
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Way Less Sad!

Things are looking up!

As up as they can for now anyway. Here's my favorite song for the moment - Way Less Sad by AJR

I hope things are looking up for you as well. I just need to stay away from the news and petty people. Harder than it sounds these days...

But I'm not going to go there. I'm going to stay as positive as I can. Happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day! Spring is here! And here are a few things I'm happy about:
  • Spring Break - I took the opportunity to write a short story for a weekly contest I've been wanting to try. Yay!
  • Baseball - my son finally got to play baseball with his high school team - he hasn't been able to for 2 years. (First year he had surgery, then there was the pandemic) So excited to see him on the field!
  • Sunny Days - the weather has definitely improved, which adds to the pleasant atmosphere.
  • LIVE EVENT! - I just opened a hopeful email for a local, in-person, and affordable shopping event! Wish me luck!
Lastly, I'm looking forward to the IWSG anthology DARK MATTER to release in MAY. Anyone who'd like to wrap their brain around some awesome sci-fi nuggets, let me know. Happy to send ARCs!

I have to keep reminding myself that the Lows will be balanced out by the Highs. Don't you forget it either!

What are some things making you happy this month?


  1. This spring is bringing so much hope this year.
    Glad you get to do a live event.

  2. Hi,
    It is nice to hear that you're finding your place and feeling good about it.
    All the best.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  3. I have two live events in May, a speaking engagement and a comic con, and I am SO excited!

  4. I do love a good Spring high! I'm also super excited about the anthology!

  5. Good luck with the contest and live event!

  6. Sounds like things are going well for you which is great to hear!

    I've already pre-ordered a copy of Dark Matter, but if you want to send me an ARC I can read and review on Goodreads before the release date. I'm also featuring it in my May IWSG blog.

  7. So glad to hear that things are looking up—and that you're getting some sunny weather to go along with it. <3

  8. I'm glad things are looking up for you! I'm hoping things will get better for all of us. Keep your positive attitude!

  9. Yeah, I've been avoiding the news, social media, and pretty much any virtual means; TV, too. The only downside is that it's made me distance myself from all my amazing writer peeps! :( #sadface I really must figure out how to stay in touch with everyone, yet avoid all the internet and social grime. If you figure out how to do that please share!!! (Miss you.)

  10. Thanks for sharing all the good news! I really appreciate hearing your happy thoughts.

  11. Spring usually says hope to me. Last year, well... Nuff said. So glad your son can play baseball at last. Sports kids have had a rough year. Wait a sec. So have girls--dancers (whose recitals were cancelled) and kids in theater/band/orchestra, etc. Rough year for all.

    Now with hope in the air (as well as allergies), we can look forward to a better time.

  12. Hi Tara - so pleased your son got play again ... must be lovely for him. As you also say - just staying away from the negative, always helps. Good luck with the live event, and with more writing and then the anthology: lots of exciting things happening. All the best - Hilary

  13. I LOVE that song! We totally need it now after all the muck from 2020. Feels fresh and like something bright and sunny is coming our way. I heard an interview with the band and he said when he wrote it, he wanted an uplifting and hopeful sound. He hit it out of the park! (See how I squeezed in a baseball reference there?)

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Love that song! I think I'm adding it to my 2021 Vibe list...
    Congratulations on your short story!
    Way to go for your sun!
    And woohoo sunshine and a live event!
    Hope every day is way less sad. :)


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