Dani & Jackie are continuing their weekly Express Yourself Meme - quick prompts for helping us get to know each other every MONDAY. This week - what Craft or pure enjoyment books would you recommend to readers?

April is just around the corner! Not really, but the folks at the Blogging from A to Z site are geared up and writing away. And they have some cute new badges! (see side bar) Get yours today! I am working on a theme... And if you are on the fence about taking the challenge, let me just say it's where I got my first boost of followers and I meet lots of great bloggers every year.

In March, I heard Mark Koopmans, your favorite Irish Hawaiian, will continue his Green Hop tradition on St Patrick's Day. Mark your calendar!

I think that's enough, for now! Take your pick and welcome to blogging in 2013! Where would we be without it?!
I'm all signed up for Nick's bloghop. Not sure yet what I'm going to write about yet.
I'm skipping on the A to Z blogfest. I just cut my blogging days from three to two days a week. That blogfest would be the end of me. :)
Thanks so much for the shout-out, Tara!
I haven't signed up for A-Z yet, but I want to. I just need to figure out a theme. Last year, no theme equaled headache for me when it came time to post. LOL
Last year was the first time I tried the A-Z Challenge and it was a blast! I plan on signing up this year but don't have a clue what my theme will be yet...
Thank you for the shout out :)
I am still undecided about A to Z. I know what a great experience/opportunity it is so I'm sure I'll ultimately sign up. I just... haven't yet.
Love that the blogosphere is so busy.
Signed up for most of that and I am stoked to participate in my fourth Challenge! Theme set - lock and load.
Happy Monday, Tara! Thanks for the heads up about everything that's coming up. :)
I'm working on a theme for the A to Z, even though I'm not positive I'll be able to participate this year. I'm crossing my fingers than that I can.
Have a great day!
Having a bucket of boys must give you energy! You sure are on it. You got all the blog news a person could want!
I'm thinking about drafting my A to Z posts early where I won't be overwhlemed. Is that cheating?
So much going on, my hearts flitters just thinking about it! I'm excited about each one of these!
That's a lot to do! I'm thinking about A to Z, but I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it this year. Maybe if I start drafting them now...
Hi Tara .. great that you're supporting Nick - I'm in too .. but must get my head into gear for my story.
The A - Z I've started too .. and I'm so looking forward to joining the 100s of us who participate ..
Lots else going on - I'm back to blogging and feeling ready for the year ahead ..
Cheers Hilary
Already signed up for Nick's bloghop, just got to decide what to write for it! Signed the Writers Creed and also on board with Vik. Busy times ahead.
Thanks for all the blog hop info!
I'm going to do A-Z with a double theme, and have signed up for several of the other bloghops. I'm not sure if I should do the St. Patrick's Day one, or any St. Patrick's Day bloghops. Last year I didn't, since I thought it might be in bad taste given my uncle died on that day in 1988 and it's not a happy holiday for me.
I love the A-Z, but I'm still on the fence about actually doing it this year. I guess it depends on whether I can accomplish my other writing goals first. :)
So much to do in 2013, so many wonderful bloggers hosting wonderful events!
Tara - I finally put the banner up right, and finally the "shrink to size" button showed up . . it wasn't there before, really. My techie hubby even looked for it before . . .anyway, finally, your masterpiece is gracing my blog in an awesome way.
Thank you!
It's crazy how much stuff is coming up. But crazy in a good way! I can't believe another A-Z is right around the corner, can't wait. :)
I love the Writer's Creed. I'm officially joining on the 16th when I put up a post about it.
Oh wow, lots is going on! Thanks for the updates and new information - I may end up being more busy this quarter than I thought! :)
So much great stuff going on! I had to back away from blogfests because life was threatening to swallow me whole for a while there. One of these days I should be able to pop back in and join again! :)
You've made me very tired!
Hey, are you going to make a 'professional' Facebook page?
There were a few things I wanted to tag you on but didn't want to use your personal page.
Just curious.
January is definitely speeding along. And April will be here before we know it too! Lots of great stuff going on. :)
I'm on board for most of those! This year is going to be chock-full of awesome! :)
Wow! So many great things going. I'm signed up for Nick's blogfest. And I love the Celebrate the small things idea. A lot of the the time it's the small things that get us through the week.
So many things going on. It's a bit overwhelming. But thanks for all the links.
Nice! You've got all the good stuff here, Tara. Love it! :D
A lot of stuff going on, love it!
thank you and happy to be here :)
glad to be of service! have a great week, everyone!
Signed up for Nick's!
I'm seriously thinking about doing A-Z. I would have to start planning now though...
Whew! Just reading that makes me tired! ;)
Wow, lots going on. I did Ato Z two years ago, but had to skip last year while we traveled. I think I might give it a go again this year.
So much to do and so little time. O_O I wish (WANT) to be involved in everything. Sigh. I am signed up for Nick's though.
Nick's bloghop is going to be epic!!
I've been MIA for a while.... Thanks for the shout out! I've signed up for AtoZ and most of my posts are done already. Total plotter!
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