
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pop, pop and away!

Winners! Winners! Winners!
For the July Pop Travel Giveaway:
Milo James Fowler won $25 Amazon GC
Donna B. McNicol won a copy of Pop Travel
Brooke R. Busse won a replica QV bracelet

Congratulations!! The August raffle starts today!

The pictures from my book launch party are here. This is my favorite!
me and my sis!
And this is me and Sherry Ellis! So excited to meet a blog friend IRL!

Since I've been slacking, I'm also going to catch up on a couple of awards.

I love this Sisterhood Award! I got it from Carole Kilgore and Sheena Graham - Sweet Sistas!

Now I just pass it on to seven more blog sisters!
  • Vikki - caring, giving sister
  • Heather G. - fun loving, dedicated sister
  • MJ - persistent, haiku sister
  • Diane - knowledgeable, sharing sister
  • Rena - smart, sci fi sister
  • Elizabeth S. - sweet, romantic sister
  • Gina Gao - little sister who could use a boost
Pass it on, if you like! I would have named many more, but you don't have all day! (Sorry, guys, I'm sure a brotherly award will turn up soon!)

Plus I was tagged by Charity, author of The Magic Wakes. So I have a few questions to answer:
  1. What are you working on right now? I am working on Simulation the next book in the Pop Travel series - I can name books easily, but the name of a Series... hmm.
  2. How does your writing process work? I come up with ideas all the time. If I can make a solid outline of scenes/events then I get out a fresh notebook and start writing a rough draft before typing it up on the computer - adding more details with each step in the process
  3. What is the hardest part about writing? Finding the time. But editing is my hardest thing - very time consuming, but I love my CPs who help me see the reader's perspective!
  4. What scares you? Rollercoasters, air travel (turbulence), and the future for my kids! What is this world coming to? Ah!

Whew! Thanks again for all the comments and support! And here's my August giveaway!


  1. Love the photos,and congrats on your awards! We definitely share the same worry for our kids.

    Have a happy Thursday. ☺

  2. Congratulations to the winners!
    Rollercoasters don't scare me - they just make me sick.
    And so very cool you got to meet Sherry!!

  3. Congrats, winners!!

    I love both rollercoasters and air travel :D Sure, turbulence can be a bit freaky, but I find the whole flying thing thrilling, particularly take-off and landing.

    And I can't name books easily. Most of my books still have the main character's first name as a title ;)

  4. Congrats to the winners and thank you, Tara. I'm sorry coasters scare you. Probably don't want to go with me to theme park then.

  5. Fun photos! And congrats to the winners.

    I'm entering the August giveaway.... :)

  6. Great pics, Tara! Thanks for sharing these!

    And not to overwhelm you with awards, but I nominated you for a Sunshine Award. You can pick it up here:
    I hope you'll accept it and spread the love.

  7. Congrats to your winners! I saw your photos on FB! It looks like everyone had a great time.
    Good job, Tara!

    Thanks for tagging me, sis! I appreciate it!

    Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.

    Football practice starts tonight!


  8. Congrats to the winners!

    Great pics, Tara. And you deserve that award!

  9. Great pics, thanks for sharing.

    Congratulations on the awards and success!

  10. Thank you for the award, you are TOO kind.

    And what great photos. YAY to launch do!

    Finish Simulation so I can read pls ;)

  11. Congrats winners and glad you enjoy and shared the sisterhood award and congrats on both awards. I like the title for your sequel and editing is tough.

  12. Thanks for the award! I really appreciate it.

  13. Congrats to the winners! And congrats on your book launch!

  14. Congratulations to winners! And love the photos!


  15. I like to write by hand first, too! When I type it up, I think of it as a second draft. Unfortunately, most of the time I just resort to the computer because it's faster and I already have my outline in Scrivener. Still, in a perfect world...

  16. Three cheers to the winners. I'm sure they'll enjoy their prizes.

    Thanks for the pick. Will work on getting some questions answered :-)

  17. That is the sweetest award...I love it!! You make my heart pop. :)

    I never used to be afraid of roller coasters until this summer. Wow, what a tragedy.

    One of these days, I want to do the bloggie buddy thing with fellow bloggers!

  18. Fantastic pictures! Let me know if you ever come Indiana's way. Thank you for the tag! Oh man, I fear for the kids' future too.

  19. Fun pics! Congrats to the winners and thanks for tagging me. Will post next week :)

  20. Your sister and you look cute together!

    My sister and I look like we still remember who broke the legs off the breyer horses when we were kids....

  21. How fun that you got to meet a fellow blogger! Congrats on your sister award:)

  22. Congrats to the winners! And the success of your book launch.

    Loved the awards and answers. Have a good weekend Tara.


  23. Congrats on the awards, Giveaway, and your party! Sounds like it was great. :) Writer’s Mark

  24. Hope it was a fun party. Awards are fun and surprising, congrats to everyone. You look very happy!

  25. FTW -- yahoo! Thanks again, Tara. Great photos; I have yet to meet a fellow blogger outside of this virtual reality...maybe someday.

  26. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and congrats to everyone!

  27. thanks for the sweet comments everyone!

  28. It was great meeting you! (Even though I look like a disaster from the crazy move ;)) Your book is awesome!


Thanks for stopping by!