I'm also looking forward to September. Routine, school, subbing, and blogfests!
So much is happening right now! HUGE!

Speaking of querying, if you are looking for an agent/publisher, remember to sign up for
Deana Barnhart's 2nd annual
This September long event has helpful advice on how to prepare for submission, networking opportunities, and tons of prizes! Deana has gathered several Agents and Editors hungry for your talent! Head over and sign up!
And more reminders:
- WRiTE Club is still going on - don't forget to get over there and vote on Mondays and Wednesdays!
- Marcy is generously hosting The Great Giveaway! Every week through September.
- I love this blogfest coming up created by M Pax, Laura Eno, Brinda Berry, and Ciara Knight What's Your Chocolate?!
- But first, we get to do our first writing assignment of the school year for Emily King and Melodie Wright - What I did last summer bloghop!
- And your Space Captain, Ninja Alex is cordially hosting what is sure to be a huge blogfest, share your Genre Favorites! A mixer for us to get to know each other and talk about what we like!
Enjoy your week!
Eek, there's always so much going on! :D
Glad to hear your NaNo novel is going well! :D
So many great blog hops coming up! Thanks!
Glad that Camp NaNo is going well! Mine is on track right now, but I have so much to do today that I might not be able to fit camp in. That makes me sad because I'm really enjoying it.
Happy Monday, Tara!
So much happening next moth! Thanks for mentioning my blogfest. Over a hundred and twenty have signed up so far.
So much great stuff going on! I love the header you created - totally awesome!! :)
My NaNo is coming along well too - female MC's home was invaded this morning so I have to see how I can help her out with that now... :)
So much going on next month - thanks for the update!!!
Congrats on your NaNo journey and that sweet header! Good job!
Thanks for the shout out and oh my goodness there is a lot going on!!!
Thanks for the Blog Fest shout out! Oh, and I'm following Angela's new blog. Thanks for the info!
You are so organized! How do you remember all of this? It's amazing! And I'm excited that Camp Nano is going good for you! That's awesome!
Lots going on! Dang you know how to keep up! :)
Thanks for the blogfest reminders... and the links... you are sooo on the ball!
Lots and lots going on. Thanks for mentioning chocolate fest. :) Hope you're story is coming along great. I just started a new one. Well, too, actually.
My goodness there's a lot going on! I'm pretty sure I would be really far behind in all of this if I didn't have you :)
So many blogfests and events! Thanks for the mention and I'm looking forward to several on your list.
Thank you so much for the shout out! I appreciate it :)
That's awesome Deana's doing it again.
Good grief, I'm tired just reading about everything that's going on.
So much awesome stuff! Where to start? Where to start?
Wow, there is a lot going on.
Are you getting involved in all these events? My head's spinning! I'm doing GUTGAA, for sure - there's a UK agent who I'll be setting my sights on!
And I like your design skillz. :) Well done on Camp NaNo, too. It's a mark of strong characters if they're off doing their own thing!
thanks! camp nano is awesome! keeping me writing by charting my progress.
there is a lot going on! writing it all down helps me stay organized! i may post my calendar in sept. its color coded =) total plotter
i will participate in a lot and i'm helping deana with gutgaa
happy writing!
you are one busy lady--i love that one--what's your chocolate!
Wow Tara, this post is stuffed full of awesome information going on in the blogoverse. Thank you so much for the shout-out and making our blogawesome banners and badge. We're getting lots of cool comments about them. You Rock!!!
So many great giveaways and blogfests!
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