
Monday, April 1, 2013

Alpha to Omega!

No April Fools today! It's time for the A to Z Blog Challenge - An annual event of international proportions! And happy Arlee Bird day!

For those who did not see my theme revealed during the Big Reveal Hop, here is what I am going for this month: I had two goals in mind when I started this blog...

To improve my writing for publication - which comes to fruition this summer!
To pass on my Lazy Housewife advice
Note the irony! (wait, irony? groan)

This year I am going to share what I've learned from both of those areas...

From the messy countertop of the Lazy Housewife...

Attitude! This is a great place to start. The Lazy Housewife is anything buy lazy - she/he does it all and has to wear a smile doing it, right? Well, ever notice when things are running smoothly, whether at home or at work or anywhere, it's quiet. No one jumps for joy when things go as expected. But when something goes wrong, boy, we hear about it then! It's like the Evening News - doom and gloom get all the attention. We need more good news! (thank goodness for Facebook!)
"Chill, dude. It's not that bad."
If we want a more positive society, we have to start with ourselves. And it can be as simple as a smile. Smiles are contagious and it's been medically proven that smiling makes you feel better! If you aren't comfortable, especially depending on what part of the country you live in, (I used to live in Mass and Mich, not a lot of smiling - what happened to cold hands, warm heart?) you will be healthier for it! Give it a try! Think of this picture, or an image that makes you happy. You should get smiles in return (disclaimer, you might also get weird looks, but that's fun too)

Editing Tips

About to, Almost - telling, vague, and passive words. Avoid them. Expand on the event, not what the character almost did.

commonly confused "A" words:
affect (v. to influence) / effect (n. result; less common v. to bring about)
allude (refer to indirectly) / elude (avoid, escape)
assure (state with confidence, promise) / ensure (bring about, guarantee) / insure (provide insurance)


  1. Looking forward to following your theme through the month. Great post! Attitude is important ;)

  2. Attitude makes such a difference in everything! Great post Tara, looking forward to the rest of the month.

  3. This is great and relevant for a Monday morning. =) Thanks for the editing tips.

  4. Our own attitude is where it all begins!

  5. Phew! I though you were going to try to get me to wash my dishes or something... Smiling I can do though. ;-)

  6. You make me smile--and can't wait for your book release!

    Great tips. As you know, I'm a fan of tips. *grins*

  7. A great quote I heard/read once - "Be responsible for the energy you bring into the room." It IS all about attitude, isn't it?

    Happy A-Z! :)

  8. Thanks for the editing tip! And when you were talking about smiling it gave me a smile, thanks again! (-:

  9. Does Lazy Housewife attitude = publishing a novel?
    Seems like there's a correlation... If so, then I need some of that attitude! LOL
    Happy A-Day Tara!

  10. I think I've mixed the assure, insure, ensure quite often.
    Smiling is so healthy one should do it on daily basis. I do it from 9 to 10. :)

  11. Smile! I need to remember that when chaos is breaking out over here. Sadly, my reaction is usually not such a great one. LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning. I just posted my first A to Z post. So excited to be participating again!

    Have a great Monday!

  12. Love your attitude today Tara. Thanks for the tips, I believe I'm been more than almost guilty for using that word. See you tomorrow.

  13. I like your commonly confused A-words section - solid reminders.

  14. I'm a HUGE advocate of smiling. It's the best thing ever!

  15. It's all in the attitude!

    Great words to remember, we all make those mistakes, well, I do!

  16. Attitude can make all the difference. Great start to the challenge, Tara :)

  17. Attitude makes all the difference. And there are ways to smile online as well.

  18. I love the idea of Lazy Housewife advice - and you're so right, attitude is about 90% of everything, especially when the stress hits.

    Thanks for the editing tips, too! Looking forward to more of your posts this month.


    Find me:
    Twitter: @AllysonLindt

  19. You're right, getting through a day would be so much easier if we saw the joy or humor in things

  20. Love the Lazy Housewife thought. I do the work physically, but in my head, I'm lazy. :-) Thanks for popping in my blog this am. We're off and running with the A-Z!

