
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Well, Aheila put her Drabble Day up late yesterday and was Sorry, so that is our theme =)

I used to like that game. Until I played with James. He kept landing on me. And it wasn't that he landed on me. It was what he did after.

“Sorry!” he would sing song at me with a huge grin on his face.
“Sorry, I got you again!”
“Ooops. Sorry!”
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
I can’t erase his fat face with his round glasses and his satisfied smirk. I just wanted to smack it!
But I’m no quitter. I finished the game and kept my mouth shut.
Just wait until tomorrow, James. We’re playing Aggravation.
“Good night, Suzie. Sweet dreams.”
“Good night, Mom.” Oh, I’ll have sweet dreams. Of sending James back Home crying while I say, Sorry!

PS, Robin Weeks is hosting a pitch contest. Check it out!

(pic source)


  1. Sorry, I don't have anything to say. Just kidding. I loved that game as a kid :)

  2. Ha. Something evil about a game called Sorry.

  3. We never played that game, but UNO has been like that at our house. UNO, in its early states, was played with regular cards and called 'Sh*t on your neighbor'. Kinda says it all.

  4. Hah ha, my husband would say the same thing about me :)

  5. LOL. That game was hard for me as a kid because I usually was really sorry. It almost had me in tears a couple times as a kid because you CAN'T occupy the same space. I would offer to reroll but nobody would let me.
    What a softy I was (am)

  6. LOL - never could "SORRY" be so aggravating!

  7. Very funny. I love that game. My son and I play it a lot. I don't think I ever win.

  8. Frustration is great up until the point where it makes you want to pull out your hair (if no one elses';)

  9. Love your new header... in keeping with the festivities your side of the globe...
    Sorry, but I've never heard of these games ... I must be the only one (they are real games, I presume...?)
    Sorry, hope I'm not putting my foot in it by asking silly questions... *giggles*

  10. When I finished reading that, I could just hear a kiddie version of a maniacal laugh about to pop out the MC's mouth. That was such a fun read.

  11. We love that game. It's a family staple.

    Love it! :)

  12. Rhonda, you goof!

    Better, thanks! me too =)

    Angie, we like Sorry Sliders =)

    E, this is true!

    Donna, ha ha ha! i never knew that!

    JA, so you're a stinker, eh?

    Shelly, you're so sweet! and thanks =)

    Maeve, ha ha, thanks

    Abby, silly, isnt it?

    Heather, i like my sons to win, but not now that they're older! i have to teach them how to accept losing!

    Elaine, is frustration an English game?

    Mish, thanks! and i'm sure you have fun games you could tell us about. i just learned how to play mancala =)

    Angela, thanks, cause i did the laugh when i wrote it, bwa ha ha!

    David, yup. love family game nite!

  13. Great drabble and Halloween motif. Oh and to sum up that game? Sorry! Not! ...... Have i got it? Lol


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