
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I Love a Happy Ending

I especially love a happy ending that leads to a beautiful beginning.

If you set any resolutions, I hope those haven't ended. But you can resolve to make improvements in your life at any time of the year! I found a great list of inspirational changes for a better you (and me). I edited it down to a more manageable list because I find a shorter list is easier to handle (and remember). Maybe just try one each month (and hope they stick from the previous month)

15 Positive Resolutions... (borrowed from Article)
  1. Drink more water
  2. Move more, sit less
  3. Volunteer more
  4. Call mom/siblings/grandparents more
  5. Live simple, consume/waste less
  6. Turn on music instead of video
  7. Take more breaks
  8. Ditch one bad habit
  9. Clean out your in-box
  10. Take a 24-hr break from social media once a month
  11. Clean out your closet
  12. Make a new friend
  13. Learn a new language
  14. Organize your photos
  15. Go outside more
I started working on #2 - I was doing great with my nightly treadmill treks, until I got sick again. I'm trying to get back into it now that I'm better. The trick is to remember to go down there when I'm at a break before my alarm goes off. I'm usually in the middle of something for the alarm and forget to go later.

I also picked up #6 - not that I watch much TV or videos these days. And not that I have much interest in the current TV Series. I've been watching re-runs of old faves and new-to-me oldies. But turning on my radio instead of wasting time trying to find something to watch has been a pleasant change.

And I hope to carry these forward into my regular routine when I choose another one... 

This summer I hope to pick back up on my writing. I've had a few ideas strike me but time is not on my side. I'm just glad we have the IWSG to keep me blogging. It's so nice to communicate with you all. Something I don't want to come to an end any time soon!

Speaking of Happy Endings, we are celebrating Valentine's Day with lovely bites from each author in the new IWSG anthology - First Love. Stop by if you can!

So, do you have any positive changes you're working on?
Is this year going well? I hope so!

Stay warm and optimistic!


  1. I've already tackled the photo organizing. Over 100 albums reduced to about 20 boxes. Takes up much less space.

  2. Love your list of positive resolutions. Most of them are on mine too :)

  3. Great list!
    Cleaning out my inbox is one I keep avoiding! It's such a pain!

  4. Great list. The past two years I've definitely been calling family more.

  5. I've been trying to do a lot of things with moderate success on some of them. Maybe not #13, though. I really just have no head for language.

  6. Movement breaks are so important for writers! During the pandemic, I spent the better part of two years at my desk, sometimes writing, sometimes doomscrolling through news and social media. My stand/sit desk topper helps, and so does my phone timer.
    Sounds like you're on your way to some good new habits!
    I wish you happy writing in February.

  7. Yes, to that "drink more water" idea. In fact, you've reminded me that I need to get that tumbler next to my computer and keep sipping. Good luck with all your 2022 goals.

  8. I've cut way down on social media. It's hard to stay away from completely, but it's definitely not good for my state of mind. I also need to watch less TV. I always end up turning it on while I do dishes/clean the kitchen, but somehow, I rarely manage to turn it back OFF. LOL.

  9. I love the resolutions. I am a cozy sort of girl so these suit me well!

  10. What a good list. I'm sit here and cheer you on while you get those goals!

  11. I'm in process of upgrading my body jewelry, which is increasing my confidence and happiness. I'm also working really hard on improving the technical side of my YouTube channel, like making better thumbnails and learning new editing tricks.

  12. Wow, you made me feel good. I've taken on at least seven of those things on the list in the past year. I just started the music instead of video about two weeks ago and I've gotten so much writing done.

  13. Such lovely resolutions, Tara!

    I've been using your name a lot lately, because the MC of my next novel is named Tara as well.

    All the best with the many changes in your family, and wishing you happiness and productivity as well.

  14. Hi Tara - excellent list and well done for starting where you feel comfortable ... good luck with all things and I sure hope by the summer you'll be up and running again. All the best and happy-love-ending to all things - cheers Hilary

  15. That is a great list. I have exercised at least three times a week for three weeks. I made myself an area in the basement and bought some Richard Simmons DVDs. It suits me perfectly. He's a perky guy and I enjoy being perked up.

    I hope you're feeling better soon. Miss ya!


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