I'm close. Picking up a couple more things today and waiting on packages...hope they get here in time!

There are so many generous writers out there giving stuff away and encouraging us to do the same...
Brinda Berry is giving away a book trailer! If you don't have a book ready for that, it would be a great gift for one of your friends who might need one!
And don't forget, David P King is giving away a blog makeover to celebrate his 800+ followers on 12/20!
And lastly, if you're struggling with what to get your writer friends, Chuck Wendig has a nifty, or is that naughty? list of 25 gifts to get a writer for Xmas.
I'm done buying, but the unwrapped gifts are still lying around in my room. :-D
I'm ready! Just need to show up for food and presents.
A blog makeover! I have to see what that's about. Thanks for the link, Tara.
And thanks for the reminder. I still have to write my Help The Elf reveal post.
I'm almost done!
Shopping is just about done. Now I just need to get into the holiday spirit but that's been a tad more difficult this year... I think I need to eat more chocolate. (;
I have just a couple more things to buy but I am almost done and I am very calm, but then I did start the shopping back in September.
Yup, Christmas is just across The Shire. Ok, terrible joke. Thanks for the info on the giveaways and have a Merry Christmas Tara.
I have one more to get!
Working at the mall this last weekend was absolute chaos, and I know it's only going to get better from here :P
I bought some stocking stuffers today but I haven't even started shopping yet.
I always wait until the last minute.
Great info, Tara!
Hope someone gets me some pens as I go through one or more a week.
Hope you have a lovely Christmas.
I'm almost ready. I need to figure out the menu and do a few last minute errands. Thanks for sharing the giveaways.
I'm not quite ready for Xmas but getting there :) Thanks for all the great links! Have a happy holidays!
Thanks for all the great links as usual. Your blog looks so cute with the Christmas theme! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tara! :)
I'm all ready for Christmas. I just need to make it through this week. Happy holidays! :)
I'm so not ready for Christmas. I still need to go shopping and the longer I wait, the worse it's going to be... eeek!!!
I will take the big ass dictionary, please :)
I got lots of great things on the Holiday Indie Giveaway! Very excited about it. And I still have Christmas shopping to do, but that's okay. I'll get it done in time for Christmas!
The nice thing about living overseas, anything going to family had to be sent ages ago. So I am done.
Oh, no! It IS only a week until Christmas! I still need to buy some presents for my parents. Eek!
Merry Christmas!
I was so busy commenting back I forgot to thank you for commenting! this month is flying by! 2013, here we come!
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