
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Theta (for C)

In case you hadn't noticed, I am using the Greek alphabet for my titles. Since "C" and a few other English letters don't match up, I am substituting... And I have no IWSG post this month - too busy with A to Z and too happy meeting new bloggers and learning from current friends. Lots of support! Thanks, you guys!

From the messy countertop of the Lazy Housewife...

Cleaning! I hate cleaning. It is so futile. Everything always gets dirty again. Immediately! And no one says thank you, but if something needs cleaning you sure hear the complaints!

Okay. Rant over. Exactly why I started collecting my tips, efficiency. I hate wasting time, and cleaning seems to be a waste of time. So here are a few TIPS for cleaning:
  • lists - I <3 lists! Jot down some chores for the day and fit a few in. Crossing them off is accomplishment!
  • get help! - You are not the only mess maker, your family must chip in. I hate nagging, but too bad, kiddos. Work before play - learn it now!
  • music makes chores less dreary, crank that ipod!
  • keep supplies handy - I have a stash of cleaners, paper towels, wipes, scrubbers, etc under every sink for convenient cleaning
  • containers - Shoes in a bin (in garage is good), daily meds in a basket, bills in one drawer, recycling in another, etc. Containing clutter and clearing countertops gives a cleaner appearance.
  • dusting - aaachooo! Someone asked about dusting (Gwen?) I love my Swiffer duster. I keep it in my back pocket while I vacuum - dust some stuff, vacuum some stuff, repeat... and for areas that you don't see/clean often (like the top of the fridge) you can put a cloth on it and just wash that once in a while. Sometimes I get really lazy and use the vacuum hose instead of dusting, but be careful! Don't want to suck up anything important! 
Other C TIPS:
  • Coffee! a cup a day keeps cancer away, so they say. AND rubbing grounds on your cellulite can smooth it! (temporarily)
  • Chocolate! great stress reliever, and dark chocolate has healthy qualities. Just don't overdo it

Editing Tips

Consistency - make a spreadsheet to keep track of names, descriptions, places, etc. also be consistent with phrases, spelling, and terms - this is important especially if you have a series or have created a new world.
Commas - when to use:
  • between independent clauses, because you should
  • in a series of three, four, or more items, and before the conjunction
  • you know, like after an introductory word or phrase
  • to set off, wait for it, interruptors
  • to set off names, sweetie, or terms of endearment
  • to show a, well, a natural pause
  • between cute, bright adjectives
  • for street, city, and state, in an address, and for the full date, April 3, 2013, yes, that's today! (and that's a lotta commas!)
commonly confused "C" words:
callous (emotionally hardened) / callus (hardened area on skin) / calloused (adjective)
clamor (make a persistent loud demand) / clambor (climb awkwardly)
compliment (praise, congratulation) / complement (complete or make up the whole)
conscience (n. a sense of right and wrong) / conscious (adj. awake, aware, intentional)
contagious (transferred by direct contact) / infectious (transferred indirectly)

Find more A to Z posts here, LOTS more!


  1. I will be anticipating the "iota" blog. Specifically "imply" and "infer" grammar tips.

  2. Dusting...ugh.

    Thanks for the reminders about commas - I always have trouble with those pesky little buggers. They're kind of like the "dust" in my writing. :)

  3. I need to get some more Swiffer refills. The dust is driving me nuts. I can't keep up with it. I love your idea of dusting and vacuuming. I need to do that today.

  4. I hate cleaning. It's true that little kids (and husbands) just follow along right behind and mess it all up again...

    Happy Wednesday!

  5. Thanks for this! I am actually taking a few days off work this week to get all my spring cleaning done, and this post was the kind of motivation I needed to figure out where to start first. Happy cleaning!

  6. Thanks for another round of editing tips! And of course, thanks fr the chocolate and coffee! (-:

  7. It's good that you make your family help with the cleaning!
    I think I still need more practice with the commas. Thanks for the explanation! :)

  8. I can't wait until my son is old enough to help with laundry and cleaning up after dinner. Right now he makes such a mess, but it's to be expected. He's only 9 months, lol.

  9. I am with you; I hate cleaning. Seems like five minutes after I pick up, things are a mess again.

  10. if i take the cleaning supplies out and lay them out to look like i did clean, then i am out of trouble until my wife starts looking around... she thinks i am just a terrible cleaner... my plan is working...

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  11. Oh man! I hate cleaning! I am having a cleaning lady come tomorrow before I have guests in town because I am so bad at it! I would rather skip going out to dinner a couple of times than do a deep clean myself!

  12. Great post! Cleaning - yuck, but all your tips definitely help! Music rocks the housework! Also, have you ever used a "timer" method? I either race the clock, or I tell myself I'm only going to clean in each room for the length of one song, and then move on to the next room of the house. That doesn't work in the kitchen unless I have help . . . but I corral the kids into it. Sometimes I only spend one minute per room, and it's amazing how much I can get done in that amount of time. (except that dreaded kitchen)

  13. Wow ! you make cleaning such a fun job ! :)

  14. Love your comma tips. I admit I am guilty of over-using commas, or so my editor says LOL.

    I didn't know coffee kept cancer away, now I feel better about my morning addiction!

  15. Ugh cleaning! I think I might be allergic! ;) Except for dusting, which I find oddly satisfying. It might be even more fun with a swiffer duster. Hmm...

  16. Excellent tips, especially on the commas. I always have problems there.

    I'm dead serious when I say I just printed out your post to keep for future reference. Great material there and thanks for sharing :)

  17. One of my favorite parts of The Incredibles is when Mr. Incredible is giving his interview. "Can't you keep this cleaned up? For five minutes?"

