was nice to see your choices!

    as for reader, i am trying feedly. will report!

  50. What an awesome list! I just got "How to Train Your Dragon" because so many people put it on their lists. It was wonderful! :-)

  51. I'm stopping by today from the A to Z challenge. Congrats on signing up! Good luck. This is my first year with the A to Z challenge, even though I've watched it grow over the last 3 years. I'm also taking part in the Reveal on the 21st. I'm trying to share some positivity with my #WriteMotivation friends on Twitter (and to help keep me positive in the process)
    Hope to see you around. :)

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

  52. Great choices! Love those Disney movies, but I completely blanked on them when I made up my list.

  53. Love "How To Train Your Dragon"! Also, thanks for sharing the RSS resources. :3

  54. Nice movie list. We have a lot in common, but we knew that already.



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