Monday, April 16, 2012

N Day

Now is the time to Name more Nomenclature!
Nonsense? Never! New N titles...

NAKED PASSION - Sci Fi Romance. In the future humans no longer interact in person and two subjects answer an ad for an experiment on natural procreation.

NOT FOR SUZY - Children. Suzy is three and likes to do it herself.

NEXT PLEASE - Women's. Cashier Wendy Varniski goes through therapy after witnessing her boss get shot during a robbery at the store where she works. 

WVD of the Day (not but one!):

numerpho - a game to randomly dial a phone number and keep them on the line for a set number of minutes

No, don't go! Now you Need to visit Nicki Elson! Her A to Z posts give Necessary insider tips for trips to Disney World! 

*Titles & WVDs (word verification definitions) are Not available for purchase, yet!


Dana said...

Numerpho! LOL

Happy Monday, Tara!

Stina said...

ROFL on the first one. Actually, that might have a very interesting story. Get to work, Tara! :D

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Interesting for the "N"! Love the glittery overlay here!

Thanks for stopping by my site.

Good luck with A to Z!

Mary Montague Sikes

Heather M. Gardner said...

Naked passion! Whew! I wrote that movie in my head just reading your description!

I have been collecting all of Nicki's tips! We are heading to see the giant rat for the first time this fall.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not available for purchase yet? Is there a book in the future? And yes, I've been following Nicki's posts.

Anonymous said...

Those are seriously good book titles! :)

Susan Oloier said...

Hmmm...all works in progress? Very fun titles and premises.
Yes, I've been following Nicki for awhile now.

Amy said...

Love that word of the day! :)

Unknown said...

Loving the WVDs!


Tyrean Martinson said...

Numerpho - sounds like something I did once as a 12 year old prankster . . that phase lasted about 10 minutes . . .until I got found out.

Angela Cothran said...

Naked Passion sounds a lot like Craig's list...just saying!

Cassie Mae said...

I had something all clever to say, but now I'm just busting a gut over Angie's comment, lol.

Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

I think I've read number 1 before...if only I could remember who wrote it...


Great list, as always!

ayjay said...

Oh! So many book suggestions! Great :D I will have to keep track of you.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the last half of the challenge!
~AJ @

Annalisa Crawford said...

Naked Passion sounds like something that might actually happen in the future. An 'experiment'... lol!

Lynn Proctor said...

"next please"--sounds amazing

Morgan said...



I love it. :D

Christine Rains said...

What a fun phone game!

Leigh Covington said...

You come up with everything, I swear!!! I love it!

Ophelia London said...

Personally, I think all three of those books should be read at the same time. Mind-boggling!

Nicki Elson said...

Hey! You're so sweet -- you caught me totally by surprise w/ your last N word. :)

You seriously need to get factory going whereing writers get cracking on your story ideas. Naked Passion has me quite intrigued.

M Pax said...

Great N's, Tara. I have to add some of those books to my list. Happy Monday. :)

michelle said...

The WVD's are awesome!
Happy Halfway Mark! (which was actually the M-post)

Kelley Lynn said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That Naked Passion one would be SO funny!

Brinda said...

I think Naked Passion could happen. Just sayin'....

DL Hammons said...

Nicki's Disney tips are awesome! Oh...but your posts are great too!!! :)

Jessie Humphries said...

I have no N words to offer, other than none.

Tara Tyler said...

nothing like comments to make ya feel new! thanks, y'all!

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