
Friday, August 30, 2013

A pop to a world of secret magic

My good blogfriend, CD Coffelt's book, Wilder Mage, comes out today! Yay, yay, yay!

Had to help her CELEBRATE! I'm in the middle of reading my ARC of it and her magical prose blissfully immerses me into this world where two crazy, mixed up kids are both fearful of having their magic found out and their worlds shattered.

Wilder Mage
CD Coffelt, Huntress

And here's a little about the author:

CD Coffelt lives outside Maryville, Missouri with a bemused husband and way too many cats. She adores all things fantasy with a special love for urban and epic. With a passion for good writing and Doritos as companions, locating Middle-Earth on a dusty road in rural Missouri wasn’t difficult. All it took was a little Magic, hours of reading, and an overactive imagination.

Other things I'm celebrating this fine Friday:
  • making it through my second week of my teaching assignment. I'm so tired!
  • boys doing well in football!
  • getting some editing done on Simulation. More like backfill at this point. I have to go back and explain everything using the characters' voices, that's all.
Here's my teaser, mock cover

Come celebrate every Friday with Vikki!

What are you reading? Anything fun going on this Labor Day weekend? Keep it safe!


  1. Congratulations to Carol!
    Simulation is your next book? Very cool, Tara.

  2. Excellent Cover! I'd open it.

    Thanks Tara for the shout out. It's been a wild ride for sure.

  3. Huge congrats to CD- that sounds like an intriguing read!
    And congrats to you on plowing through your teaching assignment!

  4. I love Wilder Mage's cover.

    I hope your edits go well.

  5. Simulation sounds cool!
    And Congrats to CD!!!

    Keep up the great teaching and writing!

  6. Woot, woot!

    Tara, glad you made it through the first two weeks. Teaching can sure take it out of you.

    Wow, that's an interesting mock up. You've got me asking questions with it already.

  7. Found you on Linky, know what you mean, did 25 years in the classroom.

  8. Wow. You are prolific in the writing department. Didn't you just publish Pop Travel? And you already have a cover for the next one.... ::awed::

    BTW, I dedicated something to you on the Thursday post. Hope you like it:)

  9. Congratulations to CD, I love magic stuff, I have to go check it out!

    And omg Simulations sounds fantastic! I have to finish reading some books I promised others I would read and then I'm on to Pop Travel. Really cool stuff!

  10. Congratulations to CD and kudos for making it through the second week of yuor teaching assignment :)

  11. Yay for making it through week two! Simulation? I'm intrigued :)

    Happy weekend!

  12. Congrats Carol. Oh my goodness Tara I love this mock cover. Nice that you got some editing done.

  13. Congrats to CD! Ooh, a teaser. I want to read it! We have absolutely no plans for this long weekend. Perfect. :)

  14. Congrats to CD on her new book. It's got a vivid and appealing cover. Wishing you success!

    Yay, Tara, for making it through two weeks of school! I've never heard of backfill, but I certainly know what editing is! lol

    Have a lovely weekend! :-)

  15. GREAT cover oooh can't wait to read simulation ;)

  16. Congrats to your friend for her book! And good for you for still having the energy to blog after your second week. Good luck on your editing. May it go easy for you. Writer’s Mark

  17. I love the concept and the cover for CD's book.

    And that's a terrific tagline on your teaser cover. Best of luck with the edits!

  18. Gotta love any book with mage in the title. Added to my TBR list.

  19. I like the new look of your blog! Congratulations to your friend on her new book! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  20. Congrats to CD. I love your new cover even if it is a "mock"

    As for what I am reading, it's Pop Travel!


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