    I hate cleaning.

  18. Cleaning and Complaining both start with C because they're both ANNOYING. I love Rena's comment. Mr. Incredible is so right. Another fun cleaning animated moment are with the malfunctioning machines in Wall-E. Hilarious. Another fun post Tara.

  19. Music makes all chores better!

  20. I'm pretty sure Writer's Block is the only reason I get any housework done.

    But I do love making a chore list and crossing stuff off once it's finished. So satisfying.

  21. My ex-"fiancé"'s Soviet parents don't really clean their pigsty, health hazard of a house, and don't understand the need to regularly dust, vacuum, or mop. Their walking DSM son is the one who cleans. "What-what? You mean people in America clean their houses every week? HUUUUH?"

  22. I don't mind cleaning. I just wish the things I clean would stay that way. I want to do something once and be done with it.

  23. Hi Tara .. sadly there's always a little to do everyday - but some thing done is good.

    So many C words .. and I hadn't realised the Greek aspect!

    Cheers - my Spring Cleaning needs doing?! .. are you coming over?! Hilary

  24. C is for cool. As in cool post! I hate cleaning-especially when it gets in the way of writing :)

  25. Lists of what to get done and audio accompaniment are big ones for me, too! Podcasts are particularly useful for passing the time as I fold laundry or scrub out the bath tub.

  26. Just scheduled a cleaner today - feelin' good!

  27. Oh I hate cleaning too it seems so pointless and by the time I'm actually done I never have any time to write!

    Great comma lesson. I'm terrible with those darn little things! I had no idea there were two callous/callus. Thanks for the lesson. :)

  28. I am still tempted to get a cleaner - still I am a fan of making lists :)

  29. I'm a housework dodger but I'll try to use your tips.

  30. Nothing beats a Swiffer for dusting.

  31. I'm concerned you're going to end up with two blog posts without a Greek letter, since that alphabet only has 24 letters :S

    Also dusting - ugh. I avoid it like the plague until I disgust myself into doing it.

    (Grover at Inane Ramblings)

  32. Cleaning...dusting...ugh. Although your tips will make things easier.

    And I loved the tip about chocolate, too.

    C is for: Chocolate (and other things)

  33. Even as I type this response I'm choosing blogging over cleaning. The broom and dustpan, which my house desperately is begging I use soon, may have to wait just a bit longer.. just a teeny bit longer.. really...

  34. Yay for chocolate. I remember reading a quote that went something along the lines of....Women with clean houses don't finish their novels...So the next time you're torn between cleaning and writing, you have my full permission to hold off on the chores and do your writing instead.

  35. I'm an organization freak, so cleaning is actually super relaxing for me. However, I don't have any ankle biters to mess things up again :D

  36. Great tips! I should have matching cleaning products under both sinks. That does make more sense then what I'm doing. :)

    I've been hearing about the comma backlash lately. The literary world would like to see less of them?

    Great post, Tara!

  37. Wow! You got it all covered: Greek letters, cleaning, editing, and proper word choice. Impressive.

    Kate @ BJJ, Law, and Living

  38. Ah, did not know the difference between callous and callus. Thank you!

    Re dusting...I'm allergic to dust. Officially. Not to dusting, sigh, but to dust. Pledge makes an allergen spray (I forget what it's called) but it really does work to hold those little tiny bunnies and keep them from flying around when you run the cloth or swiffer over them.

  39. Great tips today! I use a Swiffer too. Right now, my little guy likes to "help." I can only hope he still will in a few years when he can actually do some cleaning!

  40. Cute post, and informative. I hate cleaning as well - it is pretty senseless to use that time when you could be writing instead.


  41. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere, I appreciate the visit! I've spent a while checking out your site, and I have to's awesome. I have lots of catching up to do!

  42. I always put the music on when I'm suffering a major cleaning fit. And coffee helps too.

  43. What? Quick, someone find me some coffee grounds! LOL

  44. I know the feeling: clean, clean, clean — and it still doesn't stay that way. Grrrr!

    You have a wonderful. You may see my Bear paws here, there, and elsewhere. You write so well, and are so diversified in your content. Very, very good!

    And your titles! They're all Greek to me. But that's OK; I have studied both Classical and Koine Greek.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  45. Good editing tips. (I'm just going to ignore all that cleaning stuff. Ugh.)

  46. I try to avoid cleaning at all costs... :) especially the laundry and dishes. There are so many better things to do! might have to try that coffee ground thing... lol! :) Happy A-Z

  47. Oh I hate cleaning so much! And I'm single and live on my own, so I can't even blame anyone else for making the mess!

    But as you indicate...there is nothing chocolate won't fix!!
    A to Z Participant

  48. I think you have already read my post for D, so you know cleaning isn't always a waste of time :)

    AtoZ #42

  49. cool comments, compadres!

    cant thank you competently enough!

  50. I have enjoyed all of your posts. You have a new follower.

  51. My husband started a "master list" of cleaning requirements. It's seperated by frequency- weekly touch up/pick-up stuff, monthly dusting and more intensive cleaning, and long-term projects such as "clean out the basement".

    At first, I HATED it. This was my free time, dang it! Don't i deserve a rest?

    But once we started to keep up with it I gotta admit: the man knew what he was doing. Cleaning takes less time now because we keep up with it regularly, and we both we good about ourselves once we've gotten it done. So yeah, lists work!


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