  21. Smiling really does make you feel better, and then you pass on positivity to others. A win-win!!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  22. i am lazy, i need a shock of attitude... or a swift kick in my butt... but i am more of the house-husband.... :)

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  23. Ugh! Irony?

    Great first post, Tara!

    I like the combo and helpful advice!

    See you for B!

  24. Attitude is everything! Well at least 97% of it :)

    I hope you had a great Easter!

  25. Great theme and perfect word to start with! Have a great day with a positive attitude! :)

  26. Yay for the summer publication! I can't wait to read the book. And I love your tips!

  27. I love the caption on the baby picture.

    And thanks for the editing tips... I can never have too many of those.

  28. Awesome post. I'll be following your A to Z for sure.

  29. A lazy housewife - they may exist, but they are few and far between. Great post!

  30. I lived in Massachusetts for 12 years. Those people never warmed up to me, nor I to them.


  31. Smiling is an awesome attitude adjustment. I know what you mean about places where people don't smile. I've lived in a few myself.

  32. Attitude is everything. Awesome theme. I enjoyed the household tips and the writing tips as well. I have a problem with the "about to's" in my manuscript, but am in the process of removing those nasty creatures.

  33. Sometimes even I'm confused by affect vs. effect, and complement vs. compliment. It can happen even to those of us who are lifelong avid readers!

  34. Oh here's a smile for you, Tara :D

    Can't wait for some lazy housewife tips. Is there any way to get around dusting?

  35. This is such a great theme(s)! Attitude really is key. That's partially why I love living in the south. People are, for the most part, pretty nice :)

  36. I had a friend going through chemo who said she loved not having to worry about bad hair days. Now that's attitude.

  37. A good attitude is definitely important. Excellent start to the Challenge! :)

  38. I think it's -all- about attitude. The better one's is...the better their life will be.

  39. I am loving the quick hit editing tips. I am taking notes.

  40. There is enormous power in attitude--for good and ill alike.

  41. great start for the challenge! I really enjoyed the post!

  42. Ha - nice tips in both areas!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. You should live here, we smile in New Zealand :)

    As for your choices of terms, affect and effect get me every time.

    AtoZ #42

  45. I agree. Smiling changes everything!

  46. Great theme, Tara! Happy to see your blog again. I missed visiting everyone during my month off. I'm back in the blogging world though, running a new blog with my friend and CP, Karen. (hence me now posting as Karen Tamara) haha. Anyway, it's nice to see you again!

  47. I agree attitude is everything! It can make or break my day.
    I'm visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  48. So true, so true. Things hum along nicely when the housewife has all in order. But if out! Instead of "just keep swimming"...just keep smiling. Attitude does go a long way.

  49. Thanks for your visit. Yeah, we all need a bit of attitude. Great piece. Like the editing tips. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Hi Tara .. attitude is so important and taking time to think before we speak or react .. it made a lot of difference while my mother and uncle were ill as I was struggling loads .. and just sort of kept on and smiled a lot and laughed a lot ..

    Cheers Hilary

  51. i absolutely adored all your comments!

    much appreciated!

  52. Okay, I liked what you said about the smiles. A friend and I were talking about that the other day.

    Some one once told me that people who smile too much seem insipid. I had to look that one up. LOL

    Later in life, I was told women who smile too much can be misinterpreted as perpetual flirts!

    If you are a happy person, you are going to smile. And I agree, it is infectious. Ever been around someone who frowned more often than not? When they finally smiled, it felt like the storm broke?

    I would rather be around people who make the effort to smile more often than not. :) Great post!

  53. Love your theme!

    Smiling does make you feel better, whether you want to or not.

    Thanks for the editing tips, too. I'm fairly good with word choices but some of them elude me.

    Good luck with the challenge and your double goal!

    Blogging in the A to Z Challenge

  54. Thanks for visiting mine and loved yours too - I was born with Attitude and have been trying to tone it down to "attitude" ever since.

  55. And so I've my way back to the beginning!

    Love the post- smiling, laughter and fun are all necessities to keep us going when times are tough. I have a page-a-day calendar on my desk at work from Cute Overload to keep me smiling- works wonders!


Thanks for stopping by!