
Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Welcome to another edition of the IWSG - where fellow writers share their hopes and woes and highs and lows. I want to thank everyone who stopped by last month when I was a co-host. It was great to visit around and receive feedback!

So, how has your writing been lately? If you are on a roll, BRAVO! But if you've lost your motivation lately, I feel you. 2020 was like a mini-Armageddon! Everyone felt ramifications from the loss and loneliness. Some are still recovering. It took me two years to find inspiration to write again. I thought I was done. I tried a couple of events, but had no luck selling. I was really low and didn't think there was a point. 

But the writing bug was still in my system. So I went back to the beginning. I started with some poetry then dusted off some short stories. I decided I would write for myself and self-publish or query if it felt right. I ended up finishing my Pop Travel Christmas mystery starring Geri and...

I have exciting news! My story was accepted into an anthology!

I've always wanted to do a Christmas anthology. And I have to thank The Warrior Muse, Shannon Lawrence for pointing out this opportunity. Shannon lists loads of sites looking for submissions. I definitely recommend subscribing to her!

The name of the anthology is MAGICK AND MISTLETOE, the publisher, Dragon Soul Press.

Everything fell together with this one. While I was finishing the story, I started my search for submissions, but didn't have high hopes since it was already 12000 words. But then I found MAGICK AND MISTLETOE ready to accept any genre up to 15000 words! Yay! I submitted a week before the deadline, and only a few days after they started reading submissions, I got an offer. Double Yay! I'm so excited!

Here's my mock up cover to go with the blurb:


While trying to make a good first impression on Cooper's parents over Christmas, Geri discovers a mystery to solve, keeping her sane while she's under all that pressure--especially from the cat! 

So the moral of the IWSG story this month is: Don't Give Up!

Life will throw tons of obstacles at us, emotionally and physically. It's okay to take a break from writing to deal with whatever pops up or whatever self-doubt lingers. But things tend to turn around and lead you to what you need and what will make you happy. Don't give up!


  1. Yay!!! Congrats again on the story's acceptance!
    This pandemic has changed so much for so many. Hope you're back in the groove for a long, long time!

  2. Congratulations on your story being accepted in the anthology!

  3. That's awesome, Tara! Congratulations. You are on a roll again.

  4. Hooray for your story's anthology acceptance!! I'm so excited for you!

    I'm glad you're feeling recharged. The world needs for Tara Tyler stories (in whatever form they come)!

  5. Congrats, that's wonderful! It sounds like we are both back in the writing groove.

  6. Great news, Tara! I'm so excited for you.

  7. Congrats on having your story accepted in the anthology, Tara! That's awesome news.

  8. Congratulations! Such wonderful news for you, and a reminder to us all to keep on plugging!

  9. Hi Tara - that's amazing ... how wonderful to have everything slot into place so easily ... congratulations - and good luck. Cheers Hilary

  10. Congrats on the story getting accepted into the anthology!


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