Shallee has a great new program I'm joining, The Healthy Writers Club.
We write, therefore, we sit. Shallee is encouraging us to get our butts out of our chairs and get some exercise. A healthy body enhances a healthy mind! So on Fridays we share what activities we are doing in addition to meeting our writing goals. I love the encouragement of the blogosphere and now we can help each other with the biggest problem we face - weight gain! (get it, biggest?)
And in keeping with my Friday 4 U theme, I am sharing a LHW tip.
Knowing I am holding myself accountable to write about my exercise each week has inspired me to actually get some exercise! So I return to my multi-tasking, reward-motivating activity:
Treadmill blogging!
If I had to guess the number one excuse for not exercising, I'd say it was "I don't have time," (said in whiny voice). To save time, some people text and walk (no text while driving!!!) cycle and read or exercise with the tv on. Exercising in a class is very motivating. Walking and talking with a friend is the best, time flies by. Unfortunately, with the hectic schedule I have (you too, right?), fitting in an exercise class on a regular basis would be the final flaming sword thrown in to take down my juggling act. And finding 30 minutes of overlapping free time with a person I'd like to walk with - near impossible! That's why blogging has become such a wonderful part my life. I connect with you guys and get and give encouragement and feedback. Perfect timing for me cause it's whenever I have a few minutes!
And instead of just sitting, I thought I would put my legs to use while I blog. Waiting for those things to load is such a waste of time, why not put value into it on a treadmill! There's handles if I lose my balance, I can adjust difficulty levels of speed and inclination (ha!) and I get to listen to my music. It's such a stress reliever!
This week I was able to squeeze in 30 minutes of treadmill blogging 3X! I'm very proud of myself. And hope to continue. I have to, or I'll be spending a fortune buying the next size up! NO WAY!!! (next week: SHOWERCIZE)
*** FYI, I am hosting part of GUTGAA next week ***
*** So Monday I will have a flood of 25 posts for the SMALL PRESS PITCH ***
Enter if you are so inclined! It's been a totally awesome event!!!