
Friday, April 24, 2015

The Unusual Suspects

For A to Z 2015 I'm


I'll be highlighting Blogger Friends' Places
I'll be giving Book Event Tips

UNLIKELY you will leave these ULTIMATE Blogs feeling UNLUCKY!

UNICORN BELL - ULTRA helpful and full of advice, never UNWELCOME, this group of bloggers can UNTIE your writing problems!

UNTETHERED REALMS - an URGENT group of writers UNITED to spread the UNLIMITED joy of reading, writing, and all things UNSUNG - if you love fantasy, sci fi, and speculative, this is the site you should USE!

I hope you're ready for some USEFUL Book Event Tips!

UTILIZE the down time.
Have notepad, ipad, iphone handy!
  • USE a notebook to: take notes on other displays or UPCOMING events
  • USE it to work out a kink in or start a new WIP
  • USE a tablet or ipad to show your trailer
  • USE your phone to connect, check emails, and by all means click some pics!


  1. Thanks for the UR shout-out! :) I usually take a book to read at cons to utilize my down time.

  2. Hi Tara - great bloggers and consortium of .. I just like some switch off modes sometimes, when my mind wanders off .. nothing to think about, nothing to worry about for that short breathing space ... longer yes- something to read.

    Cheers Hilary

  3. Use that down time to roam around and meet other authors or introduce yourself to potential readers, too.

  4. Follow both although I don't get to visit all the time. Certainly not this month.

  5. I highlighted both of those, too! And great tips, Tara!

  6. I've been reading Untethered Realms, posts almost each day for the challenge. =)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  7. Great U post.
    I don't know The Unicorn Bell group (yet), but the gang at Untethered Realms are my heroes for this A-Z Challenge!!

  8. Just yesterday I wish I'd had a trailer to show on my tablet during the book event I'm going to tomorrow. You've given me so many great tips this month.

  9. It's a good idea to bring a notebook along to an event. I'm used to community events starting on so-called "Jewish time," and have learnt to bring a book or something while I'm waiting 20–30 minutes extra for the event to start.

  10. Hi human, Tara,

    Well U did a great job with this one. Nothing like noting blogging community sites. Of course, IWSG aka "I Was Seeking Gary, is my deluded human's favourite site. Arf!

    I don't have an Ipad but I do have an Ipaw!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :)


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