
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

we are delighted!

The royal "we" that is!
Because today's Sensational Haiku Wednesday theme is royal. Here are my three...

Moms should be treated
like queens, ruling over their
domestic kingdoms!

Three naughty princes
spoiled rotten to the core
need taste of pauper

Not periwinkle
nor navy nor cyan, but
royal. Pen color!

Today is also Insecure Writer Support Group day.
Thank goodness. I need to vent! Look out!

I am feeling mediocre. I'm worried I will have a ton to edit when I get my book back from my editor. (Launch date moved to July 13, btw.) And waiting is sooooooo hard!

I mean, I keep busy. No way do I ever sit still and twiddle my thumbs. To keep my mind off waiting, I'm editing my second MS so I can write a query and submit, critting a couple of other friends' MSs, and rough drafting my sequel. Not to mention all the daily life obstacles.

But my friends always remind me that I'm waiting. "How's the book coming along?" I like that they ask and that they think I'm cool for writing a book, but I must kindly tell them no news. We are still waiting!

I think waiting is worse that rejection. Rejection is over quick like pulling off a bandaid. Waiting, by definition, laaaasssttss looooooooooonger! And it gives me time to think dumb thoughts, and worry if they will retract their offer once the editor sees how terrible it is... wah wah wah.

Ah, well. Enough of my moaning and groaning. Back to work so I can make the waiting less painful.
Thanks for listening!

On to read about your insecurities! That always makes me feel better! Ha!


  1. Ha! Misery loves company. I'll scoot over for you 'cause I'm in the same boat. lol. Hopefully we won't tip it...or that may be a good thing. =)

  2. Your editor is not going to withdraw the offer! Your work is ace. But you are right in that waiting is the WORST and SO HARD and ARGH I can't stand it either. At least you are keeping busy, which is the best thing!!

  3. I think it's in the stillness of waiting we allow doubts to be birth. Hopefully it's also a good time to start planning forward (as it sounds like you're doing) and hone that lovely skill of patience (blech). ;)

  4. My publisher called me toward the end of the edit process to say, "Elizabeth, we have a problem". I almost fainted as I imagined telling everyone I bragged to that I got ditched. But I was just being was a formatting issue.

    You'll make it through too!
    (Now when you launch, put me on the list. I am sometimes slow at getting around the web and miss calls to keep me in mind.)

  5. I love the poem! I hate waiting, too :P That's good, thought, that you are keeping yourself busy. Good luck!

  6. Hang in there, Tara! Waiting is just another part of the writing process - waiting for ideas to come together, waiting to hear back from editors etc, waiting for that last bit of chocolate to call out to you... :)

  7. Waiting is difficult. I've never waited on an editor, just beta readers, but I can imagine it's super stress worthy.

    But I can't imagine they'll retract their offer.

    Hang in there!

  8. Ah waiting, waiting, yes this is so maddening. I'm waiting to hear back from a publisher at the moment. It can seriously drive you nuts! But sounds like you have the right idea to keep busy with other things.

    Loving the poem :)

  9. Mom's SHOULD be treated like queens :) And yes waiting is hard, even you're busy. You're launch will come before you know it. Keep at it!

  10. I'm feeling pretty miserable this week, too. I have a project I can't seem to complete, and that, coupled with all the daily living stuff you mentioned, is driving me over the edge. Arghh...

    (Thanks. I need that.)

    I think we both just need to breathe. :)

  11. Waiting is worse after getting that YES isn't it? Just try to remember that your editor is probably working on several other books as well and may not even have started on yours.

    I had to remind myself that every time I sent my ms back to my editor. I think it's harder because while your waiting it's out of your control. Take a deep breath and tell yourself it will all be worth it in July.

  12. I think waiting is the hardest part of anything!

  13. I am constantly saying NO NEWS YET about everything in my writerly life, so I FEELZ ya, girl. HANG IN THERE!

  14. Push past the pain and keep going Tara. Moaning is just a sign that you're alive but annoyed about something. So be happy about life! Love the haikus, especially the one about naughty princes. Have a royal day girl and when the MS is finished, you'll know.

  15. Waiting is so hard! Hope you find some great reads or a new shiny idea to fill the time.

  16. You just proudly declare the release date when they ask and leave it at that!
    Are you doing a tour? I would be happy to host you.

  17. Waiting seems to be a recurring theme today. It's great that you're finding ways to keep from dwelling on the wait though.

  18. Waiting is practically murder to the writing muscles, at least that's what I think. And like you, sometimes I just want to KNOW. It's like go ahead, tell me it's terrible and send me away, it would be easier than the waiting!

    And then there's the other little voice that says "Wait, take your time to answer... maybe try it again. I know that sometimes I have to hear a song more than once to really fall in love it..."

  19. Enjoyed the haiku. hope the offer goes well.

  20. Waiting is awful! You have my sympathy - I hope the waiting is over soon. :)

  21. Yesss, waiting is painful and torturous. Thankfully it does end sometime :)

  22. Yes torture!

    I was not blessed with patience and am a bitch on wheels when rudeness is also part of the process.

    My husband would love to be able to transport me out of the room, I've embarrassed him more than once. He is MR COOL. I'm well...we all know what I am, but honest I do try not to be!

    Just tell yourself it is good, all good, and if you figure out a way to make it work -- let me know! :)

  23. Normal. Completely normal.

    I agree, waiting is torture, but the end result is going to be like extra cherries on top of a giant sundae!!!

    Enhance your calm, John Spartan.


  24. I am right there with you. I hate waiting. Accept or reject me, but please for the love of all that is holy, do not make me wait any longer.

    Thanks for sharing. Misery does love company and I am glad to know I am not alone.

  25. good luck with everything...I am a sedentary old lady, but love your energy .....

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I hear ya! Not on the ms with the editor part (cause I don't have that yet so I don't know how that feels), but the waiting part--it's rough! Good luck with all your other projects in the mean time :)

  28. Your book is going to be awesome, even if we have to wait for it. July 13th is going to be a great day! So, until then, keep writing, keep knowing that we all think you are a wonderful, unique (never mediocre) you!

  29. Love your haikus! I know what you mean about waiting. Yikes. I have no doubt that your book will be incredible. :)

  30. Waiting is the pits. But, I'd rather be waiting then be rejected and have to start all over. So, let me congratulate you on having to wait for your editor. You've made it. :)

  31. I love your art and your haikus. :)

    Waiting stinks, and I've an impatient nature, so I can be really bad at it.

    I look forward to reading your masterpiece.

  32. Waiting is definitely the hardest part of things like these. Hopefully you don't have to wait much longer Tara :)

  33. It's a case of hurry up and wait. :)


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