
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Meet Carolyn Arnold!

My first blogger-view!
Meet my blog friend and author...
Carolyn Arnold!
I met Carolyn through Absolute Write Water Cooler blog threads. Currently she lives in Southwestern Ontario. Reading her blog, I discovered that she has extensive knowledge about crime scenes and details very useful for murder mysteries, of which she has written several! She also takes life experiences and demonstrates how they can be used in our writing, as well as promotes other fellow authors. She recently self published her first novel, TIES THAT BIND. I can't wait to read it! So without further ta doo here is our interview!

Q1: What is your background? (school, work, whatever led you to be a writer)

CA: As far as education, I completed high school.  I was never trained in literature, English, or creative writing. 

Now what led me to be a writer, this sort of came about as a way to deal with teenage emotions. I started with short novels.  I also dabbled with poetry.  Even as a teenager, I had wanted to finish a full-length novel.  I remember reading submission guidelines I had requested from Harlequin in the basement of my family home.  As it turned out, it wasn’t until 2008, after putting writing aside for 13 years, that I rediscovered my love for writing and finished my first novel, a romantic suspense.

Q2: How do you know so much about forensics?

CA: Research, research, and more research.  There are terrific tools available to the writer.  Books such as Howdunit Forensics:  A Guide for Writers and Howdunit Police Procedure & Investigation:  A Guide for Writers.  As well, the internet can be a terrific source of information if you’re certain the site you’re taking information from is reliable.  And my advice is don’t just take what you read from one resource, cross-reference.  In this way, not only do you verify the information, but you come to a better understanding of the subject matter.  I was also fortunate enough to have a real-life detective Sergeant answer some of my questions.

Q3: Tell us about your series!

CA: It is a blend of Law & Order meets CSI.  It has been commented that TIES THAT BIND reminds some of JD Robb and her “In Death” series.  Each book in my series stands alone.

The series surrounds Major Crimes Detective Madison Knight who is just as much stubborn and compulsive as she is determined to find justice for the victims.

TIES THAT BIND is the first in the series, and it follows Madison and her partner Terry Grant through a case that has them trying to stop a potential serial killer. 

To date I have three completed manuscripts in the series at various stages of edit, with a fourth manuscript started.  While TIES THAT BIND is available for purchase now, JUSTIFIED, the second in the series, will be available December 2011.  The third in the series is slated for spring 2012.

The paperback version of TIES THAT BIND contains a sneak peek of JUSTIFIED.

Q4: Now that you've put out your own first book, give us a little insight of the process and how it's going so far.

CA: Sites such as Smashwords, and Amazon are very easy-friendly for the author wishing to go the self-published route.  With Amazon’s expanded distribution, your book will also be available on Barnes & Noble, and be available for bookstores and libraries to purchase.  Smashwords also distributes your e-book to different retailers such as Apple, Kobo and Diesel to name a few.

If you are knowledgeable with computers, you shouldn’t have any issues with formatting or uploading the files to their specifications.  I did, however, learn a lot about Word when it came to formatting my paperback version.  I am in love with my cover art, and wanted my paperback to be perfect and resemble that quality inside as well.  I wanted the formatting to be comparable to that of a NY times best seller book!  That meant learning a lot about headers, justification, adding in fancy chapter and scene images, section breaks, etc.

Q5: Let's hear about you. What do you do for fun?

CA: You mean when I’m not writing, or networking?  LOL  I love to watch movies, and hang out with my hubby.  Friends are great, but he truly is my BEST friend.  I love spending time with him, as well as my two canine children.  And, lately I’ve been into trying new things.  This past weekend I went to my first airshow – now I’m addicted!

Q6: Random question - What is your favorite holiday?

CA: I’d definitely have to say Christmas!  And I don’t even celebrate.  It’s just the lights, the music, the tinsel – beautiful.  And let’s not forget the time off.  Where I’m currently employed I get the week from Christmas til after New Year’s off.

Those were great answers! I will use the advice about the research and glad to know more about indie publishing (just figured out indie means independent) I love air shows, too! Now here's a little more on TIES THAT BIND.

What it’s about:

Detective Madison Knight concluded the case of a strangled woman was an isolated incident. But when another woman’s body is found in a park killed by the same line of neckties, she realizes they’re dealing with something more serious.

Despite mounting pressure from the Sergeant and Chief to close the case, even if it means putting an innocent man behind bars, and a partner who is more interested in saving his marriage than stopping a potential serial killer, Madison may have to go it alone to prevent the discovery of another victim.

"Reminds me of JD Robb" - Todd W Bush, author of Rick Frost & The Alaskan Adventure

"A must read!" - Kenneth Hoss, author of Storming Rising

Ties that Bind is now available for purchase in e-book and paperback!

Where to buy Ties That Bind:

For other e-book formats, Smashwords  


Where to connect with Carolyn online:

Carolyn has decided to award one random commenter an e-book copy of TIES THAT BIND.  Be sure to leave your email address with your comment. We will choose randomly next Friday (7/8). 


  1. Thank you for having me as a guest, Tara.

  2. great interview and helpful info on the self publishing route. Thanks!

  3. Great interview, Tara and Carolyn. Lots of great info and it's always fun to hear from a new author.

  4. Thanks to Tara & Carolyn for an informative post !

  5. Tara - What a great job on the interview. Good questions!

    Carolyn - Congrats and best wishes on your publication! Thank you for sharing some background with us.



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