
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

And the blogging break begins... now!

Here is some elevator music (the theme song for BBF) and my blog tour schedule. I'll be writing posts and hopefully editing my next MS. And bugging my busy publisher for ARCs for my volunteer reviewers! Give me an update if you stop by - I'd love to know what you're up to! (Topics subject to change - any requests?)
Date Blog Host Topic
6/1 Melinda Pontruff character/case study - clicks
6/3 Katie Teller story inspirations
6/7 Lexi (Book Bliss) what makes a solid review
6/13 Medeia Sharif YA vs MG - what's the dif?
6/18 Livia Peterson writing & publishing
6/27 Heather M. Gardner books into movies
6/30 Tammy Theriault interview
7/2 Elizabeth Seckman creating covers
7/2 Bruce Gargoyle interview
7/4 Sheena K Graham interview
7/9 M. J. Fifield hardships of being a writer
7/10 A. K. Morgen You know you live in Arkansas when…
7/14 Elsie Elmore interview
7/16 Rae Quigley apocalyptic fantasy
7/18 Tyrean interview
7/21 Julie Flanders reverse interview
7/23 Kim Van Sickler MG Fantasy today
7/25 C Lee McKenzie interview
7/28 Rena interview
7/30 M Pax fantasy & cool research
8/4 Dana fitting writing into a busy schedule
8/6 Alex J. Cavanaugh scifi/fantasy - why smashed together?
8/11 Robin songs/soundtracks for books
8/13 Crystal Collier interview
8/18 Christine Rains sequels - pros and cons
8/25 Beverly Fox world-building


  1. Good time to take a break!
    Happy to host you. That will be a great topic.

  2. I have been THE WORST about getting back to you. I see you just fit me into the calendar and I like the topic for your visit. Awesome!!! Enjoy your break:)

  3. Enjoy your break!!! Though I doubt you do much breaking, you busy lady!

  4. Have a good break. The blog tour looks good!

  5. I'd say that looks like a really great tour. You call this a break, but you won't be on break, you'll just be commandeering other people's blogs for a bit. =) It sound epic.

  6. Looking forward to the tour! You are one busy woman! It's going to be great! Congrats!

  7. Wow, what a schedule. Best of luck!

  8. Great idea! I learned with my recent release that the time surrounding a book release is CRAZY! I looked at my earnings this year as a freelance writer and I earned the least $$$ during the time surrounding the release. I think it's important to cut down on some things around that time and your blog tour sounds like a great idea for you to build interest!

  9. Wow, that's quite a lengthy blog tour! No wonder you need to take a blogging break!

  10. Enjoy your break! We'll see you next month. :)

  11. You're tour is looking darned good! See you after your break.

  12. Enjoy your break! . . . Even though you'll be busy writing up posts and preparing for the tour. Happy editing also!

  13. Oh Tara, enjoy a break. You're are going to be one busy bunny with that lot! You are welcome to join me over at my blog if you fancy it. Just let me know. :)

  14. Enjoy your break Tara!
    And the blog tour line up is looking good... lots of interesting topics... you're gonna be super-busy!!

  15. What a great line-up!! Enjoy the weekend.

  16. Hi Tara .. well you've got lots of interesting topics here .. and good luck while you prepared and get all things ready ...

    Have a really productive time .. cheers Hilary


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