
Friday, April 10, 2015

Inspiring Icons

For A to Z 2015 I'm


I'll be highlighting Blogger Friends' places
I'll be giving Advice about Book Events!

IT'S time to INTRODUCE you to some INTERESTING Bloggers!

INSPIRED KATHY - a sweet and INNOCENT mom who loves to read! She's a sought-after reviewer who helps writers of INSIGHTFUL, INTELLIGENT, INSPIRING books. Check out her IMMACULATE recommendations!

IMAGINE TODAY - Kathy is a true INSPIRATION! Especially to her INDUSTRIOUS daughter Jessica who recently published her first book! I'VE been blog friends with both of them INDEFINITELY! An INTRINSIC duo!

INK IN THE BOOK - Talynn IS INSISTENT, persistent and negative resistant! She's aiming for IMPROVEMENT, setting an IMPORTANT example of perseverance!

FIFI ISLAIH - I almost forgot to INCLUDE my poetic friend FIFI! She INTERTWINES words in INTRICATE patterns to express INNER emotions with INSPIRING results!

INSECURE WRITER'S SUPPORT GROUP - the most IMPORTANT writer's group you should join! On the first Wednesday of each month we post our INSECURITIES about the writing process. And we encourage each other to continue on our journey - IT will INCREASE your writerly self-esteem INFINITELY!

And APRIL FOOL'S! I'm posting my IWSG post today. (It's not like I forgot on April 1st or anything - of course not!) Time is always my IMMEDIATE adversary, that INANIMATE, INTANGIBLE villain I'm always battling. But I coax and woo IT and get as much done as I can. I know my friends understand and IDENTIFY with this shared struggle, I just wish I could do everything I want to do and the "INSIGNIFICANT" daily drudgeries could take care of themselves! Oh well - I will carry on and keep doing the best I can!

And now I have for you IDEAL Book Event IDIOMS:

Never be ashamed or afraid to share your IDEAS! Especially at a book event.

Most events have down time and that's when we have opportunity to INTERACT with other authors. IF you think the blog community IS helpful, just wait until you're INJECTED INTO a room full of other writers.

They're funny and INFORMATIVE! IT'S awesome to bounce IDEAS off other minds IN-SYNC with your own. They get IT! They're sympathetic listeners, full of IMAGINATION, and offer IMPERATIVE advice. One of the biggest reasons I go is for the IDEAS!


  1. I did two events with other authors. (That's right...I managed to get out in public twice). At the first one, I plugged the IWSG. At the second, I should have interacted a lot more with my fellow authors. If there's ever a third one, I'll do better. :)

  2. Thanks for including the IWSG! One of the best ways to interact with other writers.

  3. I'm only familiar with the IWSG (of course!). I'll have to check out the other bloggers :)

  4. I am a Reader has the best giveaways buy far!
    Another list of great blogs/bloggers!

  5. Another list of great bloggers. I love the interaction at author events.

  6. Also, thank you for the shout out! I enjoy the company I'm in :-D

  7. I've visited a couple of those bloggers and they are awesome people.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  8. LOL, time is a major adversary of mine, too. (Especially lately. It's moving too fast for my liking this week!) Good luck conquering time on your side of the 'net!

  9. Great list of bloggers!
    Thank you for dropping by my blog and commenting :o)
    Hugs xx


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