
Monday, October 10, 2011

Kick start Monday - Rewarding

I love awards! I love receiving, but I love rewarding more!

Last week, I got two more awards. Thank you, Cherie for the Brilliant Blogger award - new to me, yay! And Ruth who bestowed the Irresistably Sweet award, yay!

I will go ahead and list 7 obligatory fun facts, but with my own twist...

Costume Memories
1. First Halloween costume I remember, was Boo Berry
2. In 3rd grade I danced in a purple and white polka dot outfit
3. In my first musical, I was a singing camel
4. In my last musical I was the evil queen mother in Princess and the Pea
5. When I got older I loved making my own Halloween costumes, one year I was Calvin with my homemade, stuffed Hobbes
6. Another year I was the blue M n M (I never went for the sexy costumes)
7. In college I was Cleopatra

These days I just put on a witch hat and black lipstick. No one really gets into the Halloween spirit at my house but me. Ho hum...

And now I get to pass on these wonderful awards to some friends...

The Irresistably Sweet award goes to:
Julie @ rosewood pencil box - she has a cute blogfest going on right now!
Laura @ the Daily Dodo
Krista @ the Jellybeans of Writing
MJ @ My Pet Blog

The Brilliant Blogger award I am sending to:
Christine Rains - Writer
Chandara Writes
Amy @ the Ramblings of Amy
E R King @ Get Busy Writing - join her blogfest for Killer Characters!

And if you're still reading, I may add a drabble for Aheila's Drabble Day...


  1. Congrats on the awards. No one deserves them more.

    Love Calvin and Hobbes, btw.

  2. You really are a fantastic blogger!

    I wish I had more money and time to do Halloween right. I would love to do a haunted house with gravestones on the lawn kind of thing.

    Of course I'm still reading!

  3. Hehehehe! Great picture :) I love Calvin and Hobbes. I'm glad you aren't peeing on anything.

  4. Congrats and Thanks for the award. I love Halloween. Candy and freaks, what more can you ask for? =)

  5. Congrats on the awards!
    I'm still a huge fan of Halloween. We got to dress up at the office but only a few of us do it. Still not sure what to be this year.
    Love the picture! Soooo cute!

  6. Congrats on the awards - Great picture! :)

    Thank you!

  7. Congratulations on the awards. It sounds like you really enjoy Halloween.

  8. Congrats on the awards and cool fun facts about your costumes. Thanks for sharing those and the links to go check out.

  9. Congrats on the awards! The blogfest is going to be a blast!

  10. I love that Calvin Costume! Totally awesome :)

  11. Congrats on the awards and I love the Calvin & Hobbes costume. So cute!

  12. I don't remember that costume, but it's great. I still have the skirt with the poodle on it that you made, also the witche's hat.
    Those who work hard get rewarded.

  13. Congratulations on the awards and thanks for passing it on to me. I love your costume memories! Your Calvin is awesome.

    I'm having a journal giveaway on my blog to celebrate 100 followers. Please feel free to stop by! :)

  14. Yay for you! Love your Halloween facts. ;)

    Calvin and Hobbes--what a cool idea! I love dressing up too. Still trying to decide what I'm gonna be this Halloween. ;)

  15. Congratulations on the awards! :)

    Love the Calvin costume.

  16. Man that's a great costume! Congratulations on the awards and thank so much for passing it on to me... dead chuffed :)
    Happy monday
    Laura x

  17. Congratulations! And your Calvin & Hobbes costume is awesome.

  18. Congratulations! And I love people who still dress up for Halloween (probably because I still do)!

  19. thanks, Huntress!

    Heather, you are so sweet! we got an awesome deal ($20) on a huge blow up cemetary gateway several years ago. and mom likes the target after holiday sales =)

    Dana, thanks!

    Angie, ah! no way!

    Elizabeth, what better combo?

    Cat, I love seeing people at work in fun costumes =)

    Amy, you're welcome!

    Better, thanks!

    Sharon, i love all the fall holidays =)

    Angela, i was going to award yoi, but you already got it!

    ER, looking forward to it!

    thanks, JA!

    thanks you, Abby!

    mom, you still have that skirt? wow! and thanks!

    christine, i did, yay!

    cherie, be sure to tell us!

    thank you, GE

    Laura, what does dead chuffed mean?

    Alex, thank you!

    Julie, me too =)

  20. Congrats on the awards! I love your Halloween-themed seven things! I wear a witch hat and black lipstick now, too. :)

  21. Congrats on your awards, as always, you are very deserving of such goodies.
    I love the costumed fun facts..especially the pic of you as Calvin. Very clever. I was a green M&M once, I loved that costume, I dearly love M&M's. Despite the lack of costumed enthusiasm in your house, you should just go all out, get crazy, have fun. :)

  22. Thank you for the shout out! It's really very sweet of you.

  23. Congrats on your awards. I haven't seen the brilliant blogger one before. It is a good look.


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